A Biden/Warren Ticket In The Near Future?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Seems those two are talking as old friends. Democrats TRIED to get Warren to run against Hillary. A Biden/Warren possible ticket would devastate the Clinton run. At this point I doubt they could beat either one.

The question has been how does the DNC dump Clinton and not piss of women?
A Biden/Warren ticket would do it. A Biden/Warren ticket allows the DNC to keep its base with women AND allows the DOJ and FBI to go after Clinton guns blazing.
And the DNC and women will not have to waste time defending her.

Hillary is standing in a cross walk and the Trump bus the Sanders bus and now maybe the Biden AND Warren buses are bearing down on her. I honestly think Obozo and his White House are pulling strings for this. Do you see him supporting her? No. Did you see HIM fighting those email releases? No.
Who picks the person to run the DOJ? Or the FBI?

So he's not supporting her and he is not protecting her and she is running from the press. Or her replies to direct questions like cleaning a server. "You mean with a cloth?' Totally ignorant and arrogant reply.

Biden consults with Warren as he mulls 2016 presidential bid

Oh and Stats? Here you go buddy, need salt?
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Biden doesn't want any of this. He buried a son not long ago. He's ready to hang his hat.
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Unlikely scenario.

But nice try, dorky fuzzlenutz-IQ-214.

3 stars for effort.

You know they are not meeting like that to pass the time of day.
Things are moving behind the scenes. Warren has not supported Hillary either. Nor Biden nor Obama.

Sanders maybe to far left for party wonks. Biden could fix that and Warren could overcome the "women's issues".
his dying son asked him to run...

he'll probably run just to take some o heat off hillary and ultimately help to ensure a dem victory..

"Several sources said they saw no willingness on the part of prominent Democrats to drop their support for Clinton"

Biden meets with Elizabeth Warren to talk possible 2016 bid

Are Biden and Gore trying to undermine Clinton?
But it won't take the heat of Hillary. He will get the good press and she will get more of the bad press. Biden would be a death nail to Hillary And Biden/Sanders or Biden/Warren?
WAY bad for her WAY BAD.
Not looking all that good for America's royal family part II...the Clintons,the Kennedy's being the
all time American Royal Family.
Anyway will Hillary again become the bridesmaid and not the bride as Biden and Lizzie come in and
snatch the nomination from Hilly baby.....
"Several sources said they saw no willingness on the part of prominent Democrats to drop their support for Clinton"

Biden meets with Elizabeth Warren to talk possible 2016 bid

Are Biden and Gore trying to undermine Clinton?
But it won't take the heat of Hillary. He will get the good press and she will get more of the bad press. Biden would be a death nail to Hillary And Biden/Sanders or Biden/Warren?
WAY bad for her WAY BAD.

or so you and the rest of the hillary haters would like to think...

i encourage all of you hillary haters to take a look around today at all our current news sources and please take note that the oft whined about "liberal press" are absolutely NOT giving hillary a free pass to the white house...

remember this moment...and don't forget what the dnc machine did to her last time around...

this woman is going to take it all the way to the presidency based on her own merits. :thup:


I like that Trump is going around the country stirring the shit up....
But I'm pulling for a ticket along these lines.....


Walker for me has dropped a little since Kasich announced.

Anyway that's my two cent opinion today....
Gotta go back to making fun of Hillary and her legion of followers.

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