A Liberal Video on Walmart and the Minimum Wage that Made Me Think

Cocksucker....inflation is caused by raising the wages of workers.

Unless a product becomes scarce, it should remain stable in price given other factors are not changed e.g. wages.

An example for you dumbfuck....farmer Bob produces 1 million gallons of milk on his farm. He can sell his milk at the same price or close to it given he made a profit, unless he has to pay more for shipping his milk or pay more for his workers to get the milk from the cows. Shipping and labor costs are affected by rising wages.

Liberals being idiots have pushed the minimum wage up and up and up, then they complain about how expensive it is to eat, drive, etc.....yes they are that fucking stupid.

Compare the price of a Big Mac in the 80s with the minimum wage then to a Big Mac price and minimum wage today.

You're the idiot. The minimum wage adjusted for inflation is lower now than it was in the 1960's.

Not up up up.
You'd have to believe that WalMart is run by total retards to believe you know better how to run their business than they do. WM is the most successful retailer in history.

Hell yeah they run it good! Cheap slave labor made goods from overseas,sold by poverty wage paid employees who get food stamps and medicaid and tanf just to make ends meet the extremely high profits are going somewhere and it sure ain't the the workers!

The workers don't get paid? WHo knew?
Problem reading? My post clearly says POVERTY WAGE PAID EMPLOYEES. Only an idiot,in this case MILLIONS of them would have no problem with 6 Walton's being worth more than the lower 40% of American's.That includes the people they employ. They can EASILY afford a slight wage increase.

Um, the Waltons don't own WalMart. Why don't you get George Soros to pay the extra wage?
Problem reading? My post clearly says POVERTY WAGE PAID EMPLOYEES. Only an idiot,in this case MILLIONS of them would have no problem with 6 Walton's being worth more than the lower 40% of American's.That includes the people they employ. They can EASILY afford a slight wage increase.

Um, the Waltons don't own WalMart. Why don't you get George Soros to pay the extra wage?

Makes just as much sense to say that George bush should pay it.

Why are cons so against the age old custom of a day's pay for a day's work?

Instead, they want to pay it themselves.

Dumb de Dumb Dumb
Wages are a cost of doing business. Those that own the companies and profit from the workers should be the ones who pay the living wages.

Not the tax payer.
If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up? - YouTube

You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

It all sounds good on paper, you have to remember that a pay scale at a company is like a boat, if the bottom rises everything above it must rise in pretty much the same proportion, what do you think that would cost? It would force about a 60% rise in overall labor cost, do you think they could remain competitive?
Cocksucker....inflation is caused by raising the wages of workers.

Unless a product becomes scarce, it should remain stable in price given other factors are not changed e.g. wages.

An example for you dumbfuck....farmer Bob produces 1 million gallons of milk on his farm. He can sell his milk at the same price or close to it given he made a profit, unless he has to pay more for shipping his milk or pay more for his workers to get the milk from the cows. Shipping and labor costs are affected by rising wages.

Liberals being idiots have pushed the minimum wage up and up and up, then they complain about how expensive it is to eat, drive, etc.....yes they are that fucking stupid.

Compare the price of a Big Mac in the 80s with the minimum wage then to a Big Mac price and minimum wage today.

You're the idiot. The minimum wage adjusted for inflation is lower now than it was in the 1960's.

Not up up up.

If the minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, how can you blame inflation on the minimum wage?
Did you actually fact check (not thru fact check) what they fed you?
If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up? - YouTube

You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.
Since you all are so qualified to have all the answers, why haven't you taken on the burden by successfully giving all 2.1 million Walmart employees a better paying job? Oh, that's right, you don't know the first thing it takes to do so.

Think for just one moment what the economy would lose if they decided the constant aggravation was just too much and they closed all their doors. Do you have any idea the tailspin that would ensue? The local tax coffers, federal revenue, reduced buying power? Ever once thought of that?

But it sure is easy to criticize that which you truly don't understand, isn't it? Makes you feel important, doesn't it?
If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage, How Much Would Prices Go Up? - YouTube

You can bash the concept before watching the video, which was my first reaction. However, the video points out that raising a Walmart employee at the minimum wage to the so-called "living wage" of $13.63 would cause Walmart to have to raise prices by $0.01!


It then makes, what I believe is an erroneous claim, that if they raised the amount then people would go off of food stamps. I think it is erroneous, because I believe they still qualify at that low level.

This is the kind of crap that makes you think? Seriously? You must have a different definition of think than I do.

Why not ask yourself some real questions, like why someone who makes $13 needs food stamps in the first place? Are their government policies that contribute to the high cost of living in some locals? Do zoning laws and rent control policies make housing more expensive for the working poor? If they do, isn't it about time we did something to make it less expensive rather than pretending that one company is evil because it doesn't bow to illogical progressive math?

Just because you want to pay walmart wages doesn't mean I should be forced to.

but you don't mind paying for fake disabilities or people who wont look for work?

I love how liberals like you love to promote one talking point found on daily kos or mother jones and don't analyze what you are saying and then you make the exact opposite argument in another thread.

so should we be subsidizing? no. Here is an idea, get rid of food stamps. then Walmart can use the system and will have to pay higher prices or watch their employees shop at Costco, right?
Problem reading? My post clearly says POVERTY WAGE PAID EMPLOYEES. Only an idiot,in this case MILLIONS of them would have no problem with 6 Walton's being worth more than the lower 40% of American's.That includes the people they employ. They can EASILY afford a slight wage increase.

Um, the Waltons don't own WalMart. Why don't you get George Soros to pay the extra wage?
Three members of the Walmart Board are members of the Walton family—relatives of Sam Walton, the company’s late, iconic founder, whose business philosophy is often touted by the company’s defenders and critics alike. Sam’s son Rob Walton is the board’s chairman.

Members of the family together control just over half of the company’s stock, and they take up four of the top ten slots on Forbes’s list of the wealthiest Americans. Forbes pegged the family’s net worth at $120 billion last October. Based on Federal Reserve data, the Economic Policy Institute’s Josh Bivens found that the Walton family has as much wealth as the bottom 41.5 percent of US families combined. (That figure factors in the negative net worth of close to 13 million families—no doubt including some of Walmart’s 1.4 million US employees.)

Yeah they do.

And I notice you can't argue the point made in that graphic.
Yep. They are useful idiots for the 1% who will be tossed aside once their usefulness has been used up. Sad that they don't even realize that.

Institutions own far more stock than the Walton's.
It is irrelevant what the Walton's net worth is. Any more than what George Soros' net worth is.
Again, who is supposed to pay the increased wages? There was no point in the graphic. Only bumper sticker stupidity, which for libs counts as arguments.

Just because you want to pay walmart wages doesn't mean I should be forced to.

but you don't mind paying for fake disabilities or people who wont look for work?

I love how liberals like you love to promote one talking point found on daily kos or mother jones and don't analyze what you are saying and then you make the exact opposite argument in another thread.

so should we be subsidizing? no. Here is an idea, get rid of food stamps. then Walmart can use the system and will have to pay higher prices or watch their employees shop at Costco, right?

Liberals excel at spending other people's money.
Three members of the Walmart Board are members of the Walton family—relatives of Sam Walton, the company’s late, iconic founder, whose business philosophy is often touted by the company’s defenders and critics alike. Sam’s son Rob Walton is the board’s chairman.

Members of the family together control just over half of the company’s stock, and they take up four of the top ten slots on Forbes’s list of the wealthiest Americans. Forbes pegged the family’s net worth at $120 billion last October. Based on Federal Reserve data, the Economic Policy Institute’s Josh Bivens found that the Walton family has as much wealth as the bottom 41.5 percent of US families combined. (That figure factors in the negative net worth of close to 13 million families—no doubt including some of Walmart’s 1.4 million US employees.)

Yeah they do.

Yep. They are useful idiots for the 1% who will be tossed aside once their usefulness has been used up. Sad that they don't even realize that.

Institutions own far more stock than the Walton's.
It is irrelevant what the Walton's net worth is. Any more than what George Soros' net worth is.
Again, who is supposed to pay the increased wages? There was no point in the graphic. Only bumper sticker stupidity, which for libs counts as arguments.

Says right there they own more than half of the stock. Who pays? They do. They are worth more than 40% of Americans they can afford it. Their cheap shit made overseas which they turn around and sell for higher prices here they can easily afford it and they know damn well they can. I can't wait for the day Wal Mart workers finally are able to unionize.

You're an idiot. Institutions own more stock than they do.
Who the hell are you to tell people what they can and cannot afford?
Cocksucker....inflation is caused by raising the wages of workers.

Unless a product becomes scarce, it should remain stable in price given other factors are not changed e.g. wages.

An example for you dumbfuck....farmer Bob produces 1 million gallons of milk on his farm. He can sell his milk at the same price or close to it given he made a profit, unless he has to pay more for shipping his milk or pay more for his workers to get the milk from the cows. Shipping and labor costs are affected by rising wages.

You win the dumbest post in the thread award.

Inflation is caused by fractional reserve lending & printing money. It has never been caused by raising minimum wage in the USA. Consumer loans, home loans, student loans, etc to underpaid workers cause inflation. So does government printing money or creating debt to support millions of minimum wage workers earning below the poverty line.

Raising minimum has always been deflationary & creates more jobs.


Washington state now has a lower unemployment rate than before the great recession began. Washington has the highest minimum wage in the country. I thought that Washington's highest minimum wage rate in the country was supposed to destroy jobs.

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