A Futuristic Blend Of Ugly And Useless


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Eyes, meet Tesla’s new truck.



Yeah. We’ll just stop there and slink away.

But Weatherman! It gets better!

It does?


Now that is funny.

Tesla Cybertruck: Elon Musk's Pickup Truck Has Arrived
That baby buggy makes me want to vote for Ralph Nader and order overpriced lattes.
The worse thing about it, they said that about the Ford Taurus in 1996? And everyone copied that ugly ass design
I see that Tesla is hard at work ushering in that futuristic dystopia we keep hearing so much about.
Perhaps a re-make of Breaking Bad is in the works and Tesla was called upon to come up with a vehicle to replace Walter White's Pontiac Aztek?
Must have it because Tesla made it...

If you see me in one throw rocks at the windows and kill me!
To be fair, it is bulletproof, at least against a 9mm pistol. This is likely a MAJOR selling point to liberal yuppies in suburbia. If they can fix the windows so they can actually withstand the force of a big f*****ng chunk of metal being thrown at them, I might have to buy one. I don't know how many windows I've lost recently to random people throwing big chunks of metal at them out of the blue. This problem is particularly bad in the rural mid west.

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