A Glass Floor in a New Dublin Grocery Opens a Window to Medieval Viking History


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

That's kind of cool. However, there is a part of me that is screaming..........don't touch it. Move your stupid store. You're touching it.
That is pretty cool. It's the remains of a house, not a person so I say it's pretty cool.
That is so cool

I respect them for preserving it rather than just build over it
I think it's fantastic. It is a good reason for me to fly home to Dublin just to visit a Lidl store.
Being stuck in a queue is a pretty boring experience at the best of times. To see archeologists unearth your ancient history and challenging you to think of your own mortality will bring a unique spiritual dimension to your weekly shopping.
That's very cool.

I live in America's oldest city, founded in 1565. While 450 years may seem like a long time here in the States, it's nothing when compared to sites in Europe, Dublin included...

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