97 percent of Democrats who back the $10.10 minimum wage employ unpaid workers

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
:lol: You can't make this shit up. More so-called liberal One Percenters sticking it to the man while you idiots drool over all their bullshit propaganda.

Congressional Democrats Tim Ryan and Jan Schakowsky have pledged to live on $77 weekly budget as part of “Live the Wage” channel designed to draw attention to the minimum wage. However, critics say that if the Democrats really wanted to understand the plight of the common man, they should live on the wage their interns are paid: $0 per week.

“Reps. Ryan and Schakowsky (of this week’s Live The Wage stunt) have interns in their office who are ‘living the wage’ as part of their day-to-day existence, because they don’t pay them,” said Michael Saltsman, research director for the Employment Policies Institute (EPI).

Critics Demand Dems Live on Wage Paid to Interns: Nothing | Washington Free Beacon

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