A Government View of Islam vs Muslims

Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Please provide the dates of the events you reference.

Those dates, by themselves, will highlight how effete your post is.

Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Please provide the dates of the events you reference.

Those dates, by themselves, will highlight how effete your post is.

Surely you are not that daft...It lasted until the age of revolution and the beginning of the end of the ancient regimes...

Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.
Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Please provide the dates of the events you reference.

Those dates, by themselves, will highlight how effete your post is.

Surely you are not that daft...It lasted until the age of revolution and the beginning of the end of the ancient regimes...

So.....where are those dates?

I can provide the date at which Muslims targeted Christian children for slaugher, based on their scriptures.

"In Pakistan, Taliban's Easter bombing targets, kills scores of Christians
By Sophia Saifi, CNN

Updated 5:02 AM ET, Mon March 28, 2016"
Pakistan bombing: Taliban targets Christians, kills 69 - CNN.com

Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?
Now....the impetus for the slaughter of innocents by Islamists.....

6. " Abdel Rahman was not lying about Islam. When he said the scriptures command that Muslims strike terror into the hearts of Islam’s enemies, the scriptures backed him up. When he said Allah enjoined all Muslims to wage jihad until Islamic law was established throughout the world, the scriptures backed him up. When he said Islam directed Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as their friends, the scriptures backed him up.

The blunt fact of the matter is that, in this contest of competing interpretations, it is the jihadists who seem to be making sense because they have the words of scripture on their side—it is the others who seem to be dancing on the head of a pin. For our present purposes, however, the fact is that the Blind Sheikh’s summons to jihad was rooted in a coherent interpretation of Islamic doctrine. He was not perverting Islam—he was, if anything, shining a light on the need to reform it." Islam—Facts or Dreams?

Remember....the scriptures about which McCarthy speaks....that would be the Q'ran.

Which Muslims read read the Q'ran? All Muslims.

But....not all follow it religiously....which is good.
Muslim scholar Reza Aslam refers to his childhood thus: "For a kid raised in a motley family of lukewarm Muslims and exuberant atheists,...."

The less warm, the better.
Mr. McCarthy showed the ability to learn, to accept reality...let's see how well you do.

4. McCarthy prepared for the trial, assuming that the politically correct view of Islam is the fact, and that the Blind Sheikh perverted Islam...and so McCarty studied the Q'ran.

a. " One of the first things I learned concerned the leader of the terror cell, .... Our government was portraying him as a wanton killer who was lying about Islam by preaching that it summoned Muslims to jihad or holy war. Far from a lunatic, however, he turned out to be a globally renowned scholar—a doctor of Islamic jurisprudence who graduated from al-Azhar University in Cairo, the seat of Sunni Islamic learning for over a millennium. His area of academic expertise was sharia—Islamic law."

b. ".... why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. .... he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?" Islam—Facts or Dreams?

The only thing that could be worse than fools in government, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, claiming to know better about Islam than the terrorists....

....would be officials with a background in Islam (cough..Obama) who lie and call it peaceful.

5.McCarthy: "....if what we were saying as a government was true—that he was perverting Islam—then there must be two or three places where I could nail him by saying, “You told your followers X, but the doctrine clearly says Y.” So my colleagues and I pored over the Blind Sheikh’s many writings.

And what we found was alarming: whenever he quoted the Koran or other sources of Islamic scripture, he quoted them accurately."

There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.
There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

How many is that "few"?

Did you make a mistake in choosing "few"?

A number would be informative....or...you can retract your description of "a few backward stragglers," and change to a more substantial allusion.
We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

How many is that "few"?

Did you make a mistake in choosing "few"?

A number would be informative....or...you can retract your description of "a few backward stragglers," and change to a more substantial allusion.

Those to the right of the mainstream. Comparatively few.
There is also verses in the Bible which advocate warfare and genocide...

We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslim homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.
Last edited:
We can get into which religions have shown a reformation and which have not, later.

But....you may be interested in this:

The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.
The religion did not transform, the people did and society became more mobile....Since the New Testament, people did war in the name of Christ and went by the doctrines of the Papacy and the Bible..

Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.
Yeah, this movement called The Enlightenment happened, sweeping out many of the cobwebs of tradition. An open society induces all participants toward such a state--a few backward stragglers notwithstanding.

"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?
"....a few backward stragglers notwithstanding."

Are you referring to Islamists???

Would you mind defining "few"?

It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.
It refers to all those that cling to a backward world view--including the Islamic far-right.

You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.

Presumably, we could make the same assumption about people who want religious law here too, yes?


Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.
You seem to be floundering....

(sigh...) I waited patiently for the apologist for the indefensible to support his post....the claim that a mere "few" Muslims are engaged in the horrific terrorist acts found abundantly in the headlines, from beheadings, to targeted assassinations of Christian children...

...but our apolgist....who is often the same sort of apologist for the failure in the White House....seems to be reluctant to provide support for his contention.

But....ever magnanimous....I am here to help!

The claim by "8" was that it is only a "few" Muslims....

Generally means three. No less than three can be slightly more. Three is the most common number associated with few."
Urban Dictionary: few

But perhaps our pal means "a few.....as a percentage of the Ummah"

Welll ....3% of the Muslim world population would be nearly 50 million Muslims homicidal maniacs.
And that is certainly not a number of pathological criminals to ignore.....contrary to the suggestion inherent in the use of "few."

And, unfortunately,....polls of Muslims who subscribe to violence puts the percentage far higher.

Another apologist argument down the drain.

The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.

Presumably, we could make the same assumption about people who want religious law here too, yes?

View attachment 69394

1. Of course, that is total nonsense by a Leftist polling organization, attempting to smear the other party.
"a tendency to lean Democratic based upon so-called "house effect" analysis." Silver, Nate (June 22, 2012). "Calculating ‘House Effects’ of Polling Firms". New York Times.

2. No one wants a theocracy.
Further....how many non-Muslims are willing to see violence against their fellow citizens to force their religion on others?

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.
Violence in Defense of Islam – Statistics

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Muslim Opinion Polls

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?
Last edited:
Having received their marching orders from the dunce in the White House, Lock-Step Liberals are ready and willing to give up their and our right to survival, and freedom. "Defend the sociopaths in Islam" Obama says....and they repeat..."It shall be done!"

7. Now for the bad news....especially for those apologists who rely on some imagined view that only a "few" Muslims support the terrorists....

....even Muslims who are not orthodox or fundamentalist pose a problem, as they inherently support those who are. We saw that in Brussels, when whole Muslim communities rallied around the savages who blew up innocents in the airport and subway terminal....

"Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'" Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam 'supporters' - their sick 'HERO'

8. This is the terrible truth that McCarthy learned at the blind Sheikh's trial...

"Another disturbing aspect of the trial against the Blind Sheikh and his fellow jihadists was the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."
Op. Cit.

c. And this is the sort of response one can expect from the knee-jerk Leftists:

"I work with them as a job, I get to see first hand what suffering they have endured, what horrors they have fled and iy highlights what heartless and evil ***** the people who bang on about them being a swarm of terrorists actually are." The Irish... And Who Didn't 'Help' Them Succeed

Yes, not all Catholics were terrorists, just because of the IRA.

Still don't want to deal with the real numbers, do you?

From post #36...

"...the character witnesses who testified for the defense. Most of these people were moderate, peaceful Muslim Americans who would no more commit terrorist acts than the rest of us. But when questions about Islamic doctrine would come up—“What does jihad mean?” “What is sharia?” “How might sharia apply to a certain situation?”—these moderate, peaceful Muslims explained that they were not competent to say. In other words, for the answers, you’d have to turn to Islamic scholars like the Blind Sheikh.

Now, understand: there was no doubt what the Blind Sheikh was on trial for. And there was no doubt that he was a terrorist—after all, he bragged about it. But that did not disqualify him, in the minds of these moderate, peaceful Muslims, from rendering authoritative opinions on the meaning of the core tenets of their religion. No one was saying that they would follow the Blind Sheikh into terrorism—but no one was discrediting his status either."

So...if you'd care to show that Christians generally support either killers of abortion doctors, or the IRA.....

.....certainly that would be informative.
The few I was referring to, were those among western civilization who the Enlightenment left behind. I went on to include the few members of the islamic far-right who now live in western countries.

Are you now claiming that the "few" referred to in your series of post are not the seventh century maniacs whose raison d'être is the slaughter of every single human being who does not subscribe to the exact same doctrines that they do?

Is that your claim?

If so....

1....one can only wonder why it appears in this thread...


2. ...that you seem to be very much at odds with truth.

I have no doubt that anyone reading your series of posts will recognize that you tried to shield the barbarians, realized that you could not...and are now attempting to beat a hasty retreat.

Just not hasty enough.

Your implication is that support for Sharia is analogous to violent extremism. Is that so?

Stay tuned....I will answer that very question.

And...you will find it undeniable, as you have found with the rest of this thread.

Presumably, we could make the same assumption about people who want religious law here too, yes?

View attachment 69394

1. Of course, that is total nonsense by a Leftist polling organization, attempting to smear the other party.
"a tendency to lean Democratic based upon so-called "house effect" analysis." Silver, Nate (June 22, 2012). "Calculating ‘House Effects’ of Polling Firms". New York Times.

2. No one wants a theocracy.
Further....how many non-Muslims are willing to see violence against their fellow citizens to force their religion on others?

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Zogby Poll: Most Americans Want Strengths and Weaknesses of Darwinism Taught In Schools(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

It isn't a smear by PPP. Here is how other groups polled:


As to strikes against civilians, 8% of Americans are okay with that too:

Public Continues to Back U.S. Drone Attacks

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