911 Reality vs Myth

I have been posting here for over three years and many of you have liked what I have posted here over that span and vice versa. Do you think I am a troll? Billy Kinetta, you have known me since the Yahoo message board days going back to 2002...do you think I am "trolling"? I'm not and the OP is 100 percent "dead on". 9/11/01 was done by rogue elements of this corporate entity that we call "government" to carry out the Hegelian dialectic in an Operation Gladio type operation that made us afraid thus willing to give up our privacy in exchange for security while giving them carte blanche to carry out the PNAC plan. The Patriot Act was written BEFORE 9/11/01. The apparatus to record every fucking thing we do on line, text or talk about on cellphones was put in place BEFORE 9/11/01. The OKC bombing false flag was simply a prelude to this event. Debate me on this.....I will listen and weigh your opinion and counter it with my own arguments and the preponderance of the evidence will prove I am right.

What pisses me off to the max are those that simply claim "it can't be" because of a childlike faith in a corporate entity that you believe gives even so much as a fly's fart about your well-being. Wake the fuck up, wipe the snot from your nose and wake up to reality.;
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

So what do you think hit the Twin Towers if not planes? :cuckoo:
And why 10 year old kids can also learn Newton's Third Law (I did when I built my first flying model rocket) , "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". In every collision between two objects both objects receive equal impact force, reducing every collision into a test of materials strength. Steel and concrete beat aluminum every time!

Did you even bother to watch the video? How do you explain the ease with which a steel excavator literally devoured the airplane. Notice that the excavator barely sways while ripping the plane apart.

The idea that a plane could fly through 14" steel box columns spaced one meter on center is embarrassingly absurd.
Less than 2 oz of.lead traveling at 2,200 feet per second will penetrate your skull or a sheet of aircraft aluminum. How much did you say those planes weighed again?

Yeah, how far will it penetrate 1/2" steel plate? And the suppossed planes weren't going 2200 ft per second. Besides Newton's Third Law says the planes received as much impact force as the building. Stronger, denser materials in the building. Steel and concrete beat aluminum every time!
Fully loaded around 125 tons. The building around 500,000 tons!
Are you really that stupid? Don't answer that, we already know. Look at the face of each wall. GLASS....How else could people watch the plane come in to the buildings? God damn you are such a stupid twit.

Zionist Liar.

What is really funny is how your "allies" in the media whipped up a bogus "fake news" piece on "Osama's mom."


No photos of "Osama" in Saudi.

THREE PHOTOS of Col Osman....

Zionist Liar.

What is really funny is how your "allies" in the media whipped up a bogus "fake news" piece on "Osama's mom."


No photos of "Osama" in Saudi.

THREE PHOTOS of Col Osman....

Your claims of that being Osama have been thoroughly refuted.

And I posted photos of Osama in Saudi Arabia.

And I will continue denouncing your lies.
You have no photos of Osama in Saudi.

We've been through that over and over.

Col Osman is/was "Osama" and we aren't fooled by Zionist Bullshitters like you.
You have no photos of Osama in Saudi.

We've been through that over and over.

Col Osman is/was "Osama" and we aren't fooled by Zionist Bullshitters like you.
Of course I have photos of Osama in Saudi Arabia — I posted them here in this very thread

And as proved, the guy in those photos is too short to be Osama bin Laden.

Truth is only "nonsense" to those who either don't understand basic science, or are sold out traitors....
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible.

Of course it doesn't. A tsunami routinely buildings to shreds. And water is way softer than a speeding airliner..

Remember, the batshit nonsense you make up is not 'reality'. But just a wasteland of imagination.
Truth is only "nonsense" to those who either don't understand basic science, or are sold out traitors....

Or those that don't accept your imagination as 'basic science'. Or anyone who points this simple fact out as 'traitors'.
And why 10 year old kids can also learn Newton's Third Law (I did when I built my first flying model rocket) , "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". In every collision between two objects both objects receive equal impact force, reducing every collision into a test of materials strength. Steel and concrete beat aluminum every time!

Says you, citing whatever youtube video told you what to think.

Again, for the cheap seats.....buildings are routinely destroyed by tsunami made of nothing but water. Tornados routinely put wooden beams through brick walls. Avalanches made of puffy white snow can sheer off pine trees. For fuck's sake, Mythbusters was able to put a ping pong ball through a paddle with enough force:

Remember, and this point is fundamental.......you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
A tsunami routinely buildings to shreds

Another FAIL for the HEBREW TO ENGLISH translation software....

Laughing....keep your eyes screwed shut, tin foil. You clearly can't debate the point, so you're fleeing to yet another conspiracy. Predictably backed by jack shit.

If its all a material's test...how pray tell does a tsunami rip a building to shreds? Or a pencil pucture an aluminum can? Or an avalanche of snow sheer off a pine tree?

Its okay.....nobody expects you to think too much. Only to flee.
Or anyone who points this simple fact out as 'traitors'.

You have no truth or facts, but you do have the money you made investing in DEFENSE STOCKS in early Sept 2001....

I've provided evidence that a ping pong ball, accelerated to high enough speed, can puncture a ping pong paddle. A video anyone can watch.

Just obliterating the idea that only materials tests are involved. But hey, ignore the video evidence and tell us more about the jews, tin foil. So we can all point and laugh at you again.
Yeah we know. You want us AMERICANS to believe a "757" went in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground to make this hole...

Only sub human Zionist church fucks will ever agree with you...

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