A Cabal Of National Embarrassment


Sep 23, 2010
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“Clinton to Paint Trump as a Risk to World Order.”


The Times promoted the speech as “scorching,” a “sweeping and fearsome portrayal of Mr. Trump, one that the Clinton campaign will deliver like a drumbeat to voters in the coming months.”​

Hillary’s “World Order” is code talk for United Nations. Donald Trump will not lose one vote if he argues that Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is nothing more than surrendering America’s sovereignty to the United Nations. The beauty is that Clinton gave Trump the ammunition to show “Wold Order” for what it is.

For decades the media advanced Socialism’s agenda with Big Brother logic:

. . . Orwellian reverse-logic “newspeak”, or liberal-speak, revisionist language (”war is peace”; “freedom is slavery”; “ignorance is strength” etc.) in which the political and cultural building blocks of our social order are inverted and are now viewed as the diametric opposite of their original meaning and intent.

Acts of generosity which provided aid to the needy, formerly called “charity”, has been transformed into its polar opposite—“entitlement”. “Illegal aliens”, who used to be criminals, are now just“immigrants”. Overt acts of terrorism are now called “man made disasters” and “work place violence”. The word terrorism has been officially deleted from the American Lexicon.

Everything has been redefined into distorted “1984” style misrepresentations such as “Morality is hate”; “faith is ignorance”; and “theft is social justice”. Good has become evil, evil has become good, and Americanism is now passed off as socialism.

Message to the TEA Party

Hillary Clinton has been getting away with outright lies for decades. Now that she is the Democrat party’s nominee (if she is not indicted) the media conspiring with her “. . . liberal-speak, revisionist language . . .” it is up to Trump along with every conservative public voice to nail her with the true meaning of everything she says. Here is a big one: Hillary’s “democratic allies” means democracy.

Clinton contends that a Trump presidency would be a national embarrassment, that his ideas are outside the bipartisan mainstream of U.S. foreign policy, and that he is as contemptuous of our democratic allies as he is solicitous of our antidemocratic adversaries.​

Hillary Rejects ‘America First’
Patrick J. Buchanan | Friday Jun 3, 2016 9:15 AM

Hillary Rejects 'America First' | Human Events

See this thread for a bit about democracy:

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

And my rebuttal:​

Democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty. Flanders

Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Flanders

Another Soldier For democracy Chimes In

Finally, Hillary Clinton, Taqiyya the Liar, Joe Biden, along with the rest of the New World Order crowd is a cabal of national embarrassment. Note that Hillary Clinton is one baby step away from being charged with espionage:

cabal (noun)

1. A conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers: "Espionage is quite precisely it- a cabal of powerful men, working secretly" (Frank Conroy).

2. A secret scheme or plot. See synonyms at conspiracy.

verb, intransitive
caballed, caballing, cabals
To form a cabal; conspire.​
"There’s a very good reason that this is the case: The American Right has become willfully disengaged from its fellow citizens thanks to a wonderful virtual-reality machine in which conservatives, both elite and grassroots, can believe anything they wish, no matter how at odds it is with reality."

Donald Trump, Mainstream Conservative

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan
"There’s a very good reason that this is the case: The American Right has become willfully disengaged from its fellow citizens thanks to a wonderful virtual-reality machine in which conservatives, both elite and grassroots, can believe anything they wish, no matter how at odds it is with reality."

Donald Trump, Mainstream Conservative

"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes. "If we never knew loss, we would never feel the need to conserve." That’s why the first and still canonical conservative text is Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France," a lamentation on the uprooting of that country’s monarchical order. And that’s why America, as an experiment in modernity, hasn’t had many genuine conservatives in its history." 'A Guest of My Time' 'The Kennan Diaries,' by George F. Kennan
The American left has become willfully disengaged from its fellow citizens thanks to a wonderful virtual-reality machine in which progressives, both elite and grassroots, can believe anything they wish, no matter how at odds it is with reality."

Funny how that works both ways....... :lmao:
"There’s a very good reason that this is the case: The American Right has become willfully disengaged from its fellow citizens thanks to a wonderful virtual-reality machine in which conservatives, both elite and grassroots, can believe anything they wish, no matter how at odds it is with reality."
To Midcan5: Collectivism imposed on a free people is liberalism’s reality. Hillary Clinton’s reality is totalitarian government rooted in Socialism/Communism utopianism. Her doublespeak technique for imposing her reality on the country comes right out of Saul Alinsky’s books Reveille for Radicals, and Rules for Radicals.
"All conservatism begins with loss," Andrew Sullivan writes.
To Midcan5: That is true in one sense only:

All revolutions come from the middle class, and then only when something has been taken away from them. The poor do not have the organizational skills necessary to foment successful revolution. The wealthy have no reason to revolt. In short: People never start a revolution to get something —— they always revolt to get something back. I’m betting that a well-armed people can get back the freedoms taken from them by the current form of government.

Bernie’s Largess Paid Off

In short: Hillary Clinton and her media stooges have to doublespeak in order to protect her reality against the middle class anger Trump tapped into.

Incidentally, here is a taste of Hillary’s reality. Her auctions are held at the United Nations regardless of how many times she double-speaks her patriotism


The American left has become willfully disengaged from its fellow citizens thanks to a wonderful virtual-reality machine in which progressives, both elite and grassroots, can believe anything they wish, no matter how at odds it is with reality."

Funny how that works both ways....... :lmao:
To Ringel05: Thank you for pointing that out. You are a man of nice judgement.
Hillary Clinton has been getting away with outright lies for decades.
Bill Clinton was sworn in January 1993; so 23 years old is the oldest an American born in ‘93 can be today. My point. Younger Americans between the ages of 18 and 23 will be voting this November. Assuming, they are aware of Hillary’s e-mail server, I doubt if one percent in that group of youngsters know about this:

But the all-time winner of this indoor record for scandals was Chinagate, where the Clintons and the DNC conspired to illegally solicit and accept money from the Communist Chinese government, all in exchange for favors compromising U.S. national security. The Clintons, through Commerce Department Secretary Ron Brown, were also selling seats on trade missions, including to China, in exchange for campaign cash. So completely enmeshed were the Clintons and their equally corrupt cronies with the Communist Chinese, with whom they had sold out our national security, that I used to halfheartedly joke that I hoped that the Clintons had not also sold their cat, Sox, to the Chinese.


. . . WND columnist Jack Cashill, who wrote a book, “Ron Brown’s Body” about the mysterious and convenient death of the commerce secretary just days before Judge Royce C. Lamberth had ordered that he be deposed, had this to say about my efforts: “That Time magazine has yet to name Larry ‘Man of the Year’ is a failure of Time, not Klayman’s.”​

NOTE: Newt Gingrich is on Trump’s short list for vice president:

In making a halfhearted effort to impeach and convict Slick Willy over his sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, the Republican establishment, which included then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, deep-sixed Chinagate and other much more serious scandals like Filegate, Travelgate and IRSgate in their articles of impeachment. The reason: The two-faced and compromised Gingrich did not want to expand the impeachment inquiry, as I had urged in Judicial Watch’s Impeachment Report, which was submitted to and accepted into the Congressional Record.


So it was that Chinagate and the rest of the Clintons’ scandals never factored into impeachment, although my friend Rep. Bob Bar and House Impeachment Manager Dave Schippers had worked with me to advocate this.

Nevertheless, Judicial Watch and I soldiered on to bring Bonnie and Clyde to justice. And indeed, Judge Lamberth later made an unprecedented finding, the first in American history, that “President Clyde” had committed a crime when he and Carville illegally released the Privacy Act-protected White House file of a woman, Kathleen Willey, he had sexually harassed in the White House. But this was not enough; good for the history books but not sufficient to put the Clintons away in prison where they have always belonged.

And, then the Red Sea of incriminating evidence opened up. While deposing Harold Ickes in Judicial Watch’s conference room, two White House whistleblowers that worked in the Office of Administration came into our office lobby. I had them whisked away to be interviewed by our staff, as I continued to depose “Poor Harold,” then former White House deputy chief of staff. They revealed that Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Marsha Scott, her White House aides, along with others had suppressed and failed to produce over 1 million emails contained in a White House server – emails that could expose the full extent of their criminality and which Judicial Watch, Independent Counsel Ken Starr and congressional investigative committees had subpoenaed. When we learned this, I immediately brought it to the attention of Judge Lamberth, who ultimately ordered and held a criminal contempt hearing over this apparent obstruction of justice. Also involved in the cover-up, not coincidentally, were lawyers in the same branch of the Justice Department, the Federal Programs Branch, who recently were found by Texas federal Judge Andrew Hanen to have unethically lied to the court over Obama’s executive amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Judge Lamberth ordered, at the cost of over $8 million, a search for these missing emails, which allegedly had been lost on the Clinton White House computer server. Not surprisingly, the Clinton Justice Department claimed that nothing had been destroyed, but little was found to further incriminate the Wicked Witch and her equally criminal hubby Bill. The incriminating evidence had “mysteriously ” disappeared, just as Hillary’s 33,000-plus emails in the current email scandal were deleted.

The moral to the story: Hillary Clinton’s present email scandal is nothing new.​

Hillary's email scandal … of the 1990s!
Posted By Larry Klayman On 06/10/2016 @ 7:57 pm

Hillary’s email scandal … of the 1990s!

If you read Klayman’s article you saw the names of people who were up to their necks in every criminal act the Clintons committed in the ‘90s. Logically, she will enlist the same people again. Betraying the country to China with their help was a foretaste of Hillary’s global agenda.

Incidentally, Bill Clinton gave North Korea nuclear capabilities years before the Chicago sewer rat did it for Iran.

There is not a chance the media, including FOX, will resurrect Clinton & Company treason from the 1990s, but perhaps young Americans would be interested in learning exactly what Hillary Clinton has always been off-camera:

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton’s lover - before and AFTER his marriage - tells how 'lumpy' Hillary with her 'fat ankles and hair on her toes' schemed to get her to LIE on 60 Minutes about Bill's other affairs
by Caroline Howe For Dailymail.com
Published: 07:36 EST, 10 June 2016 | Updated: 10:09 EST, 10 June 2016

Bill Clinton’s lover says Hillary schemed to get her to LIE
Younger Americans between the ages of 18 and 23 will be voting this November. Assuming, they are aware of Hillary’s e-mail server, I doubt if one percent in that group of youngsters know about this:
Less than one percent know about this one from the Clinton years:


Word spread quickly from TRACON. Within a half hour of the crash, Clinton anti-terror czar Richard Clarke was summoning a high level meeting at the White House. A civilian plane crash never before prompted this kind of response. The eyewitness accounts had yet to come in. The radar tape had set the wheels in motion.​

June 13, 2016
TWA 800: Breaking -- Air Traffic Controller Tells All
By Jack Cashill

Articles: TWA 800: Breaking -- Air Traffic Controller Tells All
It is starting to look like Gorelick’s Wall was only built to keep the truth out. Her Wall did not stop a coverup from getting in:

This, of course, raises the question of why the CIA was involved in the first place. A year earlier Deputy Attorney Jamie Gorelick had issued the notorious “wall” memorandum preventing the criminal investigators of the FBI and the intelligence gatherers of the CIA from collaborating. The CIA ignored the memo. So too did FBI agent in charge, Jim Kallstrom. The fact that Kallstrom reported to Gorelick hints at why he was allowed to.

June 14, 2016
TWA 800: How the CIA Hijacked the FBI Investigation
By Jack Cashill

Articles: TWA 800: How the CIA Hijacked the FBI Investigation

NOTE: The Clintons via Gorelick’s Wall had more to do with Islam’s successful attacks on 9-11-2001 than did any other factor.

The bombshell memo that Attorney General John Ashcroft revealed during his testimony before the 9/11 Commission marked a dramatic shift in the hearings. Till then, the Bush administration had largely been on the defensive trying to explain their failure to connect the dots that might have prevented the 9/11 attacks. By declassifying and releasing a 1995 memo written by then-deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick, also a member of the 9/11 commission investigating what went wrong, the perception of the committee and the investigation vastly changed.


Ashcroft then released the memo, which revealed that Gorelick had actually written the policy procedures that “go beyond what is legally required” in building up the wall between counterintelligence and criminal investigations that had been erected in the 1970s as part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA. She had not disclosed this to the committee when she accepted her place on it. The Ashcroft move was so effective and dramatic that liberal Al Hunt of the Wall Street Journal tried to compare him to Joseph McCarthy.


Rep. James Sensenbrenner called for Gorelick to step down from the commission. He argued that she should be testifying before the committee as to why, in the period leading up to 9/11, the FBI and CIA were not sharing information about people with known terrorist ties. The acting FBI director Thomas Pickard had told the 9/11 commission that he was “surprised that?Gorelick is serving on the panel because she had played a key role in setting the very counterterrorism policies being investigated.”


. . . it was Ashcroft who was testifying before the commission. Gorelick was sitting in judgment of him when she should have been under scrutiny herself.

The Gorelick Memo
Cliff Kincaid — May 5, 2004

The Gorelick Memo
Hillary Clinton has been getting away with outright lies for decades. Now that she is the Democrat party’s nominee (if she is not indicted)


The fix was in; nevertheless, let’s not turn out the lights and go home because Hillary skated one more time.

Hillary Clinton has not held a press conference since December 4, 2015. Question: Why is her media shield as impenetrable as it was when she first lady? The answer is easy. The Clintons, especially Hillary in her bid for presidency, represent the New World Order crowd’s last best hope to surrender America’s sovereignty to a one government world.

More importantly, media protecting the Clintons began when they were in Arkansas.


If you read Jack Cashill’s articles you will find media covering up for the Clintons, Leon Panetta, Jamie Gorelick, Sandy Berger and Janet Reno —— who kept Hillary Clinton’s responsibility for the1993 Branch Davidian Massacre a secret. By the time the second Clinton term rolled around, covering up TWA Flight 800 was a breeze compared to actually ordering the slaughter of American men, women and children.

Sandy Berger is dead, but the other participants went on to bigger and better things after 1996. More importantly, you will learn how and when the media ceded control of the Department of Justice, the CIA, and the FBI to the Clintons:

The media run the risk of being the only adults who do not know this story. It began at 8:19 p.m. on July 17, 1996, when TWA Flight 800 left JFK Airport in New York bound for Paris. At 8:31 p.m., the 747 exploded off the coast of Long Island, killing all 230 people on board.​

July 5, 2016
Hillary, Gorelick, and the Corruption of the TWA 800 Case
By Jack Cashill

Articles: Hillary, Gorelick, and the Corruption of the TWA 800 Case

Clinton control explains why the DoJ, and FBI directors like James Comey, will never indict a well-connected Democrat, and, by extension, never investigate anything that might uncover treason committed for the United Nations. Indeed, both agencies rolled over faster than two dollar whores when Taqiyya the Liar gave INTERPOL diplomatic immunity over American law enforcement.

The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425."

Executive Order 13524 -- Amending Executive Order 12425

It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.

By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates—now operates—on American soil, its officers and property beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. . . this immunity and protection—and elevation above the US Constitution—afforded INTERPOL is likely a precursor to the White House subjecting the United States under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). INTERPOL provides a significant enforcement function for the ICC, just as our FBI provides a significant function for our Department of Justice. . . Two critical matters are at play. One is an overall matter of sovereignty and the concept of the primacy of American laws above those of the rest of the world. But more recently a more overriding concern principally has been the potential—if not likely—specter of subjecting our Armed Forces to a hostile international body seeking war crimes prosecutions during the execution of an unpopular war. . .


In light of what we know and can observe, it is our logical conclusion that President Obama's Executive Order amending President Ronald Reagans' 1983 EO 12425 and placing INTERPOL above the United States Constitution and beyond the legal reach of our own top law enforcement is a precursor to more damaging moves.

Wither Sovereignty
Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?
By Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton December 23, 2009

ThreatsWatch.Org: PrincipalAnalysis: Wither Sovereignty

The Clintons have nightmares where their loyalty to the United Nations is put to the test in the years ahead. Competition for a global government is the last thing traitors want to see:

A week after the British vote on June 23, E.U. Vice President Federica Mogherini released a document outlining the union’s plan for expansion, “A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign And Security Policy,” raising some eyebrows in foreign policy circles.

Not only does the document suggest the possible formation of an E.U. army, it explores expanding the multi-state entity into Asia and Africa.

It even envisions a global government.


Indeed, the executive summary of the E.U. document suggests a possible expansion into two neighboring continents, Asia and Africa.​

Rejected by U.K., Europeans to seek 'empire'?
Posted By Garth Kant On 07/04/2016 @ 6:28 pm

Rejected by U.K., Europeans to seek ’empire’?

For one thing, the United Nations claimed ownership of the oceans and the atmosphere. Will a European global government demand a share of ownership from the United Nations? Will the U.S. continue to pay the lion’s share of UN peacekeeping activities? Will Europe pick up the tab in their areas?

Ending up with three global governments will show the concept of global government for the joke it is. In addition to Europe, Communist countries will certainly demand a one government world of their own. Before long there will be six or seven global governments.

One final observation. If global government administered by the United Nations is such a good deal for Americans, why has the New World Order crowd been hiding their treason since 1945 at the same time they tell us how patriotic they are? Maybe Hillary can supply an answer in a debate against Donald Trump.


. . . “We have a very embarrassing situation” on our hands and the “White House will make a statement later today.” The president made no statement that day or ever admitted to an “embarrassing situation.” This suggests that Kallstrom knew as early as July 21 that the investigation was about to be misdirected. The source’s account was confirmed by a reporter with whom he shared this information on the same day.​

Believe TWA Flight 800 story? Pilots don't
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 08/06/2016 @ 1:37 pm

Believe TWA Flight 800 story? Pilots don’t
The mightiest country in the world and Republicans are so terrified. Too bad their lack of education keeps them that way.

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