A Choice For Blacks

Would Blacks Undo Slavery, Knowing Their Lives Would Be Worse Off?

  • Yes, they would sacrifice being Americans for the sake of their ancestors.

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • No, they would let their ancestors suffer in bondage to preserve what they have.

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
If today's blacks were given a chance to change history, and make it so slavery had never happened, would they save their ancestors from slavery, knowing it would mean they would be living in Liberia? Or would they let it happen again, in order to have a better life themselves?
Slavery is the greatest accomplishment in African history.
What kind of f*cked up question is this?
You know...making implications against blacks on the slavery issue,is no different than them making implications against whites.
Geez...must be a slooow day somewhere.
If I were black I would choose that my ancestors were allowed to immigrate to this country just like anyone else and be paid for their labor
What kind of f*cked up question is this?
You know...making implications against blacks on the slavery issue,is no different than them making implications against whites.
Geez...must be a slooow day somewhere.
No implications, just a simple yes or no question.
What kind of f*cked up question is this?
You know...making implications against blacks on the slavery issue,is no different than them making implications against whites.
Geez...must be a slooow day somewhere.
No implications, just a simple yes or no question.

This should be a public poll. The people who vote no shouldn't get to hide behind anonymity
If I were black I would choose that my ancestors were allowed to immigrate to this country just like anyone else and be paid for their labor
That wasn't an option as an answer because it wasn't an option for blacks when they were brought over against their will.
This is the typical racist....
You are better off a slave than a jungle bunny

Would you offer the Irish the same option?
Would you rather be a slave or starve in Ireland?

Fact is that blacks were robbed of their freedom and the fruits of their own labor for 200 years. As human beings they should have been offered the chance to come to America and take advantage of its bounties, just like any other human
This is the typical racist....
You are better off a slave than a jungle bunny

Would you offer the Irish the same option?
Would you rather be a slave or starve in Ireland?

Fact is that blacks were robbed of their freedom and the fruits of their own labor for 200 years. As human beings they should have been offered the chance to come to America and take advantage of its bounties, just like any other human
That may be true but the question isn't what "should" have happened, it was whether or not blacks would "undo" what DID HAPPEN if given the opportunity.
This is the typical racist....
You are better off a slave than a jungle bunny

Would you offer the Irish the same option?
Would you rather be a slave or starve in Ireland?

Fact is that blacks were robbed of their freedom and the fruits of their own labor for 200 years. As human beings they should have been offered the chance to come to America and take advantage of its bounties, just like any other human
That may be true but the question isn't what "should" have happened, it was whether or not blacks would "undo" what DID HAPPEN if given the opportunity.

I believe your "undo" presumption is inaccurate

It assumes that without slavery, blacks would have never left Africa. America still needed a workforce and blacks still made good workers

Without the institution of slavery, they could have come to America to work under an indenture contract.....just like whites did
This is the typical racist....
You are better off a slave than a jungle bunny

Would you offer the Irish the same option?
Would you rather be a slave or starve in Ireland?

Fact is that blacks were robbed of their freedom and the fruits of their own labor for 200 years. As human beings they should have been offered the chance to come to America and take advantage of its bounties, just like any other human
That may be true but the question isn't what "should" have happened, it was whether or not blacks would "undo" what DID HAPPEN if given the opportunity.

I believe your "undo" presumption is inaccurate

It assumes that without slavery, blacks would have never left Africa. America still needed a workforce and blacks still made good workers

Without the institution of slavery, they could have come to America to work under an indenture contract.....just like whites did
Fine, but that's not what happened, is it?

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