A letter to the editor locals will likely never see.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Take a long hard look at your city. Has it changed? And if it has, has it changed in a positive way? Do you recall any of your city leaders or local media standing up for you when your company pensions and affordable health insurance were cancelled in a great Washington sellout to globalization? Maybe you have watched local industry disappear one by one like Indian nations in the old west. Perhaps as an older average citizen you are saddened that your children are beset by an ideological manifest destiny that transforms them from individuals to human infrastructure. Does your city act in good faith or as that line in the Bob Dylan song Positively 4th Street, does it just want to be on the side that it thinks is winning?

Is your city a college town, dominated by that college? Has the administration of that school acted in a way that has tarnished the reputation of the town and made its inhabitants look like hicks and rubes that just don’t know any better? The conduct of the college has turned the town into the Polish joke of the state on a national scale even though the town’s beauty and charm made it the site of a famous movie in 1995. Does anyone in the city even know who Caitlin Marriott and Anne Huot are?

The local media? Has the city’s newspaper distinguished itself as a staunch defender of press freedom or is it just a propaganda shill for the side it thinks might win? The city has its own broadcast podium with an Open Mic program. It’s 5,000 watts of embarrassment that sounds like someone strapped a coat hanger to a water tower somewhere and decided to have a radio station. It is straight out of Hooterville.

The people of the United States watch in disbelief as their president is kept on a short leash, so he won’t turn his back on reporters and wander into a maintenance closet with a piece of toilet paper stuck his shoe. This is the man city leaders and local media are behind in an ill-advised charge of the light brigade to fundamentally change American society. Unloaded supply ships sit in harbors, fuel prices are soaring, and caravans of replacement voters are swarming unprotected borders during a global pandemic.

In a place where people die in the woods from opioids, city leaders have made their choice. If you agree with this choice, don’t change a thing.
You sent that as a Letter to the Editor?

You sound like a crack pot
Local university has taken over the city council. They finally succeeded where it will likely never return to anything normal or sane. These are dangerous people and nothing is beneath them. Even openly cheating in elections.
Local university has taken over the city council. They finally succeeded where it will likely never return to anything normal or sane. These are dangerous people and nothing is beneath them. Even openly cheating in elections.
Is that all you all have it false allegations with no proof?
Nothing has changed since Reagan sold out America for international trade and the exportation of jobs.
That is true. Reagan opened the door to the flood of immigrants with his EB-5 program. It was Reagan and the Republicans that were largely responsible for changing the tax code to give tax breaks to corporations to offshore their factories.
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Local university has taken over the city council. They finally succeeded where it will likely never return to anything normal or sane. These are dangerous people and nothing is beneath them. Even openly cheating in elections.
Yes, and teacher's unions are mobilizing the Justice Department to go after complaining parents at school board meetings. It is brainwashing at the grassroots level and it is here.
Yes, and teacher's unions are mobilizing the Justice Department to go after complaining parents at school board meetings. It is brainwashing at the grassroots level and it is here.
Actually they are going after parents who make threats against them

We are talking about threats against school board members. If there is a threat, that person should be arrested

As to decorum of parents at the meeting, there should be strict rules of behavior and those rules should be enforced. Heckling or shouting down another speaker should get you removed from the meeting. Same goes for profanity.

It is not too much to ask for parents to behave in a civil manner
Actually they are going after parents who make threats against them

bullshit and you know it. ANother dem lie in order to protect their illegitimate win and power through tyranny.
Is that all you all have it false allegations with no proof?
I live it girl. It was in the paper, the real culprit skates free, his henchman spends a little time, VERY LITTLE time in jail for signing up dead people to vote. Seein' as you don't live here does that mean the usual to lefties? it didn't happen? LOLOLOL so typical.
Washington mobilized the FBI and the DOJ to take down Donald Trump by creating a false flag attack on democracy by Russia. Many people did not see this because they were told not to see it. Large segments of the US population have been trained by Washington not to see what is actually there but to wait for Washington to tell them what is there; it's like the Emperor's New Clothes.

Washington is fabricating wild conspiracies that there is a domestic terrorist threat against school boards because it believes the people are ready now because they got away with the Russia hoax.

The city I am writing about has been economically devastated by a terrible college that controls local media and politics. The school is on the verge of bankruptcy because parents of students in other parts of the country are not as stupid as many locals and bad publicity steers them clear.

All the people hear from local media is how great the school is how important it is to keep it going. It's the Emperor's New Clothes.

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