A close friend worked as an intern in DC for years. Tales of massive drug use.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.
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Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.
I'll take "things that don't or won't shock me for $1000, Alex".
I have stories from former staffers and research assistants from the 80's that will appall you...or maybe not. :)
Let's just say that bad behavior was/is common in Washington, DC...jeez, I'm stunned. Quick!, someone alert the media. :)
Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.
Huge story, dude.
And here I always thought that they were were some kind of Saints, beholding to clean and sober.
Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.
Cool story, bro.
All of what we experience is why the founding fathers were not enamored with large government. It is a temptation. And most of us are used to it. Many have worked for it in many ways. Larger and larger with the government employee citizen relationship becoming more and more strained. The government employee with cushioning and perhaps aggravation with dealing with citizens loses sympathy, empathy and compassion. Suffers personal issues in their lives also. And if they handle it better than others have a good life and retirement with others paying for it. I would like to know how local, regional; city and state governments keep having the ability to pay pensions and benefits to retirees just as an example.
Nearly all the Watergate Babies were dopers and degenerates. No secrets there. Bootleggers operated openly in the Congressional and Senate buildings all through Prohibition, even handing out circulars with current prices. Anybody remember Wilbur Mills? lol
Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.
I have a friend that can verify everything in your thread.
I have a friend that can verify everything in your thread.
You Talkin to me.jpg
Ok. I worked in Capitol Hill as a caseworker & Staff Assistant and I never once saw cocaine being used. Saw a shit ton of drunks, but if there was coke about the place, I never saw it. May have to do with who your friend associated with or where I suppose. I am sure it was there with that many people working in the Hill, but, unlike Madison Cawthorn, I never got invited to coke orgies.
Without revealing too much about who this person or who he worked for let me just say that his stories about the Washington DC parties with certainly eye openers for me.

This description of the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac was nothing less than graphic and disgusting.

With all the fuss being made over one small package of cocaine found at the White House let's bear in mind that the entire city is a bastian of perversity, alcoholism and drug abuse done by none of other than our own dear elected officials. Stories of rooms full of cocaine piles at DC parties are part of the deal.

It happens on Wall St too.

Many moons ago I had the key to the executive bathroom on the 29th floor of 85 Broad, and we used to find... um... evidence... in there all the time.

A lot it was the floor traders. They'd come in at the end of the day. That's a hell of a high pressure job.

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