A Baptist church just hosted a transgender theologian


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(ETH) – Recently we reported on how an Assembly of God Church in Texas had departed from the denomination and to fully affirm the LGBTQ Community. And now a new report is coming out of a First Baptist Church of Columbia that recently hosted a transgender named Austen Hartke, who is a “transgender theologian”.
A Baptist Church Just Hosted a "Transgender Theologian"

food shortages
your LIE you asses believe " climate change"


There is NOTHING CHRISTIAN about this shit and as the UNIVERSE tells you tards of the globe you'll see what you want when you want then comes NO DENY truth for some they learn to late living in hell daily well enjoy your free ride camouflaged by the satanic bitch himself " satan". lmfao who by the way has you jackasses totally fooled. Watch what takes place with loons who think this shit is all just peachy keen.
The Baptist church of my youth told people they were going to hell and so were their ancestors for sprinkling water on the person being baptised instead of dunking them. I don't think that welled from the mouth of Jesus Christ, really I don't. I thought about my family's history of ministers, judges, and schoolmarms who dedicated their lives and careers to helping other people out, and building friendships and reconciliation among community people regardless of the churches they attended, and they never, never inflicted God's wrath on people whose minor differences are up to God's judgment, not their recruitment through damnation society who build walls against their fellow believers in God's word. After attending a week of revival hellfire, I went back to my family's church for protection from such hate, and have never gone back to it. Our church loves everybody and doesn't threaten people with hellfire and damnation over petty stuff. We strive to obey God's law as written in the Bible, and nowhere in the bible does it say you will be damned for sprinkling your newborn with holy water rather than drowning the poor little thing. And the bible does say "suffer ye the LITTLE children," from Christ's own words.

Christ also taught from the Torah (aka called the pentateuch, which means the first five books of the bible) so that people would understand what it says. And the Ten Commandments are simply a reminder of living in a way that does not cause hatefulness to separate people by taking away things that are precious to that person, such as his property, his wife and family, and not to badmouth him with lies if you hate him nor covet (strongly want) anything that is one's neighbor's, including his wife (or her husband). For people who don't understand complexities of language, Christ summarized the Ten Commandments into two things people need to know: Love God and his Word with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself, which means to act in accordance with his well-being and helping him when he is down.

I don't know what could be less offensive than doing the right thing for other people, but Christians have long offended the high and the mighty gauging by their prayers for their enemies resulting in them being spectacle fun for heathens who watched with great entertainment these meek people being torn limb by limb and eaten in Roman stadiums adjacent to their orgy-filled palaces, and up to today when people write how they hate religion and think little of people who believe in God and his immaculate Son Jesus Christ who gave himself to others, including his enemies who were enraged because God sent him into the world as a babe into the care of a Jewish couple, where he amazed scholars in the Synagogue with his understanding of scripture when he was twelve years old. He turned water into wine at weddings and healed people's miserable health issues so they could walk, wake up from the tomb, and rise up and walk at his say-so. He is the best man to have ever walked this earth, and his death was followed by his resurrection from the dead to be the Holy Spirit people needed to keep him in their hearts, lives, and behaviors that copied his mannerisms of caring for other people without judgment, but with love and pity. Loving Christ brings a friend forever for the lonely and displaced, the person who made mistakes he later regrets at some point, and for anyone who asks God to watch over their affairs so they do not harm other human beings but is a light to help them when they need help.

I pray for those who use fear to recruit members, but ask God to show them the light of his love and mercy in this one nation that was conceived in a collective Christian disciplinary doctrine and only asks citizens to respect the flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pray that we not forget to ask God to be our light wherever we walk, a lamp unto our feet. And that he helps us to love and bless our enemies to seek eternal life in him, which definitely will bless them for eternity in return for their belief in the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. It's so simple, and it doesn't cost a penny to determine to believe in and practice the words found in the Good Book.
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The Baptist church of my youth told people they were going to hell and so were their ancestors for sprinkling water on the person being baptised instead of dunking them. I don't think that welled from the mouth of Jesus Christ, really I don't. I thought about my family's history of ministers, judges, and schoolmarms who dedicated their lives and careers to helping other people out, and building friendships and reconciliation among community people regardless of the churches they attended, and they never, never inflicted God's wrath on people whose minor differences are up to God's judgment, not their recruitment through damnation society who build walls against their fellow believers in God's word. After attending a week of revival hellfire, I went back to my family's church for protection from such hate, and have never gone back to it. Our church loves everybody and doesn't threaten people with hellfire and damnation over petty stuff. We strive to obey God's law as written in the Bible, and nowhere in the bible does it say you will be damned for sprinkling your newborn with holy water rather than drowning the poor little thing. And the bible does say "suffer ye the LITTLE children," from Christ's own words.

Raised Catholic till I found my own way about 21 or so. We were told it was a mortal sin to eat toothpaste. Also if you visit a church of a different denomination, you go straight to hell.

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