A Government View of Islam vs Muslims

Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."
Clearly, that's not the truth, is it.

Any more than this is the truth:

"Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’"
Obama: Islam 'Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding' - Breitbart

The only question is whether Obama was simply lying....or he has a secret agenda.
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p
Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.

Presumably, we could make the same assumption about people who want religious law here too, yes?

View attachment 69394

1. Of course, that is total nonsense by a Leftist polling organization, attempting to smear the other party.
"a tendency to lean Democratic based upon so-called "house effect" analysis." Silver, Nate (June 22, 2012). "Calculating ‘House Effects’ of Polling Firms". New York Times.

2. No one wants a theocracy.
Further....how many non-Muslims are willing to see violence against their fellow citizens to force their religion on others?

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

It isn't a smear by PPP. Here is how other groups polled:

View attachment 69395

As to strikes against civilians, 8% of Americans are okay with that too:

Public Continues to Back U.S. Drone Attacks

Now...why would you attempt to conflate that clearly false Leftist provided smear of Republicans with a Pew poll dealing with war?
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.

Presumably, we could make the same assumption about people who want religious law here too, yes?

View attachment 69394

1. Of course, that is total nonsense by a Leftist polling organization, attempting to smear the other party.
"a tendency to lean Democratic based upon so-called "house effect" analysis." Silver, Nate (June 22, 2012). "Calculating ‘House Effects’ of Polling Firms". New York Times.

2. No one wants a theocracy.
Further....how many non-Muslims are willing to see violence against their fellow citizens to force their religion on others?

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

It isn't a smear by PPP. Here is how other groups polled:

View attachment 69395

As to strikes against civilians, 8% of Americans are okay with that too:

Public Continues to Back U.S. Drone Attacks

Now...why would you attempt to conflate that clearly false Leftist provided smear of Republicans with a Pew poll dealing with war?

First, are you telling me that it is a smear of "somewhat liberal" respondents too?

Secondly, the latter speaks to indifference to the suffering of innocents, which is no different than that caused by low tech smart bombs.
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,


My position has not changed. Only your comprehension of it has.
1. Without fail, no matter how horrific the savagery, there will be a Lemming-like horde of Liberals fighting to be the first to apologize for and excuse the crime.

Name the Liberals who excused that crime.

In Conspeak, approving of allowing vetted refugees into this country = approval of savagery.

Not sure what "Conspeak" means.....I only speak truth.

Like this:

a. Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, are among the immigrants welcomed with open arms by the gracious folks of America....they were given a baby shower by his fellow workers, and, so, they returned with automatic weapons and slaughtered those very same workers at a Christmas party.

and this....

b. In Pakistan yesterday, at a peaceful Christian Easter celebration..."Twenty nine children among 72 killed as Taliban suicide bomber blows himself up next to SWINGS at a park in Pakistan... a splinter group affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding: 'The target was Christians.' "
Mothers and children among 70 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan

Opening the doors to immigrants from Muslim nations, en masse, has resulted in this:

"Women are warned not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after multiple sex attacks by ‘foreigners’
'I am adverse to the solution being to tell women and children to sat at home, that can never be the solution for us,' local government commissioner AnnSofie Andersson told Sveriges Radio.

Sweden welcomed nearly 163,000 migrants and refugees in 2015, more than any other European nation per capita.

The Scandinavian country, which has a population of nearly 10 million, imposed compulsory border-control ID checks in January to try to curb the influx.

Europe is facing it's biggest wave of immigration since the Second World War, with millions risking their lives to leave war and terror behind, or simply to seek a better life on another continent.

The latest UN report shows that in the first two months of 2016, more than 130,000 refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea - more than the total number for the first half of 2015."
Women told not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after attacks
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

That number looks quite small if you compare it to the number of Conservative Americans who would approve of violence in defense of Chrisitianity. I'm guessing that number would be about 80%.

I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin. Much less apologize for calling him "Tiller Tiller Baby Killer"

The right has their own clerics who they are "unqualified to refute"
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,


My position has not changed. Only your comprehension of it has.

"My position has not changed."


Then....would you define ....

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

....46% as "a few"???
1. Without fail, no matter how horrific the savagery, there will be a Lemming-like horde of Liberals fighting to be the first to apologize for and excuse the crime.

Name the Liberals who excused that crime.

In Conspeak, approving of allowing vetted refugees into this country = approval of savagery.

Not sure what "Conspeak" means.....I only speak truth.

Like this:

a. Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, are among the immigrants welcomed with open arms by the gracious folks of America....they were given a baby shower by his fellow workers, and, so, they returned with automatic weapons and slaughtered those very same workers at a Christmas party.

and this....

b. In Pakistan yesterday, at a peaceful Christian Easter celebration..."Twenty nine children among 72 killed as Taliban suicide bomber blows himself up next to SWINGS at a park in Pakistan... a splinter group affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the attack, adding: 'The target was Christians.' "
Mothers and children among 70 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan

Opening the doors to immigrants from Muslim nations, en masse, has resulted in this:

"Women are warned not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after multiple sex attacks by ‘foreigners’
'I am adverse to the solution being to tell women and children to sat at home, that can never be the solution for us,' local government commissioner AnnSofie Andersson told Sveriges Radio.

Sweden welcomed nearly 163,000 migrants and refugees in 2015, more than any other European nation per capita.

The Scandinavian country, which has a population of nearly 10 million, imposed compulsory border-control ID checks in January to try to curb the influx.

Europe is facing it's biggest wave of immigration since the Second World War, with millions risking their lives to leave war and terror behind, or simply to seek a better life on another continent.

The latest UN report shows that in the first two months of 2016, more than 130,000 refugees and migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea - more than the total number for the first half of 2015."
Women told not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after attacks
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

That number looks quite small if you compare it to the number of Conservative Americans who would approve of violence in defense of Chrisitianity. I'm guessing that number would be about 80%.

I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin. Much less apologize for calling him "Tiller Tiller Baby Killer"

The right has their own clerics who they are "unqualified to refute"

Conservatives believe us to be a Christian Nation, therefore any violence, including wars, taken to defend the nation is in the eyes of conservatives a defense of Christianity,

so of course they support violence in defense of Christianity.

That number looks quite small if you compare it to the number of Conservative Americans who would approve of violence in defense of Chrisitianity. I'm guessing that number would be about 80%.

I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin. Much less apologize for calling him "Tiller Tiller Baby Killer"

The right has their own clerics who they are "unqualified to refute"

"I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin."

Well....what have you heard, aside from the instructions issued by the White House?

Certainly not this:

1. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.

3. Of course, one can blame Islam...but consider the view from the other side. True, one may see the problem with an atavistic 7th century view of the world...but, for the Muslim it is the fault of the West rejecting the idea of God's immutable will, revealed to his Prophet in the form of an unchangeable code of law."
Roger Scruton, "The West and The Rest."


You haven't read Scruton's book????

Oh...I forgot...Liberal's don't read books.
Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,


My position has not changed. Only your comprehension of it has.

"My position has not changed."


Then....would you define ....

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

....46% as "a few"???

So most Swedish women don't have this fear.

What percent of American women are afraid to go out after dark, in general?
Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,


My position has not changed. Only your comprehension of it has.

"My position has not changed."


Then....would you define ....

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

....46% as "a few"???

Sources Breitbart, which sources an antisemitic Swedish tabloid.

Aftonbladet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brilliant. :rolleyes:

That number looks quite small if you compare it to the number of Conservative Americans who would approve of violence in defense of Chrisitianity. I'm guessing that number would be about 80%.

I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin. Much less apologize for calling him "Tiller Tiller Baby Killer"

The right has their own clerics who they are "unqualified to refute"

"I certainly never heard O'Reilly condemn George Tiller's assassin."

Well....what have you heard, aside from the instructions issued by the White House?

Certainly not this:

1. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.

3. Of course, one can blame Islam...but consider the view from the other side. True, one may see the problem with an atavistic 7th century view of the world...but, for the Muslim it is the fault of the West rejecting the idea of God's immutable will, revealed to his Prophet in the form of an unchangeable code of law."
Roger Scruton, "The West and The Rest."


You haven't read Scruton's book????

Oh...I forgot...Liberal's don't read books.

We never heard YOU condemn anti-abortion violence.
Let's be clear....I never said "all."

Your mistake was in saying "few."

Again, when I say "few," I'm talking about those living in Western Civilization, and those choosing to come here to live.

In the rest of the world, it is "some" :p

Hmmm.....seems I've force you to edge closer to the truth,


My position has not changed. Only your comprehension of it has.

"My position has not changed."


Then....would you define ....

Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants
Sweden: 46% of women over 16 are afraid to go out after dark for fear of rape by Muslim migrants

....46% as "a few"???

Sources Breitbart, which sources an antisemitic Swedish tabloid.

Aftonbladet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brilliant. :rolleyes:

So.....you deny the facts????

Well....then I'd be remiss not to rub your face in it.

1. "Sweden's population grew from 9 million to 9.5 million in the years 2004-2012, mainly due to immigration from "countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia". 16 percent of all newborns have mothers born in non-Western countries. Employment rate among immigrants: 54 percent.

Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that1 out of every 4 Swedish womenwill be raped.

... Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology." 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%

a. "It is the country credited with saving Protestant Northern Europe during the 30 years war. Today Sweden is deemed “The Rape Capital of Europe” because there is virtually no punishment for Muslim immigrants who commit rape. " SWEDISH COURT RULES THAT IT’S OKAY FOR MUSLIMS TO RAPE WOMEN | Washington Weekly News

2. "Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…
...100 percent of convicted rapists in Oslo have non-Western background. According to the Oslo police, non-Western immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women." Rape jihad in Denmark: More than half of all convicted rapists have immigrant backgrounds. Iraqis, Iranians, Turks and Somalis dramatically overrepresented…

Want to see that again?

"... immigrants rape because they are brought up with a view of women that makes them more likely to become rapists. It would be more precise to say that they just follow their religion, which allows them to rape non-Muslim women."


I can't hear you?????

Speak up!
The following is obvious to those who think, and who learn....

9. "Another point, obvious but inconvenient, is that Islam is not a religion of peace. There are ways of interpreting Islam that could make it something other than a call to war. But even these benign constructions do not make it a call to peace. Verses such as “Fight those who believe not in Allah,” and “Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war,” are not peaceful injunctions, no matter how one contextualizes.

Although this came as a revelation to me, it should not have. After all, it is not as if Western civilization had no experience dealing with Islamic supremacism—what today we call “Islamist” ideology, the belief that sharia must govern society." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

10. For substantiation, consider the importance of Saudi Arabia....the keeper of the holiest sites in Islam, the destination of the Hajj for all devout Muslims.

Take a good look at the Saudi flag:


Is that a dove you see at the bottom?

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