A Gun Is Not An Argument

Yet look how fast the "Might Makes Right" retort is brought out whenever States Rights are mentioned. Threats of "Crushing Traitorous Scum" who dare to believe they have the right to vote for freedom rather than socialism.
From Ayn Rand’s “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal,” a refreshing argument for laissez-faire, rooted in morality and not GOP talking points.

“Since men are neither omniscient nor infallible, they must be free to agree or disagree, to cooperate or pursue their own independent course, each according to his own rational judgment. Freedom is the fundamental requirement of man’s mind..."

Right--it's not an argument----a gun is protection from having your ass kicked. I recommend everyone have at least one.
laissez-faire, rooted in morality

Nice idea, but how do you achieve it? Seems to require a change in human nature. You go totally laissez-faire and the strong WILL prey on the weak. It's the flip side of the Marxist coin, which also requires a change in human nature to work.
Yeah, those darn conservatives arguing that power comes from the barrell of a gun!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm-Fx5jTbPE]YouTube - Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom, another Anita Dunn Mao Tse Tung lover in Obama's whitehouse[/ame]

Oh... wait, that's one of Obama's advisors. Sorry.
Why do we have to justify the use of any of our freedoms by saying it is moral? Who made others the morality police who can kill our freedom when they deem the use of that freedom as immoral?

In my opinion, the law should only act to protect life and property of any individual. This way it provides the security we as human being need without endangering any of our freedoms.
laissez-faire, rooted in morality

Nice idea, but how do you achieve it? Seems to require a change in human nature. You go totally laissez-faire and the strong WILL prey on the weak. It's the flip side of the Marxist coin, which also requires a change in human nature to work.

This is what they are trying to do. They want to change human nature to fit a perfect mold that they have created. It is why PC feels so judgemental about our actions.
A gun is a tool, an inanimate object.

The value, good or bad, is based upon how the individual uses it.

(As I recall, Rand's heroes sometime found guns to be quite persuasive.)
With the amount of guns and ammunition being bought by the right wingnuts, they must have a lot of arguing to do.

Of course, that is the only way they have to express themselves......Nasty Healthcare for unisured Americans and all
Why do we have to justify the use of any of our freedoms by saying it is moral? Who made others the morality police who can kill our freedom when they deem the use of that freedom as immoral?

In my opinion, the law should only act to protect life and property of any individual. This way it provides the security we as human being need without endangering any of our freedoms.

What if copororate and private individials are at odds on an issue?
With the amount of guns and ammunition being bought by the right wingnuts, they must have a lot of arguing to do.

Of course, that is the only way they have to express themselves......Nasty Healthcare for unisured Americans and all

How about nasty requierments for my life and health regulations like a 10% tax on tanning booths which means that I can only afford to go to on 10% less since the cost was increased.
Why do we have to justify the use of any of our freedoms by saying it is moral? Who made others the morality police who can kill our freedom when they deem the use of that freedom as immoral?

In my opinion, the law should only act to protect life and property of any individual. This way it provides the security we as human being need without endangering any of our freedoms.

What if copororate and private individials are at odds on an issue?

Is corporation trying to steal or kill? Then the law can stop them. Is a nasty marxist liberal trying to burn down the corporate headquarters? Then the law can stop them.
With the amount of guns and ammunition being bought by the right wingnuts, they must have a lot of arguing to do.

Of course, that is the only way they have to express themselves......Nasty Healthcare for unisured Americans and all

You have some numbers? I find it hard to believe you have any knowledge of who is buying guns, or how many are being bought.

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