A glimmer of hope that sanity may be returning to America

if gun control is a joke because criminals don't abide by the law why do we have laws against anything?
"On Feb. 22, a 5-4 majority of the 10-member U.S. Seventh Court of Appeals upheld the Dec. 11 decision, which had been rendered by a three-member panel, to address absurdity and inconsistency of Illinois gun laws that allowed ownership of a firearm, but not the right to carry it outside the home. In other words, the "right to keep but not to bear arms."

Because of the decision, Illinois must join the majority of states that have enacted right-to-carry laws.

In the December opinion, Judge Richard Posner wrote that "a Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a sidewalk in a rough neighborhood than in his apartment on the 35th floor of the Park Tower.

Furthermore, Judge Posner wrote, "To confine the right to be armed to the home is to divorce the Second Amendment from the right of self-defense described in Heller and McDonald."

These two Supreme Court decisions affirmed that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was an individual right that indeed could not be infringed upon by the state.

In a 5-4 decision in 2008, Heller v. District of Columbia, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court overturned the District of Columbia's draconian gun law that barred private ownership of handguns.
Justice Scalia wrote that an individual right to bear arms is supported by "the historical narrative" both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted.

Court Orders Illinois To Enact A Concealed-Carry Law By June - Investors.com
if gun control is a joke because criminals don't abide by the law why do we have laws against anything?

Because it prevents law abiding citizens from doing horrible acts.

For instance, I refuse to commit murder because I refuse to spend my life in prison. However, if you legalize murder tomorrow, there are a whole bunch of dirt bags I'm taking out.

(You seriously need that explained to you? :cuckoo:)
if gun control is a joke because criminals don't abide by the law why do we have laws against anything?

You can't be serious. :confused: Gun control is a joke because it only controls Law abiding citizens. Just because gun control Laws are a joke, doesn't mean crimes like Capitol Murder and rape are.
For instance, I refuse to commit murder because I refuse to spend my life in prison. However, if you legalize murder tomorrow, there are a whole bunch of dirt bags I'm taking out.

If that is really the case, then you are morally bankrupt and essentially a coward. I am truly sorry to hear it.
if gun control is a joke because criminals don't abide by the law why do we have laws against anything?

Non sequitur, because gun control laws turn law abiding citizens into criminals, rather than vice versa.
"Justice Scalia wrote that an individual right to bear arms is supported by "the historical narrative" both before and after the Second Amendment was adopted."

OMG, don't tell PoliticalShēk :eek:
if gun control is a joke because criminals don't abide by the law why do we have laws against anything?

So when we catch their sorry asses, we can lock them up in jail for breaking the law.

oh i see. and that wouldn't work for guns why?

Because it's criminals who kill and even though we can lock them up, if we catch them, after the fact, the whole point of these laws is supposed to be prevention. Politicians are lying when they say it's about public safety.

Guns alone are not bad. Most people who own them are not bad and would not harm anyone. It's those people who obey the laws that would be affected and that changes nothing when it comes to safety. It just restricts their rights without any positive changes.

The politicians are touting the gun bans as a means of protecting the public. That is false because criminals and the insane will not obey the laws. People will continue to die regardless of how many good citizens lose their guns.

If politicians were serious about public safety, they would be focusing on the gangs and drug cartels, since those groups are the most dangerous. They would also be focusing on spotting potential dangers, such as mentally ill people who make threats or are near the edge. The Fort Hood shooter showed many signs that he was mentally ill, but political correctness prevented anyone from taking action because he was a Muslim.
I guess after the slaughter of thousands and thousands of children, some people are starting to realize that "gun control" is a joke since criminals do not abide by the law.

What a stupid argument. Nobody obeys the law, you dunce. Bet you drive drunk every week.
I guess after the slaughter of thousands and thousands of children, some people are starting to realize that "gun control" is a joke since criminals do not abide by the law.

It's great to see that even in radical and corrupt Chicago, there are some sane judges who actually respect the Constitution...

Court Orders Illinois To Enact A Concealed-Carry Law By June - Investors.com
Page two is interesting. Too bad the gun control freaks will not even bother to read page one.

I predict that the crime rate will decrease in that cesspool from whence came our fearless leader.
The left, in particular Harry Reid, are using the (ended) threat of gun bannings to make it look like they tried (to keep their base happy) but the bad mean righties stopped them.

Politics as normal........
I guess after the slaughter of thousands and thousands of children, some people are starting to realize that "gun control" is a joke since criminals do not abide by the law.

What a stupid argument. Nobody obeys the law, you dunce. Bet you drive drunk every week.

"Nobody" obeys the law? Are you fucking serious?!? Holy shit...

In my entire life, I've never driven drunk. Ever. In fact, I can count on one hand how many times I've even been drunk in my life.

What an absolute moron....
I guess after the slaughter of thousands and thousands of children, some people are starting to realize that "gun control" is a joke since criminals do not abide by the law.

What a stupid argument. Nobody obeys the law, you dunce. Bet you drive drunk every week.

"Nobody" obeys the law? Are you fucking serious?!? Holy shit...

In my entire life, I've never driven drunk. Ever. In fact, I can count on one hand how many times I've even been drunk in my life.

What an absolute moron....
Don't let the troll intimidate you, Rottweiler...not worth the effort. The idiots have no logical argument to present so they revert to personal attacks. Pay them no mind for they are afflicted and deserve our sympathy.

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