A lot of Psychos in the making...

Liberal elites don't give a damn about the mental health of teenagers. It's all about money and political power. At a time in history when cigarette smoking is all but banned who would have thought they want to legalize the manufacture, sale and use of a substance that is likely a bigger health hazard than tobacco?
The only psychos are the ones that want big gubmint to maintain a ban on a safe, inexpensive alternative to alcohol and opioids
I am not for banning drugs, I think it is a waste of time and money. The is a only a very small percentage of the population that drugs don’t have an adverse affect on. Education is key, Most people get no benefit from drugs at all… Any drups.
Liberal elites don't give a damn about the mental health of teenagers.
Oh really?
How’s Trumpcare going?
Oh wait.
There is none.
Your pathetic party and president have given up on helping America with healthcare.
Liberal elites don't give a damn about the mental health of teenagers. It's all about money and political power. At a time in history when cigarette smoking is all but banned who would have thought they want to legalize the manufacture, sale and use of a substance that is likely a bigger health hazard than tobacco?
can't make it up

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