A legal challenge against forced vaccination filed in New York City


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Legal Challenge Against Forced Vaccination Filed in New York City • Children's Health Defense

On April 15, 2019, a legal challenge was filed in the New York State Trial Court by Robert Krakow, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Patricia Finn against the New York City Department of Health and Human Hygiene for their forced Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination. The legal team asked for a temporary restraining order against the mandate that the Judge will likely review and provide an ex parte decision. Children’s Health Defense is supporting these efforts.

lol good you pos losers!!
Good news somebody grew a pair and unlike democratic weak minded wussies someone challenges it they love their kid more than obeying some governmental control freaks.
The right to spread disease and create a deadly epidemic is a human right.
Side Effects of the Measles Vaccine Include Brain Damage and Death
The right to avoid government compelled vaccinations that may result in death or other serious side effects trump your claim of "deadly epidemics".
Evidently not. I've seen measels epidemics. I've had measels. Those who refuse to vaccinate should never ever be allowed to have a child or a pet. Not even a dog. Especially not a dog.
Evidently not. I've seen measels epidemics. I've had measels. Those who refuse to vaccinate should never ever be allowed to have a child or a pet. Not even a dog. Especially not a dog.
Did you read the link? Did you see the number of people who have died from measles vs. those who died from measles vaccinations (2004-2015)? You make your own posts irrelevant.
Brain damage?, pneumonia, hearing loss. Take children away from anti vaxxers. They are unfit parents.
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Evidently not. I've seen measels epidemics. I've had measels. Those who refuse to vaccinate should never ever be allowed to have a child or a pet. Not even a dog. Especially not a dog.
Did you read the link? Did you see the number of people who have died from measles vs. those who died from measles vaccinations (2004-2015)? You make your own posts irrelevant.
You mean an anti vax propaganda site? No. There is nothing of value to be found.
They will lose

The state can demonstrate a threat to public health

Measles was nearly eliminated until the anti Vaxers started their nonsense
They will lose

The state can demonstrate a threat to public health

Measles was nearly eliminated until the anti Vaxers started their nonsense
But where did the "anti vaxers" contract the disease? We both know the likely answer is illegal immigrants from impoverished countries who were never vetted for disease by our government. How is it you defend the right of foreigners to break our laws and spread disease among us but are so passionate about denying parents the right to make health decisions for their own children?
You mean an anti vax propaganda site? No. There is nothing of value to be found.
There is actually no value in people that reject evidence based on the source rather than the information itself.
Your ideologue biases are anti intellectual drivel.
As long as there are those with the power to remove children from anti vax parents you can say anything you like. I only wish that pets could be removed in the same way.

My source is the same as always. I've seen epidemics. I've had measels, chicken pox and whooping cough. That's all the source I need.
I knew a woman that had two puppies die of parvo. She still refused to vaccinate and lost a third.

Anti vaxxers are despicable.
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As long as there are those with the power to remove children from anti vax parents you can say anything you like. I only wish that pets could be removed in the same way.

My source is the same as always. I've seen epidemics. I've had measels, chicken pox and whooping cough. That's all the source I need.
Your list of personal illnesses, as if you are the only one who has ever been sick, says nothing at all about the State compelling parents to vaccinate.
No I don't want contagious children contaminating others. Neither do I want the State coming down on parents like it's Communist China forcing them to do something that may not be in the child's ultimate best interests.
Parents Deserve to Have a Choice About Vaccination - NYTimes.com

What do you have against informed parenting over the dubious interests of the State?

You seem to be one of these dopes who argues your personal experience trumps
science or expert opinion so the link is not for you, not that you would read it anyway.
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As long as there are those with the power to remove children from anti vax parents you can say anything you like. I only wish that pets could be removed in the same way.

My source is the same as always. I've seen epidemics. I've had measels, chicken pox and whooping cough. That's all the source I need.
Your list of personal illnesses, as if you are the only one who has ever been sick, says nothing at all about the State compelling parents to vaccinate.
No I don't want contagious children contaminating others. Neither do I want the State coming down on parents like it's Communist China forcing them to do something that may not be in the child's ultimate best interests.
Parents Deserve to Have a Choice About Vaccination - NYTimes.com

What do you have against informed parenting over the dubious interests of the State?

You seem to be one of these dopes who argues your personal experience trumps
science or expert opinion so the link is not for you, not that you would read it anyway.
Yes. I believe my personal experience over the OPINION of someone else.

In a sane world people would make the intelligent choice for themselves. The same choice that saw these diseases almost eradicated. The same choice they made for decades. But it is no longer that sane world. Nonsense has spread like a deadly virus itself. Science has said that vaccinations stop the spread of disease. Not that you would believe science.
Yes. I believe my personal experience over the OPINION of someone else.
So you assume everything presented to you is "opinion" without verifying that yourself.
That's intellectually lazy and dishonest but that doesn't seem to bother you.

In a sane world people would make the intelligent choice for themselves. The same choice that saw these diseases almost eradicated. The same choice they made for decades. But it is no longer that sane world. Nonsense has spread like a deadly virus itself. Science has said that vaccinations stop the spread of disease. Not that you would believe science.
Of course I believe science. I also believe parents have the right to individualize their vaccination schedule instead of having the abhorrent state of New York dictate what they may or may not do. But since you didn't read my link, and seemingly never do read anything that might make you look foolish, how could you know that?

Children aren't dropping dead in Norway yet they have a much more rational and informed view of vaccinations then NY, for instance, does. But once more, since you don't read the evidence given to you, how could you possibly know that?
I prefer the Norwegian model. Is that being "anti science"? Well according to you it is. But what do you know?

Only what has happened to you.
If parents do not want to vaccinate the state will step in and make sure they do or remove the children. Good. This is what happens and what should happen. All you can do is piss and moan.
If parents do not want to vaccinate the state will step in and make sure they do or remove the children. Good. This is what happens and what should happen. All you can do is piss and moan.
Fuck off! You simply ignore what you don't want to see. What part of individualized vaccinations do you not understand?
What part of Norway does not compel parents to over vaccinate the way NY does puzzles you?

Move to China, you fascist.
If parents do not want to vaccinate the state will step in and make sure they do or remove the children. Good. This is what happens and what should happen. All you can do is piss and moan.
Fuck off! You simply ignore what you don't want to see. What part of individualized vaccinations do you not understand?
What part of Norway does not compel parents to over vaccinate the way NY does puzzles you?

Move to China, you fascist.
I understand. Nothing puzzles me. It looks like China might be here. You lose.

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