A Media Cure: Katie/Cruise


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does media-culture in the modern world remind you of psycho-sociological hauntings?

This fictional yarn was inspired by the films L.A. Story and America's Sweethearts.


A powerful American media couple --- Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes --- were seen together in front of the camera-spotlight. They were Hollywood royalty, and fans wanted to see their romance kindle. Tom was an avid fan of Scientology, and Katie respected that, and fans realized the couple had much to celebrate. It was a cool fairy-tale.


As with any charming tale, there may come an omen. Well, Tom and Katie had one too. Inside the walls of their lavish Hollywood palace, Tom and Katie abused their butlers and maids and treated them like slaves. They even hired 'executive palace-managers' to sternly marshal and admonish these 'underling' butlers/maids. It was almost Egyptian/Roman. No one knew this dark secret in the 'fantasy' of Hollywood royalty.


A few 'servants' in the Cruise/Holmes palace decided to plan a rebellion or uprising of Biblical proportions. They decided to entice Cruise with an entreating attractive maid who would dress up as a seductress for a 'private-show' for Cruise. While this sexy maid was engaging Cruise, a handsome butler/man-servant would enter Katie's chambers and promise her to be her sex-slave or any kind of slave she so desired.


As the sexy-seductress maid hypnotized Cruise, the handsome butler/man-servant tended to Katie. Tom (Cruise) was momentarily transfixed in amorousness and wondered why this alluring maid had never revealed such beauty to he and Katie before. This seducing maid was a real vixen.


Meanwhile, as Katie jovially watched the handsome butler/man-servant dance for her on a private beach, Katie remarked how her fame and fortune had brought she and Tom (Cruise) such incredible worldly comforts and pleasures. Katie was transfixed by this 'obedient' dancing butler/man-servant. She had no idea what the conspiracy for rebellion was and what it would brew in the public spotlight.


As the butler/man-servant danced in front of Katie and the sexy maid 'performed' in front of Cruise, a hiding allied photojournalist took pictures of both encounters. The photos were then sold to an artist who made media-scandal classicist painting renderings of these 'master-servant jollies.' When the paintings were exposed in the media, the press stated that Cruise and Katie were 'fat-cat Hollywood monarchs' who were vain/arrogant about their power-status. Cruise and Katie were horrified and had no idea their 'encounters' were photographed; nor did they suspect their respective servants/butlers/maids of foul-play, since their 'employees' gained nothing from these media chatterings. It was 'high art.'


As the media chatter drove a thorn between Katie and Tom, their relationship suffered and their dynamic in front of the camera suffered. People started noticing them arguing and visibly seeming 'irate' about general public-space mannerisms and presentation-confidence. The pair was obviously somewhat 'shaken' by all the media chatter about them being 'egoistic' about their power and charm. When Katie made the statement in the press, "Tom never makes me submit or 'cower-down' with anything prestige-oriented regarding his complete and almost obsessive-devotion to the Church of Scientology," Cruise decided to divorce Katie Holmes. It was a 'perfect anarchy.'


As Tom and Katie's former butlers/maids who orchestrate this entire 'plot' celebrated with champagne, gloating over the fact that their little 'society rebellion' had exposed a real-world human 'Hollywood vanity,' film-maker Woody Allen decided to cast this entire incident in a new civilization customs-themed horror-adventure parody titled Idols and Dance (starring Leo DiCaprio and Anne Hathaway). It was as if Hollywood was creating its own 'arrogance-shadow' for folklore/anthropology. What would Shakespeare have said?


GOD: I'm a big fan of Woody Allen!
SATAN: Oh, yes, his Freudian films are great social beacons.
GOD: Freud changed the way we looked at etiquette.
SATAN: Media has affected the manner of our customs-discourse.
GOD: Are you a fan of People Magazine?
SATAN: I prefer Harper's Bazaar!
GOD: Do you think Tom and Katie will reconcile?
SATAN: I think their media-stain has seriously clouded their romance.
GOD: Yes, they seem visibly sensitized to all this 'prestige-chatter.'
SATAN: It's so challenging being an authoritative role-model in the age of consumption.
GOD: True; consumers/audiences constantly crave all kinds of 'instant intrigue.'
SATAN: Perhaps historianship has been replaced by gossip!
GOD: How will this affect politics and culture?
SATAN: Many feel that 'TrumpUSA' is a 'tower' of commercial storytelling.
GOD: That's because Trump was a casino-owner in Atlantic City.
SATAN: He's the first media-figure to be elected as President since Ronald Reagan.
GOD: Reagan played cowboys in classic black-and-white films.
SATAN: Trump's Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City was a 'paragon' of pomp.
GOD: I wonder if critics will consider Woody Allen's new film, Idols and Dance, smart!
SATAN: Allen always captures the 'human intrigue' associated with 'flesh-metaphysics.'



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