A Man Of His Word(s) V. "Crooked Hillary(?)" (Of Some Parking Tickets?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
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RNC is now about to be proud of their "Unity" nominee apparent! Four Bankruptcies, three marriages, and two divorcements. Then anyone heaps on the slurs, the innuendo, (and wondering how Ryan explains about the Jewish kid, to boot)! Then there are the zero fillings about the income taxes.

What does Hillary have to offer, up against that?

Probably the reason that Trump builds so many country clubs is that real ones won't let him in, particularly if any Catholics are members. The RNC somehow expects the Party of JFK to be impressed(?)! Her Majesty's church mainly likely now wants to shoot some Chinese, after the diplomatic problem.

Trump is a minority vote winner, in the minority party--mostly even doing outreach with known White Neo-Nazis, one of whom is on the official delegate list in California--admittedly along with McCarthy and Issa(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations know White Eyes Words already! Now Worship Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," and with no bankruptcies!)
Hillary has parking tickets?

How long has it been since she had a drivers license?

When's the last time she drove a car?

Bills first term as governor?

HIs second?
What has Hillary Done in Comparison? That is the Question! Trump is discussing maybe jaywalking tickets--or maybe, nothing as is usual(?)!

Anyone knows that Thursday is "Unity Day" in the GOP. The Supremacist delegate, however, apparently resigned. Probably does not augur well for the RNC campaign, led by "A Man of His Word(s)," at the top!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Man famously talk with tongue like snake. . .now including entire pits(?). . .however that is said at that age level(?)!)
Me thinks babble has now been raised to an art form.
RNC is now about to be proud of their "Unity" nominee apparent! Four Bankruptcies, three marriages, and two divorcements. Then anyone heaps on the slurs, the innuendo, (and wondering how Ryan explains about the Jewish kid, to boot)! Then there are the zero fillings about the income taxes.
Let me guess: little mascale is one of the liberals who were screeching, some 20 years ago, that what Bill Clinton did in his private life had nothing to do with the quality of his Presidency.

Babble, Flip-Flips, and Unmentionables(?): Are now to be said the "Unity" Brand at GOP. The federal government can now be run like a business, with four coming bankruptcies: As Trump understands the true American, business model.

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Speaker Ryan maybe now take vacation in new home in Honolulu, Kenya(?). . .probably not like the Jewish kid(?). . .or Speaker Ryan!)
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