A Cold Wind Is Blowin In...The White House Steps Up Smear Campaign Against Fox News.

Lets see... on one hand you have a White House working to correct what they claim are factual errors on the part of a news organization.

On the other hand, you have a President telling people that terrorists are going to be able to kill them because the newspaper actually did its job and investigated a possibly unconstitutional use of executive power.

Yep, you're right. They aren't comparable. One is demonstrably worse.

Name one factual error on the part of this news organization you are talking about.



That's all you got???!!! After 18 years??!!! That's it??!! 2 miscues that were RETRACTED IMMEDIATELY!!!:lol:

What the fuck does this have to do with Obama's bitch!!!!
Other times with sex scandals, as with Sen. Larry Craig, they simply have forgotten to identify them as Republicans.
They've also done it when someone's Republican status is inconvenient:

When Arlen Specter was attacking conservatives, he got labeled a D too.

And then there was the time John McCain was labeled a Democrat too. At the time that just seemed weird, but now, with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and a host of other conservatives promoting the notion that McCain was just a fake Republican anyway, it makes a certain kind of sense.
When Mark Lloyd at the FCC starts implementing his cunning plan against talk radio, and the stations start being forced off the air, perhaps then Americans will notice that the current Administration is a lot further left than they claim.

I read an article this morning from Marc Lamont Hill. In it he talks about conservative radio and the Fairness Doctrine. I quote:

"According to a study, 91% of news/talk radio programming is comprised of conservatives. In response to this staggering imbalance, it has become necessary to revive the Fairness Doctrine, forcing broadcasters to allow equal broadcast time to opposing views."

Okay, so does that mean that the ( just guessing here ) 91% of liberal MSM would now have to have conservative commentary to opposing views? What about the liberal newspapers printed all over this country?

Dr. Lamont Hill claims that ...

"Conservative radio dominates because the American people don't have a choice"

What a bunch of crap!
Al Franken had Air America. Oh, but that bombed, didn't it?
Yea i'm just gonna have to say that this is by far the whiniest White House in History. My God,the guy has just about all of the MSM bowing to lick his boots yet he's whining about just a couple of MSM outlets who dare to criticize him? Geez wasn't CNN (Communist News Network) singing songs of praise for their Supreme Leader just the other day? So what's all the smearing & bitchin about? I would even say that there has been no other President in our History who has received the kind of MSM Boot-Licking this President has. I think this whole Whiner strategy thing really is going to backfire on them in the end. Fox News ratings are better than ever and still climbing. However the point was still missed by most. When the White House begins a premeditated aggressive smear campaign against the Press,it really does set a very dangerous precedent. Some on the Left have spoken out about this issue but not enough have in my opinion.
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My God,they were actually singing songs of praise to their Supreme Leader over at CNN (Communist News Network) just the other day. How can anyone still take CNN seriously at this point. Yea i'm still sticking with Fox News at this point.
That's all you got???!!! After 18 years??!!! That's it??!! 2 miscues that were RETRACTED IMMEDIATELY!!!:lol:

What the fuck does this have to do with Obama's bitch!!!!

You asked for a factual error, you got two. Nice work moving the goalposts.

There are numerous websites dedicated to debunking Fox News and plenty of organizations getting rich off it. If you want more than two, I suggest you do a little legwork.

The problem of course is that as soon as a site embarrasses Fox News Conservatives label the site as "partisan", so I have a feeling you'll rule out the evidence to justify your own bias.
Yea i'm just gonna have to say that this is by far the whiniest White House in History. My God,the guy has just about all of the MSM bowing to lick his boots yet he's whining about just a couple of MSM outlets who dare to criticize him?
When The Nation magazine (hardly an arm of the VRWC) calls you the "Whiner-in-Chief", you know you're in the shit. :rofl:

In recent weeks this White House has been engaged in an aggressive and vicious Smear Campaign targeting any Media Outlet which dares to criticize them. Their main target seems to be Fox News at this point. They have been producing an increasing steady stream of hateful Anti-Fox News propaganda since seizing power. Now i know all the loyal Hopey Changeys will see this as a "good" thing but many on both the Left & Right have become very concerned about these clearly premeditated daily attacks.

This White House has also stepped up its attacks on Talk Radio as well. It seems that any Media Outlet that dares to criticize this White House will be immediately targeted for a White House Smear Campaign. This has many in the Press very worried. It almost seems like this White House is taking a page out of the Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro playbooks. These vicious attacks on Fox News are especially disturbing when you consider that they have actually been found by independent studies to be the most balanced Media Outlet in TV News. The CMPA (The Center for Media and Public Affairs) found that during the Election,Fox News was the most balanced in its coverage towards both parties. These results are based on a scientific content analysis of all 481 election news stories that aired on the flagship evening news shows on ABC,CBS,NBC,and Fox's Special Report with Brit Hume in the months leading up to th Election. Their study concluded that Fox News treated both parties equally as far as positive and negative coverage goes. They found that the others were much more prone to slanted coverage favoring Democrats over Republicans.

So why all the vicious attacks on Fox News and Talk Radio? Well the answer seems to be pretty simple to me. These Media Outlets have actually dared to criticize this President while the rest of the MSM seems to be completely compliant and submissive. These kinds of premeditated Smear Campaigns against the Press should be disturbing to all,both on the Left and Right. Freedom of Press and Freedom of Speech seem to be under attack right now in this country and i'm a bit surprised that more people aren't outraged. Oh yes,a Cold Wind is definitely blowin in. Will this be a long bitter Winter of Discontent?

First of all there are republicans and then there are the neo con christian fundimentalist fascists that CALL themselves republicans. Eisenhower, nixon and Goldwater would take these idiological fucks out behind the barn and horse whip them to within an inch of thier worthless lives.

Secondly ...I would like you to name even one "liberal" that is concerned with the white house opinion of fox entertainment and opinion chanel.

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There are numerous websites dedicated to debunking Fox News and plenty of organizations getting rich off it. If you want more than two, I suggest you do a little legwork.

The problem of course is that as soon as a site embarrasses Fox News Conservatives label the site as "partisan", so I have a feeling you'll rule out the evidence to justify your own bias.

Partisan or not, this site's a good one:

News Hounds: We watch FOX so you don't have to.

The Liberal dominated MSM has lost just about all credibility at this point and that's why so many are now turning to Fox News. It's simply a fresh alternative to the old & stale Liberal Media. They lost just about all of their credibility when they went after Sarah Palin and her children. Many people will not ever forget or forgive what they did to Palin and her children. The only question left now is...Can the Liberal Media stoop any lower?

That is such crap. MSNBC always backs up their stories. They either provide film footage or quotes that can easily be verified. And if they do say something that is not accurate, they set the record straight.

Fox News lies and doesn't ever apologize, no matter how untrue something is.

As for Sarah Palin??? That stupid cow has caused all of her own problems. She paraded her family in front of the media every chance she got. The unmarried pregnant daughter, the would-be son-in-law, the poor little baby with down syndrome. She is an opportunist and her family did not come first. Her family was exploited by HER, not the media.

LMAO. MSNBC does what? :lol::lol::lol:

MSNBC, owned by GE. GE took bail out money from the Government. Want to know what the price to MSNBC was? Go check out Ezekiel Emanual's blog - the price of bail out money "companies should support the Administration".

MSNBC have ZERO credibility. But with your avatar, I think we can all see another borg in the Obamanation has arrived.

You don't know what you're talking about. It had zero to do with what I posted.
Roger Ailes started Fox News as a front for the Republican Party.

Now it has become even more extreme with the silly paranoia of Glenn Beck.

Most of their viewers are old white people.
Roger Ailes started Fox News as a front for the Republican Party.

Now it has become even more extreme with the silly paranoia of Glenn Beck.

Most of their viewers are old white people.
thats why they dominate the 25 to 50 demographic


once again chris proves he is a moron

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