A blast from the past

I honestly think every one of those suggestions has merrit.

Ladies? thoughts? In this very arrogant world we have, some might get pissed off at the idea of (gasp!) thinking about somebody, other than yourself!

A wife SHOULD know her place. My wife's place is right at my side. :)
I honestly think every one of those suggestions has merrit.

Ladies? thoughts? In this very arrogant world we have, some might get pissed off at the idea of (gasp!) thinking about somebody, other than yourself!

A wife SHOULD know her place. My wife's place is right at my side. :)

You're such a PIG!:p:
I agree with everything in there except:
1) His topics of conversation are more important than yours.
2) You have no right to question him.

Everything else sounds like something a wife should try to do, although doubtful a woman could live up to every one of those things every day.

Before you go off, my "modern" sisters, remember what a man considered his responsibility to be to his wife and family back then, too. It was shameful for woman to HAVE to work. A man was considered weak and unmanly if he let a woman be insulted in his presence. Men curbed their language when women were present, held doors, carried heavy stuff, as signs of respect and caring. A man was expected to give up his seat to let a woman sit, to walk on the outside of the sidewalk so as to be between a woman and the street. These are just a few that my mom told me.
I agree with everything in there except:
1) His topics of conversation are more important than yours.
2) You have no right to question him.

Everything else sounds like something a wife should try to do, although doubtful a woman could live up to every one of those things every day.

Before you go off, my "modern" sisters, remember what a man considered his responsibility to be to his wife and family back then, too. It was shameful for woman to HAVE to work. A man was considered weak and unmanly if he let a woman be insulted in his presence. Men curbed their language when women were present, held doors, carried heavy stuff, as signs of respect and caring. A man was expected to give up his seat to let a woman sit, to walk on the outside of the sidewalk so as to be between a woman and the street. These are just a few that my mom told me.
That's the way it should be. And, believe it or not, there are still some men that believe it too. Okay, we're few an far between, but still.:p:
That's the way it should be. And, believe it or not, there are still some men that believe it too. Okay, we're few an far between, but still.:p:

I think the basic male/female needs are the same. Above other things, a man wants to be respected, admired. A woman wants to feel special, treasured. Too bad so many people want to deny this basic difference.

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