911 Reality vs Myth

Yeah we know. You want us AMERICANS to believe a "757" went in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground to make this hole...

Only sub human Zionist church fucks will ever agree with you...

Wow....it didn't take much to run you off at all, did it? I ask you how a pencil can be pushed through an aluminum can if its all a 'materials test' and you fold like a house of cards, running.

That was easy. Now for your next conspiracy.

And where, pray tell, is that hole? Which ring in the Pentagon specifically. Answer that question, and you answer your own.

Smiling....but you don't know, do you? Time to start babbling about jews again, tin foil.
What do you claim made that hole?

How high was the "nose of the 757" on impact?

You aren't disputing the 500 mph are you?

If the nose is 8 feet off the ground, where are the ENGINES???


What do you claim made that hole?

Where is the hole you're referring to? Specifically. Where in the Pentagon rings is that hole you showed us a picture off?

You don't know. I do. When you figure it out, come back to us.

Laughing.....I guess 911conspiracytheories-internal.weebly.com didn't tell you that part, did it, boy?
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So the "plane" went right through steel reinforced concrete intact, and then what made that hole past the original wall?

Where is the "debris" from the "757?"

So the "plane" went right through steel reinforced concrete intact, and then what made that hole past the original wall?

So you're still starkly refusing to tell us where in the Pentagon that hole was located. Either you don't know....which means you're inexcusibly ignorant. Or you didn't want us to know.

I'll educate you, boy. It was in Ring C.

Which you either knew, or should have known.
Where is the "debris" from the "757?"


Laughing....translation: you'll ignore any photograph of the debris from the cite of the pentagon attack.

When your argument requires that you ignore any photo contradicting you, you're clearly not working with a very good theory.

Are you, boy?
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Yeah we know. You want us AMERICANS to believe a "757" went in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground to make this hole...

Only sub human Zionist church fucks will ever agree with you...
An engine made that hole. You think that wall could stop a jet engine from bursting through?
So the "plane" went right through steel reinforced concrete intact, and then what made that hole past the original wall?

So you're still starkly refusing to tell us where in the Pentagon that hole was located. Either you don't know....which means you're inexcusibly ignorant. Or you didn't want us to know.

I'll educate you, boy. It was in Ring E. The inner most ring of the Pentagon.

Which you either knew, or should have known.
Where is the "debris" from the "757?"


Laughing....translation: you'll ignore any photograph of the debris from the cite of the pentagon attack.

When your argument requires that you ignore any photo contradicting you, you're clearly not working with a very good theory.

Are you, boy?
That one is as crazy as they come. He originally claimed that was the entry hole made by the jet and claimed that was proof it was s missile because a plane couldn’t fit through such a small hole.
So the "plane" went right through steel reinforced concrete intact, and then what made that hole past the original wall?

So you're still starkly refusing to tell us where in the Pentagon that hole was located. Either you don't know....which means you're inexcusibly ignorant. Or you didn't want us to know.

I'll educate you, boy. It was in Ring E. The inner most ring of the Pentagon.

Which you either knew, or should have known.
Where is the "debris" from the "757?"


Laughing....translation: you'll ignore any photograph of the debris from the cite of the pentagon attack.

When your argument requires that you ignore any photo contradicting you, you're clearly not working with a very good theory.

Are you, boy?
That one is as crazy as they come. He originally claimed that was the entry hole made by the jet and claimed that was proof it was s missile because a plane couldn’t fit through such a small hole.

Yeah, I know. Which is why he dodged the question like it were on fire.
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

Between you and me, do you really believe this 911 conspiracy shit? I’ve actually only personally met one of the true “believers”, and yes, of course he had mental and emotional issues. So are you a troll or just batshit stupid crazy.

Naturally no answer on point
Hey guys, I just read thru most of the post on this thread, and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wihosa is trolling. He’s just effing with anybody who is will in to engage in his nonsense. Ignore him, he will get bored and go away. BTW- he’s been on this message board over 10 years and has only posted here less than 1800 times. That’s less than one post every 2 days. He’s a bored troll. Hey Mods, do your job.

I'm just pointing out that it's impossible that a plane could fly through the WTC. How and why I don't know.

Are you so insecure in your beliefs that you need a "Mod" to protect you from free speech?
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

Between you and me, do you really believe this 911 conspiracy shit? I’ve actually only personally met one of the true “believers”, and yes, of course he had mental and emotional issues. So are you a troll or just batshit stupid crazy.

Naturally no answer on point
So? You never answered ... what do you think flew into the towers if not planes? And if not planes, how do you explain all of the eyewitnesses who say they saw a plane fly into the south tower?
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

So what do you think hit the Twin Towers if not planes? :cuckoo:

Best guess - a missile. Definitely not an airliner
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

So what do you think hit the Twin Towers if not planes? :cuckoo:

Best guess - a missile. Definitely not an airliner
That fails the eyewitness test as well as those watching it live on TV. It was planes.
Hey guys, I just read thru most of the post on this thread, and I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wihosa is trolling. He’s just effing with anybody who is will in to engage in his nonsense. Ignore him, he will get bored and go away. BTW- he’s been on this message board over 10 years and has only posted here less than 1800 times. That’s less than one post every 2 days. He’s a bored troll. Hey Mods, do your job.

I'm just pointing out that it's impossible that a plane could fly through the WTC. How and why I don't know.

Are you so insecure in your beliefs that you need a "Mod" to protect you from free speech?

Actually it is possible. See?


Or do you think that the brilliant people in our government hired some guys to hijack some planes, fly the planes into the EXACT Location that they had planted explosives. The explosives were placed in busy offices without anybody ever noticing them. Yea right, that’s more plausible. I’m done here, you’re a waste of key strokes.
The myth of course is that airplanes flew through steel and concrete buildings. Reality says impossible. What we saw should have looked a lot more like an egg hitting the floor than an arrow piercing a sheet of paper. A 125 tons aluminum aircraft against a 500,000 ton skyscraper? Ridiculous! Just the exterior frame of the building in just the 'affected area' had more mass than the entire plane. Airplanes are sturdy but fragile, they're so light weight they can fly!
Watch the attached vid an try to convince yourself that a plane could fly through one of the strongest structures ever built.

How Do They Do It? - Airplane Recycling

Between you and me, do you really believe this 911 conspiracy shit? I’ve actually only personally met one of the true “believers”, and yes, of course he had mental and emotional issues. So are you a troll or just batshit stupid crazy.

Naturally no answer on point
So? You never answered ... what do you think flew into the towers if not planes? And if not planes, how do you explain all of the eyewitnesses who say they saw a plane fly into the south tower?

The planes were a mirage designed by the underground government. The planes and all the people on board were flow to a secret government base. The people had surgery to make them look Chinese and them dumped in China where nobody will notice a few extra people, duh.
There was only one plane, a 767 CARGO version, that hit the south tower. No other planes were used.

North Tower - exploded from within - bomb
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a ditch with junk in it set on fire
There was only one plane, a 767 CARGO version, that hit the south tower. No other planes were used.

North Tower - exploded from within - bomb
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a ditch with junk in it set on fire

Your brain is a ditch that was set on fire.
And why 10 year old kids can also learn Newton's Third Law (I did when I built my first flying model rocket) , "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". In every collision between two objects both objects receive equal impact force, reducing every collision into a test of materials strength. Steel and concrete beat aluminum every time!

Did you even bother to watch the video? How do you explain the ease with which a steel excavator literally devoured the airplane. Notice that the excavator barely sways while ripping the plane apart.

The idea that a plane could fly through 14" steel box columns spaced one meter on center is embarrassingly absurd.

The planes weigh almost 200k lbs. If you do the math, you will see the amount of force that hit the side of the building. It would far exceed what 14" steel box columns could withstand.
Whatever the force, it was the same on the plane which was made of a material that has one third the mass and only half the strength. Sorry, you're just wrong.

One third of the mass? How do you figure that? Are you looking at the mass of the building? Or of the single spot of the impact?
Aluminum has one third the mass of steel, or said another way, steel has three times the density of aluminum and has twice the strength. An object with less mass and less strength could never penetrate an object of greater mass and greater strength without deforming. Planes can't fly through skyscrapers.
Follow the Money Or You'll Be Led by the Nose

The Towers were weakened by the previous 1993 attack and should have been torn down. The reason they were targeted both times was that they had an unusual architecture designed not for strength and safety, but to have more office space to rent out.

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