A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

^^^^^^^^^^^and this is the perfect example of the post below.

For instance, this paragraph from the July essay:

The whole point of the collectivist mindset is to concentrate power in the hands of the collectivists -- which is to say, to take away our freedom. They do this in stages, starting with some group that others envy or resent -- Jews in Nazi Germany, capitalists in the Soviet Union, foreign investors in Third World countries that confiscate their investments and call this theft "nationalization."

So who does Obama and his rhetorical army work to get the people to envy or resent?

The wealthy
The business owners
The evangelical Christians
The Tea Party
Fox News
Rush Limbaugh et al
Any media that is doing its job

And we have seen as documented in the "Phony Scandals?" thread, in some way or another, Obama or his spokespeople have targeted all these groups at one time or another. By marginalizing, discrediting, or in the case of some using the government to silence dissenting voices. But too few seem sufficiently outraged so these incidents are usually just a ripple in the news cycle and are quickly buried and forgotten under more current news. And I believe that too is by intentional design. That phenomenon did not occur much during the Bush administration--anything that could be criticized or scandalized stayed on the front pages for weeks and months and was continued into this administration.

This is dangerous folks. And is almost assured that those freedoms and liberties will continue to erode, chip by chip, almost unnoticable day by day. Sort of like watching weeds grow or snow melt. You can't really see it happen but sooner or later you look out and the weeds have taken over or the snow that was there is gone.

They refuse to hear anything but the line that is being fed to them by Obama. When they tag onto something like 'Christian terrorists' they refuse to even look at anything that refutes the existence of such an animal. Obama said they are out there so they are out there. So there.
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Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1

". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."

Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:

. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide. It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We saw that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post
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Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1
". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."
Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:
. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.
It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We say that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post
The man never should have attained such power. He has no business being where he is...PERIOD. Sadly we have blind, self-aggrandizing people that are allowed to vote...
Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1
". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."
Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:
. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.
It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We say that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post
The man never should have attained such power. He has no business being where he is...PERIOD. Sadly we have blind, self-aggrandizing people that are allowed to vote...

No he should not have attained such power, but unfortunately the voices of reason that would warn us, like Dr. Sowell, were largely ignored. And the media refused to vet him because he came from the 'right liberal stuff' - he spoke the same vision they embraced, and therefore he was qualified and ready--even blessed--as the chosen one, the one who should lead us into that bright light of their vision.

And he should not be allowed the corruption and illegal misuse of power that he now assumes as his birthright, the right of kings, the annointed one. Will the Democrats and the media who share the vision allow that? They have so far. But then the sins have not been quite so publicly glaring before--there hadn't been anything to screw up their re-election chances before. And that lust for power, prestige, influence, and person wealth just might be what it takes to put the 'vision' in second place.

So we'll see.
Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1

". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."

Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:

. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide. It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We saw that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post
That reinforces my earlier thread:

Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1

". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."

Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:

. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide. It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We saw that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post

Truly the biggest farce was the US Supreme Court upholding the ACA because it is a tax. If there is a 'tax' that is paid to a corporation rather than the government, I really wish someone would post what it is because I have never known of one.
Huffington Post reports that the media representatives were not happy campers when Obama closed his comments with this line:

President Obama closed his health care press conference on Thursday by taking one last shot at the reporters he was speaking to.

“The things that go right, you guys aren’t going to write about," he said.

That was a pure ad lib and was not included in the official transcript given to the Washington Post to publish.

It did not go over well with a bunch of reporters who have been bending over backward to carry water for the last six or seven years with this President and who have done their damndest to give him good press in all circumstances.

That free ride might be over? We can only hope.

Krauthammer said last night that he is wishfully thinking that this ACA fiasco may signal the death knell for liberalism.

Again we can only hope.
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Again from Sowell's book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy - Chapter 1
". . . .What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to not be merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin. For those who have this vision of the world, the anointed and the benighted do not argue on the same moral plane or play by the same cold rules of logic and evidence. The benighted are to be are to be made "aware," to have their "consciousness raised,". . . .Should be benighted prove to be recalcitrant, however, then their 'meanspiritedness' must be fought and the 'real reasons' behind their arguments and actions exposed. . . ."
Sowell subsequently shows how evidence exposing negative consequences of such vision implemented must never be considered or it must be explained away by those who hold and defend the vision. The motive behind the vision itself is sufficient to justify it.

Returning to the OP, in his essays, Sowell builds a credible image of a Barack Obama who presents himself as one on that higher plane and in that special state of grace and incapable of error. He is always misunderstood, or he didn't know, or what he really meant was. . . ., or it was somebody else's fault or somebody else's responsibility. . . .or if it isn't working, it isn't because it won't and we'll fix it. In the Oct 10, 2008, essay he writes:
. . . . In the world of rhetoric — the world in which Obama is supreme — he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.
It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite.

We say that in action again this morning with his press conference where once again we witnessed:

1. His presumption to again, by kingly decree, write law himself and simply discount that which was passed as law by Congress. And he further did that in the most absurd and insulting way possible to the insurance companies, and to those who have lost their insurance coverage due to the ACA that he signed into law. And piled on when he suggested the 5 million or so were really a small number compared to the wonderful benevolence that the ACA would provide for all Americans. But he intends just enough damage control to get us past the 2014 elections after which he can fully implement the law as he envisions it working.

2. Once again nobody told him the website was not ready to go on October 1. Translation: it wasn't his fault that he said it was. (Never in the history of the USA has a high ranking official of the government been left out of the loop and was not informed of so many things for which he was responsible.)

3. And all of us who do not appreciate how wonderful it will be are idiots.

A full transcript of that press conference here:
Full transcript: President Obama?s Nov. 14 news conference on the Affordable Care Act - The Washington Post
The man never should have attained such power. He has no business being where he is...PERIOD. Sadly we have blind, self-aggrandizing people that are allowed to vote...

No he should not have attained such power, but unfortunately the voices of reason that would warn us, like Dr. Sowell, were largely ignored. And the media refused to vet him because he came from the 'right liberal stuff' - he spoke the same vision they embraced, and therefore he was qualified and ready--even blessed--as the chosen one, the one who should lead us into that bright light of their vision.

And he should not be allowed the corruption and illegal misuse of power that he now assumes as his birthright, the right of kings, the annointed one. Will the Democrats and the media who share the vision allow that? They have so far. But then the sins have not been quite so publicly glaring before--there hadn't been anything to screw up their re-election chances before. And that lust for power, prestige, influence, and person wealth just might be what it takes to put the 'vision' in second place.

So we'll see.
No answer but as to say GREAT answer. Kudos and on the mark. Too many have lost the ability to think for themselves, their families...their own best interest. Too many have gotten complacent, LAZY.:eusa_shhh:

Odd our leftist brothers and sisters STILL haven't come up with good reason to explain what you have posted...except the last word...LAZY. (Sorry my leftist friends...TRUTH).
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There is a passage in the Bible in which the Apostle Paul opines that a time will come when prophecy will cease. These days I wonder if that means literally that there will be no more prophets? Or does it mean that the people will lose their ability to hear and consider prophetic vision?

You are such a drama queen!!!
There is a passage in the Bible in which the Apostle Paul opines that a time will come when prophecy will cease. These days I wonder if that means literally that there will be no more prophets? Or does it mean that the people will lose their ability to hear and consider prophetic vision?

You are such a drama queen!!!
That would pre-suppose that History, written history and life is drama. Nice try...swing...miss. Try again.

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