A break down of the right

Note the desperation as the moonbats search for anything that gives them a slim hope of winning another election anywhere in the country.
Read the polls and take a long look at the Virginia election results next week. Oh, by the way, if I am not mistaken Cory Booker took the oath of office in the Senate today. And incidently, how did your prediction regarding romney winning the presidency go?
Funny how the left is suddenly concerned about the political future of the right while the radical left administration is collapsing.


Here's a breakdown of Plasmaball, and liberals like him.

Accusing another person of avoiding the issues, but being a Democrat he knows that all to well what that entails. A good example would be as Obamacare was crashing and burning, he and his liberal friends started talking about immigration reform, hoping and hoping some more that this would shift people's focus away from the debacle which was the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Not only that, when Republicans insisted on delaying the mandate by shutting the government down over it, people such as he began saying "oh this shall be your undoing, Republicans, look at the polls, look at the polls! You are trying to kill a perfectly good law, no we will not negotiate!" But alas, once again, the self destruction of Obamacare made it clear that the Republicans had been right all along. All this time. Plasmaball along with his liberal friends sat there and watched in horror as their beloved party began discussing of ways to *GASP* delay Obamacare.

People such as Plasmaball are of the mindset that no Liberal can ever tell a lie, yet Obama told them in spades. "You can keep you doctor and your plan under my plan, because I am the man!" He said. This was not to be so. No, not at all, for he had lied to America, as he played the fiddle while our healthcare system burned.

When there is nothing serious to discuss, Plasmaball is the first to discuss it. You can rest assured on that. You can never expect an argument that isn't somehow pockmarked with pejoratives, invective and harmful partisan rhetoric. He only knows how to be derisive here on these boards, and does more to inflame the membership.
Here is a breakdown of temlarkormac and wingnuts like him:
Blab! Blab! Blab! Something stupid. Blab! Blab!

Here's a breakdown of Plasmaball, and liberals like him.

Accusing another person of avoiding the issues, but being a Democrat he knows that all to well what that entails. A good example would be as Obamacare was crashing and burning, he and his liberal friends started talking about immigration reform, hoping and hoping some more that this would shift people's focus away from the debacle which was the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Not only that, when Republicans insisted on delaying the mandate by shutting the government down over it, people such as he began saying "oh this shall be your undoing, Republicans, look at the polls, look at the polls! You are trying to kill a perfectly good law, no we will not negotiate!" But alas, once again, the self destruction of Obamacare made it clear that the Republicans had been right all along. All this time. Plasmaball along with his liberal friends sat there and watched in horror as their beloved party began discussing of ways to *GASP* delay Obamacare.

People such as Plasmaball are of the mindset that no Liberal can ever tell a lie, yet Obama told them in spades. "You can keep you doctor and your plan under my plan, because I am the man!" He said. This was not to be so. No, not at all, for he had lied to America, as he played the fiddle while our healthcare system burned.

When there is nothing serious to discuss, Plasmaball is the first to discuss it. You can rest assured on that. You can never expect an argument that isn't somehow pockmarked with pejoratives, invective and harmful partisan rhetoric. He only knows how to be derisive here on these boards, and does more to inflame the membership.
Here is a breakdown of temlarkormac and wingnuts like him:
Blab! Blab! Blab! Something stupid. Blab! Blab!

And wtf is your problem? Lay off the meth will you? Negged.

And wtf is your problem? Lay off the meth will you? Negged.[/QUOTE]
Here is a breakdown of temlarkormac and wingnuts like him:
Blab! Blab! Blab! Something stupid. Blab! Blab!
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We are talking about you, not me.

nope..anyways unless anyone else posts something of actual value, ill let this thread go. People rather whine about stupid things than understand inner politics. Thus why they are bottom feeders.

You're the one that refuses to recognize that you can't hang everyone who votes for the GOP on your 3 pegs, the vast majority fall somewhere in between. No need to respond, I know you're not smart enough to understand this concept.

No you cant but you can group most of them into this. The vast majority do not fall in between these three. Just sometimes a certain issues they bleed over, but for the most part they contradict themselves.

Here's a breakdown of Plasmaball, and liberals like him.

Accusing another person of avoiding the issues, but being a Democrat he knows that all to well what that entails. A good example would be as Obamacare was crashing and burning, he and his liberal friends started talking about immigration reform, hoping and hoping some more that this would shift people's focus away from the debacle which was the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Not only that, when Republicans insisted on delaying the mandate by shutting the government down over it, people such as he began saying "oh this shall be your undoing, Republicans, look at the polls, look at the polls! You are trying to kill a perfectly good law, no we will not negotiate!" But alas, once again, the self destruction of Obamacare made it clear that the Republicans had been right all along. All this time. Plasmaball along with his liberal friends sat there and watched in horror as their beloved party began discussing of ways to *GASP* delay Obamacare.

People such as Plasmaball are of the mindset that no Liberal can ever tell a lie, yet Obama told them in spades. "You can keep you doctor and your plan under my plan, because I am the man!" He said. This was not to be so. No, not at all, for he had lied to America, as he played the fiddle while our healthcare system burned.

When there is nothing serious to discuss, Plasmaball is the first to discuss it. You can rest assured on that. You can never expect an argument that isn't somehow pockmarked with pejoratives, invective and harmful partisan rhetoric. He only knows how to be derisive here on these boards, and does more to inflame the membership.
Here is a breakdown of temlarkormac and wingnuts like him:
Blab! Blab! Blab! Something stupid. Blab! Blab!

and pos repped.
nope..anyways unless anyone else posts something of actual value, ill let this thread go. People rather whine about stupid things than understand inner politics. Thus why they are bottom feeders.
There are no inner politics here. There are progressive delusions and lies.

sure, because you are the bastion of truth
Boy, you bring in a pile of steaming proglodyte horseshit and expect to be taken seriously?

I suggest you post exclusively on any of the prog echo chambers where groupthink is rigidly enforced, and conflicting views are deleted immediately to protect fragile world-views.

Obviously, you cannot handle disagreement. And since no one is under any obligation to alter their opinions to satisfy your emotional needs, USMB is perhaps not the place for you.
There are no inner politics here. There are progressive delusions and lies.

sure, because you are the bastion of truth
Boy, you bring in a pile of steaming proglodyte horseshit and expect to be taken seriously?

I suggest you post exclusively on any of the prog echo chambers where groupthink is rigidly enforced, and conflicting views are deleted immediately to protect fragile world-views.

Obviously, you cannot handle disagreement. And since no one is under any obligation to alter their opinions to satisfy your emotional needs, USMB is perhaps not the place for you.
yawn...next up you will start on about licking boots and such. go back to welching
sure, because you are the bastion of truth
Boy, you bring in a pile of steaming proglodyte horseshit and expect to be taken seriously?

I suggest you post exclusively on any of the prog echo chambers where groupthink is rigidly enforced, and conflicting views are deleted immediately to protect fragile world-views.

Obviously, you cannot handle disagreement. And since no one is under any obligation to alter their opinions to satisfy your emotional needs, USMB is perhaps not the place for you.
yawn...next up you will start on about licking boots and such. go back to welching
Hey, if you don't like being called a bootlicker, quit licking Obama's boots, boy. Have at least a little self-respect.

Oh, and I see you're still bitterly clinging to that "welcher" lie.

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