A Bill To Enhance The Value Of Us Weapons Stockpiles In Israel By $200 Million To $1.8 Billion And F

Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care, and I mean that sincerely. Israel stands for nothing but hate and a war propaganda machine.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care, and I mean that sincerely. Israel stands for nothing but hate and a war propaganda machine.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care, and I mean that sincerely. Israel stands for nothing but hate and a war propaganda machine.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
You are a Palestinian propaganda shill and you are not fooling anyone.
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself. Then you got all the other brown nosing Senators who want a voice and not just take up space in Washington. Really sick when they put another country before ours.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care, and I mean that sincerely. Israel stands for nothing but hate and a war propaganda machine.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
You are sick and need help. Call 911 immediately. For your own good.
The United States has passed a bill strengthening relations with Israel and elevating Tel Aviv as its “major strategic partner”.

Over three-quarters of US Senate members unanimously voted to the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act on Thursday.

Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) along with 81 co-sponsors authored the legislation out of a total of 100 Senators.

“America’s long-standing relationship and strong cooperation with Israel dates back to the presidency of fellow Missourian Harry S. Truman,” Senator Blunt said following the bill’s passage.

The bill improves Israel’s trade status and requires Washington and Tel Aviv increase cooperation on energy, water and other arenas.

It will also enhance the value of US weapons stockpiles in Israel by $200 million to $1.8 billion and further facilitate Tel Aviv’s access to the weaponry.
PressTV - US Senate elevates Israel to major strategic partner
An excellent development.

After all, the IDF has to re-stock its ammunition bunkers, after burning off all those munitions during the latest Gaza War, killing Hamas scum.

An excellent use of our foreign military aid tax dollars.
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself.
This is why.

Iran doesn't need nuke since nobody threat Iran, but they threats world peace with their Nazi like regime and Radical Islam.
Watch the preaching and speech given by Ahmedinijad, Khaminaei and their government, with the best regards to the Iranians people, I don't think WE or America have any quarrel with the Iranians, but they still strive for nuclear power and of course destruction of Western societies, we've already seen what they do to their own people, I don't want to know what they would do to us with nuclear power at hand.
Life's a bitch, ain't it, Jewhater?

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care, and I mean that sincerely. Israel stands for nothing but hate and a war propaganda machine.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
You are sick and need help. Call 911 immediately. For your own good.

Personally I think your the one is needs help. Zionut is right, why are you a zionut?
Makes me sick. A bill introduced by a Jew and ? Baptist who is probably trying to make a name for himself.
This is why.

Iran doesn't need nuke since nobody threat Iran, but they threats world peace with their Nazi like regime and Radical Islam.
Watch the preaching and speech given by Ahmedinijad, Khaminaei and their government, with the best regards to the Iranians people, I don't think WE or America have any quarrel with the Iranians, but they still strive for nuclear power and of course destruction of Western societies, we've already seen what they do to their own people, I don't want to know what they would do to us with nuclear power at hand.

You know, Muslims are the terrorist. The rest of us unlawful people are just criminals. Isnt it wonderful. We have Latin America gangs in the US, we don't call them terrorist, we call them criminals, terrorist is reserved for Muslims,

why is that. Terror is so much more fearful a word than criminal , isn't it. The biggest terrorist is the ones who fill our heads with fear to get us to give in to their idealism, they do it with propaganda and untrue news stories, day after day, instilling fear in people to control them. Be fearful of the men who can change your thinking more than one who can take your arm off, because that is real control.

I'm really sorry you are so afraid Daniyel, but I would imagine most of that fear of Iran is unwarranted.

If it matters at all, I blame many members of our gov. as well for type of control that the Zionist in Israel use , now they are targeting ours seniors for their votes by threatening SS benefits and Medicare cuts, its the same thing. I see they are doing the same to you in Israel, the costs of the war with the Pals, the budget once again, as they waste our money and tax dollars and God only knows where it goes, because they are not taking care the US homeland with it.
Yes I remember the war, rather is now reminding me of our preemptive Iraq war, dragging on an on and on.

What is it you think they have in Obama, and well he is not going to be in office for long, then what?

Also why is Israel above nuclear inspections?

Last question first.

Because Iran is a signatory to the NPA and Israel is not.

Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Secondly, with President Obama, they have a more understanding avenue. One that will allow both nuclear continuance and a retention of the road to Damascus.

While Iran continues to increase its power base in the arena.

Israel is just not more than an irritance and a place on which to center some of the Middle East's unrest...when the Shia and Sunni aren't otherwise occupied with each other.

Remember thst Israel's been recreated for less than a hundred years. The schism between the Sunni and Shia has been going on since ~700AD.

When Sunni Saddam fell, it was inevitable that some Sunni influence would try and recreate Saddam's powerbase.

It's Saddam 2.0.
Yes I am aware Israel does not belong, but why not, when are they beyond global law, and then who are they to talk about Iran.
So its being anti Israel, well isn't Israel being anti iran?

Iran who? IAEA conference to focus on Israeli 'nuclear threat'
Annual International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference begins in Vienna • Arab states to raise "Israeli Nuclear Capabilities" resolution for a vote • Resolution has been defeated by conference in the past • Israeli envoy calls initiative "cynical."
This year, an Arab initiative dubbed the Israeli Nuclear Capabilities resolution is expected to garner a lot of attention. Israel has described this initiative as blatantly anti-Israel, and accused its initiators of being politically motivated and overstepping the IAEA's jurisdiction.
U.S. and Israeli officials -- who see Iran's atomic activity as the main proliferation threat -- have said a nuclear arms-free zone in the Middle East cannot become a reality until there is broad Arab-Israeli peace and Iran curbs its program.
Israel's ambassador to the IAEA denounced a request by 18 Arab states for the issue to be put on the agenda of this year's IAEA conference as "cynical."
A second resolution to be discussed at the conference relates to IAEA oversight in the Middle East, and it is being raised this year due to Egyptian insistence on certain controversial clauses in the text of the resolution that Israel avoided voting on last year.
That's simply more attempts to de-weaponize Israel.

They're gonna need more than good luck to do that.

While Iran is a signatory to the NPA and is looking to finalize nuclear weapons out of their nuclear stockpiles.

No not really. Jew hater? I just think America should start thinking about America and let Israel fend for itself. I could care less about the make believe Jews in Israel, so call me what you want. I don't care.
Classic example of Turnspeak, eh what?

Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
You are sick and need help. Call 911 immediately. For your own good.

Personally I think your the one is needs help. Zionut is right, why are you a zionut?
These little voices in my head tell me I am a Zionut. And cloud formations. It's hell being a Zionut and a dittohead at the same time.
Israel stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war.
In Turnspeak, that means:

"Palestine stands for nothing, no moral fiber, no nothing, except propaganda and war."

Good job!!!

I don't think I'm making myself clear to you, as long as Israel and our US gov bows down to the fake jews, I will speak against them, as I do not want to see this country go into WWIII due to them , got it. That is what they want, us to fight for them, its bad enough we give them billions and weapons for their genocide on the Pals. They are a cancer in our US society like they were in Germany.
You are sick and need help. Call 911 immediately. For your own good.

Personally I think your the one is needs help. Zionut is right, why are you a zionut?
These little voices in my head tell me I am a Zionut. And cloud formations. It's hell being a Zionut and a dittohead at the same time.

Perhaps their neighbors better make more healthier use of their time. ISIL and Hamas are the same thing.

The world now sees unfettered Islam in ISIL.
ISIS Already in Gaza Strip

Hamas seems to be losing control of the dozens of terror cells in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the ISIS rally in the Gaza Strip last month as part of its effort to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip. But Hamas seems to be trying to cover the sun with one finger.

The Gaza Strip is no longer only a threat to Israel, but also to Egypt. The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt.

Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] -- also known as "The Islamic State" -- has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.


At the funeral of two Islamists killed by the Israel Defense Forces last week in Gaza, funeral-goers carried flags and banners of ISIS.

Over the past decade, it has become clear that Hamas is not the only terrorist organization operating in the Gaza Strip, which has become a base for dozens of jihadi groups, some linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The smuggling tunnels that used to link the Gaza Strip with Egypt (most have been destroyed by the Egyptian army over the past year) have facilitated the movement of thousands of Islamist terrorists in both directions.

The Gaza Strip is no longer only a threat to Israel, but also to the national security of Egypt.

The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt, which have a common interest in preventing the Islamists from exporting their terrorism beyond the borders of the Gaza Strip.

ISIS Already in Gaza Strip
ISIS Already in Gaza Strip

Hamas seems to be losing control of the dozens of terror cells in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the ISIS rally in the Gaza Strip last month as part of its effort to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip. But Hamas seems to be trying to cover the sun with one finger.

The Gaza Strip is no longer only a threat to Israel, but also to Egypt. The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt.

Despite denials by Hamas, there is growing evidence that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS] -- also known as "The Islamic State" -- has begun operating in the Gaza Strip.


At the funeral of two Islamists killed by the Israel Defense Forces last week in Gaza, funeral-goers carried flags and banners of ISIS.

Over the past decade, it has become clear that Hamas is not the only terrorist organization operating in the Gaza Strip, which has become a base for dozens of jihadi groups, some linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The smuggling tunnels that used to link the Gaza Strip with Egypt (most have been destroyed by the Egyptian army over the past year) have facilitated the movement of thousands of Islamist terrorists in both directions.

The Gaza Strip is no longer only a threat to Israel, but also to the national security of Egypt.

The only way to confront this threat is through security cooperation between Israel and Egypt, which have a common interest in preventing the Islamists from exporting their terrorism beyond the borders of the Gaza Strip.

ISIS Already in Gaza Strip

A journalist for the Jerusalem Post and Gatestone Institute, not credible. Nice pic though!!

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