A Government View of Islam vs Muslims

What liberal has apologized for acts of terrorism?

Must I teach you the English language, as well as politics, history, economics, ethics,...and life????


  1. a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.
    "an enthusiastic apologist for fascism in the 1920s"
    synonyms: defender, supporter, upholder, advocate, proponent, exponent,propagandist, champion, campaigner;
    "one of Eisenhower's better-known apologists"
a person who defends or supports something (such as a religion, cause, or organization) that is being criticized or attacked by other people
Definition of APOLOGIST

From the OP:
c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the boilerplate Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil c*nts the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

The question was, who are the Liberal apologists for the terrorism?

You didn't name any.

Did she name any yet?
The following is obvious to those who think, and who learn....

9. "Another point, obvious but inconvenient, is that Islam is not a religion of peace. There are ways of interpreting Islam that could make it something other than a call to war. But even these benign constructions do not make it a call to peace. Verses such as “Fight those who believe not in Allah,” and “Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war,” are not peaceful injunctions, no matter how one contextualizes.

Although this came as a revelation to me, it should not have. After all, it is not as if Western civilization had no experience dealing with Islamic supremacism—what today we call “Islamist” ideology, the belief that sharia must govern society." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

10. For substantiation, consider the importance of Saudi Arabia....the keeper of the holiest sites in Islam, the destination of the Hajj for all devout Muslims.

Take a good look at the Saudi flag:


Is that a dove you see at the bottom?

It's one of these:


1. Without fail, no matter how horrific the savagery, there will be a Lemming-like horde of Liberals fighting to be the first to apologize for and excuse the crime.

This sort of crime:

a. Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, are among the immigrants welcomed with open arms by the gracious folks of America....they were given a baby shower by his fellow workers, and, so, they returned with automatic weapons and slaughtered those very same workers at a Christmas party.

and this....

b. In Pakistan yesterday, at a peaceful Christian Easter celebration..."Twenty nine children among 72 killed as Taliban suicide bomber blows himself up next to SWINGS at a park in Pakistan... a splinter group affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding: 'The target was Christians.' "
Mothers and children among 70 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the boilerplate Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil c*nts the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

2. Somehow, the mental disease known as either Liberalism, or political correctness, demands that everyone ignore the existential danger that Islam represents. That's right....mainstream Islam.

a." In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

3. Andrew McCarthy penned the following revelation about Islam, while clarifying the difference between Islam and Muslims. For 18 years, he was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, and from 1993-95 he led the terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, and his expertise in this area cannot be denied.....

...but it will be, by those with the above mentioned mental condition.

The subject of McCarthy's prosecution was the terror cell of Omar Abdel Rahman, infamously known as the Blind Sheikh,that had bombed the World Trade Center and was plotting an even more devastating strike—simultaneous attacks on the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, the United Nations complex on the East River, and the FBI’s lower Manhattan headquarters.

At the start of the trial, McCarty was convinced of what Liberals still believe: "we should read nothing into the fact that all the men in this terrorist cell were Muslims; that their actions were not representative of any religion or belief system; and that to the extent they were explaining their atrocities by citing Islamic scripture, they were twisting and perverting one of the world’s great religions, a religion that encourages peace."
Islam—Facts or Dreams?

How and why he changed his opinion....the story will follow.
Straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy - more ignorance, fear, and bigotry from the right.
1. Without fail, no matter how horrific the savagery, there will be a Lemming-like horde of Liberals fighting to be the first to apologize for and excuse the crime.

This sort of crime:

a. Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, are among the immigrants welcomed with open arms by the gracious folks of America....they were given a baby shower by his fellow workers, and, so, they returned with automatic weapons and slaughtered those very same workers at a Christmas party.

and this....

b. In Pakistan yesterday, at a peaceful Christian Easter celebration..."Twenty nine children among 72 killed as Taliban suicide bomber blows himself up next to SWINGS at a park in Pakistan... a splinter group affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding: 'The target was Christians.' "
Mothers and children among 70 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the boilerplate Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil c*nts the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

2. Somehow, the mental disease known as either Liberalism, or political correctness, demands that everyone ignore the existential danger that Islam represents. That's right....mainstream Islam.

a." In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

3. Andrew McCarthy penned the following revelation about Islam, while clarifying the difference between Islam and Muslims. For 18 years, he was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, and from 1993-95 he led the terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, and his expertise in this area cannot be denied.....

...but it will be, by those with the above mentioned mental condition.

The subject of McCarthy's prosecution was the terror cell of Omar Abdel Rahman, infamously known as the Blind Sheikh,that had bombed the World Trade Center and was plotting an even more devastating strike—simultaneous attacks on the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, the United Nations complex on the East River, and the FBI’s lower Manhattan headquarters.

At the start of the trial, McCarty was convinced of what Liberals still believe: "we should read nothing into the fact that all the men in this terrorist cell were Muslims; that their actions were not representative of any religion or belief system; and that to the extent they were explaining their atrocities by citing Islamic scripture, they were twisting and perverting one of the world’s great religions, a religion that encourages peace."
Islam—Facts or Dreams?

How and why he changed his opinion....the story will follow.
Straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy - more ignorance, fear, and bigotry from the right.

And yet one more vapid post from C_Chamber_Pot.
As can be seen in post #64, the brain-dead Liberals can never do any more than follow the orders of their master...

And, speaking of their master...what is the President of the United State's response when the propensity for violence against non-Muslim's is revealed?

11. "Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data,the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States.Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing the President to give a recent speechthere in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’srefugee program.Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and91.4 percentof refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communitiesthroughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

a. And this.....After the Easter massacre of Christian children...
" That means the number of immigrants from Muslim nations who have already come in is higher than the population of Washington D.C., at 658,893, writes The Washington Examiner, and will not slow down unless Congress changes the president's open-door policy. The numbers could increase even more, with Obama planning to add 100,000 refugees, most coming from war-torn Syria..."
EASTER MASSACRE! At Least 53 DEAD After Suicide Bomber Targets Christians Celebrating Easter in Lahore Park - The Gateway Pundit (comment)

b. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" is a phrase in American political and legal discourse. The phrase expresses the belief that constitutional restrictions on governmental power must be balanced against the need for survival of the state and its people. It is most often attributed toAbraham Lincoln, ..." The Constitution is not a suicide pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At the start of the trial, McCarty was convinced of what Liberals still believe: "we should read nothing into the fact that all the men in this terrorist cell were Muslims; that their actions were not representative of any religion or belief system; and that to the extent they were explaining their atrocities by citing Islamic scripture, they were twisting and perverting one of the world’s great religions, a religion that encourages peace."
Islam—Facts or Dreams?


And two years after the 1st World Trade Center bombing, Christian terrorist Tim McVeigh killed and wounded almost 1000 people in Oklahoma.
What president since the amnesty maker Reagan has the US ever not had an open border policy?

Open border means loss of sovereignty.

Hence....the end of nationhood.

.On a national level, independence is called sovereignty.

" Sovereignty is a simple idea: the United States is an independent nation,.... The Founding Fathers understood that if America does not have sovereignty, it does not have independence. If a foreign power can tell America “what we shall do, and what we shall not do,” George Washington once wrote to Alexander Hamilton, “we have Independence yet to seek, and have contended hitherto for very little.”

The Declaration of Independence tells us whysovereignty mattered to America’s Founders.

When America declared its independence in 1776, the Declaration described Americans as “one people” who had the right “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”
Why Does Sovereignty Matter to America?

Imagine....if you actually had an education, you might not embarrass yourself with such regularity.
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

"....those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live."

Another day, another fundamentalist slaying...

"After wishing Christians a Happy Easter, a beloved Glasgow shopkeeper is allegedly slain by another Muslim

Asad Shah
about 3 months ago


Asad Shah’s last message was one of peace.

....the much-loved Glasgow shopkeeper was found lying in a pool of blood on the road near his store, the victim of a brutal stabbing.

....“religious prejudice” they say motivated his killing.

Like Shah, the 32-year-old man who has been arrested and charged with the murder is Muslim....Shah’s alleged killer may have driven 200 miles from Bradford, in England, after taking offense at Shah’s religious messages on social media. He is reported to be a Sunni Muslim — the largest denomination of Islam."
After wishing Christians a Happy Easter, a beloved Glasgow shopkeeper is allegedly slain by another Muslim

Of course....there is this from some slobbering Liberal fool:
"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil c*nts the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed
The following is Andrew McCarthy's response to attempt to claim that his contention is about all Muslims,...and reason for the title of the thread:

12. "...I distinguish between Islam and Muslims. It is objectively important to do so, but I also have a personal reason: when I began working on national security cases, the Muslims I first encountered were not terrorists. To the contrary, they were pro-American patriots who helped us infiltrate terror cells, disrupt mass-murder plots, and gather the evidence needed to convict jihadists.

We have an obligation to our national security to understand our enemies; but we also have an obligation to our principles not to convict by association—not to confound our Islamist enemies with our Muslim allies and fellow citizens.

13. ....Islamic law? On this topic, it is useful to turn to Robert Jackson, a giant figure in American law and politics—FDR’s attorney general, justice of the Supreme Court, and chief prosecutor of the war crimes trials at Nuremberg. In 1955, Justice Jackson penned the foreword to a book called Law in the Middle East. Unlike today’s government officials, Justice Jackson thought sharia was a subject worthy of close study. And here is what he concluded:

In any broad sense, Islamic law offers the American lawyer a study in dramatic contrasts. Even casual acquaintance and superficial knowledge—all that most of us at bench or bar will be able to acquire—reveal that its striking features relative to our law are not likenesses but inconsistencies, not similarities but contrarieties.

In its source, its scope and its sanctions, the law of the Middle East is the antithesis of Western law."
Islam—Facts or Dreams?

Does Obama recognize the problems of lack of assimilation?
So....why is he in such a rush to bring thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims here?

Now....about the Liar-in-Chief... Does Obama recognize the problems of lack of assimilation? And that sharia is the very antithesis of the US Constitution?
So....why is he in such a rush to bring thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims here?


14. " Sharia rejects freedom of speech as much as freedom of religion. It rejects the idea of equal rights between men and women as much as between Muslim and non-Muslim. It brooks no separation between spiritual life and civil society. It is a comprehensive framework for human life, dictating matters of government, economy, and combat, along with personal behavior such as contact between the sexes and personal hygiene. Sharia aims to rule both believers and non-believers, and it affirmatively sanctions jihad in order to do so.

.... under it, Muslim converts to Christianity have been subjected to capital trials for apostasy.

Even if this is not the only construction of Islam, it is absurd to claim—as President Obama did during his recent visit to a mosque in Baltimore—that it is not a mainstream interpretation. In fact, it is the mainstream interpretation in many parts of the world.

Last year, Americans were horrified by the beheadings of three Western journalists by ISIS. American and European politicians could not get to microphones fast enough to insist that these decapitations had nothing to do with Islam. Yet within the same time frame, the government of Saudi Arabia beheaded eight people for various violations of sharia—the law that governs Saudi Arabia." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

Any who are not the indelibly indoctrinated can see the truth.....and the danger.

Democrats/Liberals have sold us put for their own benefit.
15. ".... stubbornly unwilling to deal with the reality of Islam, our leaders have constructed an Islam of their very own. This triumph of willful blindness and political correctness over common sense was best illustrated by former British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith when she described terrorism as “anti-Islamic activity.” In other words, the savagery is not merely unrelated to Islam; it becomes, by dint of its being inconsistent with a “religion of peace,”contrary toIslam. This explains our government’s handwringing over “radicalization”: we are supposed to wonder why young Muslims spontaneously become violent radicals—as if there is no belief system involved.

[The danger of] our government’s insistence on making up its own version of Islam is that anyone who is publicly associated with Islam must be deemed peaceful. This is how we fall into the trap of allowing the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s most influential Islamic supremacist organization, to infiltrate policy-making organs of the U.S. government, not to mention our schools, our prisons, and other institutions. The federal government, particularly under the Obama administration, acknowledges the Brotherhood as an Islamic organization—notwithstanding the ham-handed attempt by the intelligence community a few years back to rebrand it as “largely secular”—thereby giving it a clean bill of health. This despite the fact that Hamas is the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch, that the Brotherhood has a long history of terrorist violence, and that major Brotherhood figures have gone on to play leading roles in terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda.

In the real world, we must deal with the facts of Islamic supremacism, because its jihadist legions have every intention of dealing with us. But we can only defeat them if we resolve to see them for what they are." Islam—Facts or Dreams?
"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

See post #73
Now....about the Liar-in-Chief... Does Obama recognize the problems of lack of assimilation? And that sharia is the very antithesis of the US Constitution?
So....why is he in such a rush to bring thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims here?


14. " Sharia rejects freedom of speech as much as freedom of religion. It rejects the idea of equal rights between men and women as much as between Muslim and non-Muslim. It brooks no separation between spiritual life and civil society. It is a comprehensive framework for human life, dictating matters of government, economy, and combat, along with personal behavior such as contact between the sexes and personal hygiene. Sharia aims to rule both believers and non-believers, and it affirmatively sanctions jihad in order to do so.

.... under it, Muslim converts to Christianity have been subjected to capital trials for apostasy.

Even if this is not the only construction of Islam, it is absurd to claim—as President Obama did during his recent visit to a mosque in Baltimore—that it is not a mainstream interpretation. In fact, it is the mainstream interpretation in many parts of the world.

Last year, Americans were horrified by the beheadings of three Western journalists by ISIS. American and European politicians could not get to microphones fast enough to insist that these decapitations had nothing to do with Islam. Yet within the same time frame, the government of Saudi Arabia beheaded eight people for various violations of sharia—the law that governs Saudi Arabia." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

Any who are not the indelibly indoctrinated can see the truth.....and the danger.

Democrats/Liberals have sold us put for their own benefit.

That may be, just as it may be for all those who want to put their idea of Christianity above civil laws, but that isn't a threat in a plural society, strongly guarded by a written constitution and a Supreme Court that believes in upholding the prohibitions therein in an absolute manner.

The only threat could come if more Scalias and Thomases were to be appointed.
Now....about the Liar-in-Chief... Does Obama recognize the problems of lack of assimilation? And that sharia is the very antithesis of the US Constitution?
So....why is he in such a rush to bring thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims here?


14. " Sharia rejects freedom of speech as much as freedom of religion. It rejects the idea of equal rights between men and women as much as between Muslim and non-Muslim. It brooks no separation between spiritual life and civil society. It is a comprehensive framework for human life, dictating matters of government, economy, and combat, along with personal behavior such as contact between the sexes and personal hygiene. Sharia aims to rule both believers and non-believers, and it affirmatively sanctions jihad in order to do so.

.... under it, Muslim converts to Christianity have been subjected to capital trials for apostasy.

Even if this is not the only construction of Islam, it is absurd to claim—as President Obama did during his recent visit to a mosque in Baltimore—that it is not a mainstream interpretation. In fact, it is the mainstream interpretation in many parts of the world.

Last year, Americans were horrified by the beheadings of three Western journalists by ISIS. American and European politicians could not get to microphones fast enough to insist that these decapitations had nothing to do with Islam. Yet within the same time frame, the government of Saudi Arabia beheaded eight people for various violations of sharia—the law that governs Saudi Arabia." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

Any who are not the indelibly indoctrinated can see the truth.....and the danger.

Democrats/Liberals have sold us put for their own benefit.

That may be, just as it may be for all those who want to put their idea of Christianity above civil laws, but that isn't a threat in a plural society, strongly guarded by a written constitution and a Supreme Court that believes in upholding the prohibitions therein in an absolute manner.

The only threat could come if more Scalias and Thomases were to be appointed.

The only way to be opposed to Scalia and Thomas is if one is opposed to the America envisioned by the Founders, and seen as the greatness of America by the world.
What communists and all iterations of Leftist hate.

Now....I can see an OP in the future of the greatness of Scalia....

"Justice Scalia was a staunch proponent of originalism. He made his rulings based on the original intent of the Constitution, rather than trying to interpret it to mean what he wanted it to mean. National Review called him “the reliable anchor of the Supreme Court’s originalist wing in an era of deep division and conflict with the ‘living Constitution’ approach to jurisprudence that holds down the other wing of the Court” (February 14).

The “living Constitution” approach is actually an effort to destroy the Constitution! It says that America’s founding legal charter no longer means what it meant when written—it is “living,” and thus changing to fit “the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society”—a common phrase in Eighth Amendment jurisprudence. Unfortunately, as Scalia lamented in an interview in 2009, “It’s up to the court to decide when it [the ‘living’ Constitution] morphs andhow it morphs!” That philosophy, he explained, “has made enormous headway not only with lawyers and judges but even with John Q. Public.”"
Scalia's Death and the 'Living Constitution'
"Do Radicalized Islamic Communities Exist in the U.S.?
GOP presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz's call for patrolling of Muslim communities with signs of extremism is being bashed as pandering to anti-Muslim voters, with critics saying there aren't even Islamist communities in the U.S. to begin with.

They are wrong. They exist — and newly-published documents show that they've boasted of enforcing Islamic sharia law, ....

Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistani militant group that has rebranded itself as Muslims of the Americas, says it has 22 "Islamic villages" in the U.S. Its "Islamberg" headquarters in New York is the most well-known."
Do Radicalized Islamic Communities Exist in the U.S.? | Clarion Project
If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article:

"German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks

A German state minister allegedly tried to pressure police in Cologne to remove the word rape from reports about the mass sexual assaults committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve.


Cologne's Express newspaper claimed that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia pressured a senior police officer to delete 'rape' from an internal report issued on January 1.

'KHK told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression "rape" deleted,' read a document written by another police officer which was printed by the Express.

According to the paper, officer KHK and his colleague were on duty when the events of the night before were being discussed for an interim report.

The night before hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs of refugees, most of them from North Africa."
German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks

The incompetent in the White House is cut from the same cloth.

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