A $38,000 Purse? Really?

Actually, the store owner is probably the one who is pissed. You don't want to blow off customers who can easily purchase a $38,000 purse. Which is exactly what the employee did.
A $38,0000 purse?

What an insane world we live in.

And in order for there to be a $38,000 purse, there has to be enough really wealthy people STUPID/AND/ OR VAIN enough to be buy such tripe.

The sooner civilization completely collapses, the better, folks.

Humankind needs some serious regrooving.

Not the first time this has "allegedly" occurred, in 2005, "Winfrey stopped by Hermes on June 14 to buy a watch minutes after the boutique closed. Though she and three friends said they saw shoppers inside, neither a sales clerk nor manager would let them in.

Winfrey believes the store’s staff had identified her, according to a spokeswoman from Harpo Production Inc., her company. Winfrey’s friend, Gayle King, who was there, told Entertainment Tonight, “Oprah describes it as ‘one of the most humiliating moments of her life.”’ Harpo says Winfrey plans to discuss the incident in the context of race relations on her show this fall."

Minorities empathize after Oprah turned away

I like the bag and if she has the cash why not spend it. Stimulates the economy of the industry and the host country to an extent. Luxury items are just that luxuries and who does not like some of those.
I'm viewing the front page of Google news and there's a story about Orprah being discriminated against in Switzerland. So what the heck, I click on it.

Apparently Oprah asked a clerk to get down a purse on a high shelf so she could look at it, and the clerk told Oprah she would not be able to afford it. Obviously, the clerk did not have a clue to whom she was speaking.

The purse costs...$35,000 swiss francs. That's $38,000 American.


Here's the purse:


It doesn't look like it's made out of platinum, which would justify such a price. It's not even big enough to hold 38 thousand dollars.

Who does that? Pays $38k for a purse.

Oh...yeah. Oprah.

This is what Republicans call "trickle down".
No......it's what the Democrats call "trickle up" to the liberal elite. .. :cool:
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on Santana Row here in san jose gucci has a shoppe and they only buzz you in after looking you over. I know for a fact patrick willis ( of the 49ers hello;)) didn't get bussed in and he laughed and said the way he was dressed he wouldn't have buzzed himself in either..:lol:
Really people, what good is having a lot of money if one can't buy stuff?
Really people, what good is having a lot of money if one can't buy stuff?

it depends on your political affiliation, like folks here who pummeled Romney over a mechanical lift/garage in his house and now see it as a non issue that Oprah would spend enough to provide 15K folks with a food stamp EBT card for a year:eusa_whistle:
Right wingnuts attacking Oprah because she has money. Or is it because she's black?
Really people, what good is having a lot of money if one can't buy stuff?

it depends on your political affiliation, like folks here who pummeled Romney over a mechanical lift/garage in his house and now see it as a non issue that Oprah would spend enough to provide 15K folks with a food stamp EBT card for a year:eusa_whistle:

I didn't know Oprah was running for president. Which election was that? It wasn't the last one.
Really people, what good is having a lot of money if one can't buy stuff?

it depends on your political affiliation, like folks here who pummeled Romney over a mechanical lift/garage in his house and now see it as a non issue that Oprah would spend enough to provide 15K folks with a food stamp EBT card for a year:eusa_whistle:

I didn't know Oprah was running for president. Which election was that? It wasn't the last one.

and this matters why? are you not allowed to have money and spend it as you wish if you're running for office? not even you are that stupid...or are you?

and lets see; whose house is obama staying at in Marthas vineyard this week?

The owner, David Schulte, is the founder of Chilmark Partners, a company that has been “been providing companies, creditors, and other key stakeholders with clear, careful advice in complex restructuring situations for more than 27 years,” according to its website. The firm also “has decades of mergers and acquisition experience, both in distressed contexts and for healthy companies.” Schulte “has more than 30 years of restructuring experience” and before Chilmark “created and ran Salomon Brothers Corporate Reorganization Group.”

Obama Vacation Residence Owned by Corporate ?Restructurer? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

:lol:Romney should have offered him his New Hampshire house....
To call Oprah's denial of fondling the $38/34,000 purse she must have evidense that a white stranger allowed into the store was trusted to look at it. I doubt the clerk was not instructed tp let anyone take possession of an item that is probably twice what they make in a year.

Now if the store owner was involved in the possible transaction then they have no business stocking such an item without knowing what celebrities are in town. The biggest problem such a store would have in slighting Oprah would be that they will have a hard time getting super high end merchandise from suppliers. If I was in the business of marketing over priced bobbles and purses to whales like Oprah I think I would at least have my staff pick up and read a who's who in wastefull personal spending habits from time to time.

I'm curious what the conditions of the store in regards to items stocked is. Maybe the manufacturer places the purse in the store on a consignment basis. Maybe the store doesn't own the purse but is just a selling agent. Did the owner of the store actually pay for the purse to stock it? One would think that there was some store policy in place on dealing with high end items.

It seems to me that Oprah doesn't have much regard for other peoples wealth and property rights.
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She could have fed 1000 African families for 10 years with that kind of money, but she probably thinks that's the white man's burden.

You realize Oprah has donated a lot of money to African children, right?
Even though Oprah is one of the evil 1%

She gets a pass because she is a limousine liberal.

But if this story had involved a wealthy conservative woman.

The leftist media would have relentlessly vilified her with no mercy. .. :cool:

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