9/11 Conspiracy

WE ARE Change :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

mission statement
Mission Statement
We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. Founded by Luke Rudkowski, We Are Change is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that “We the People” are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all....no scientific credibility whatsoever.

What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes, your only purpose is to impede those that seek answers and demand accountability and you will do so by any means necessary - lying, denying, falsifying, ignoring, exaggerating, misrepresenting --- whatever it takes
I don't need to since it's already been done.
again it on you to prove your specious assumptions

No, it hasn't been done. As I just said, even NIST themselves admit they can't show the science behind their claim or provide any physical evidence to support their theory. If you are going to claim that fire brought down the building, fine, prove it. the onus is not on me to disprove that which has yet to be proven.
false you wish that were true. the evidence and the facts say different.
truthers have never had any thing more then an extremely tenuous grip on reality.

You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

Adding more insults to the pile does nothing to bolster your credibility.
It's not required for me or an other non crapspiracy theorist to prove our credibility
again that's on you .
what facts does nist not have.?
Yelling down the public
Luke Rudkowski (born 1986) is an American investigative "journalist", right-wing activist, convicted felon, conspiracy theorist and founder of We Are Change, a libertarian, independent media organization comprising individuals and groups working to "expose worldwide corruption and hold authoritative figures to account for their actions and crimes in which their involvement has been covered up or hidden from public knowledge."[1] He is also an ardent Ron Paul supporter.

Luke Rudkowski and We Are Change mainly preach their message through filmed 'man on the street' interviews he does with random members of the public, similar to Jay Leno's "Jaywalking." Here, he tests their knowledge of the New World Order, Federal Reserve and September 11 conspiracies, and sometimes other issues. Most of the sheeple are unaware of the irrefutable conspiratorial truths that Rudkowski and his group put forth, and as a result are often ridiculed during these confrontations. Rudkowski has also confronted powerful political figures, including Henry Kissinger[2] and David Rockefeller,[3] and has questioned them about their plans to bring about a "one world socialist government" and to kill off the useless eaters. Most of these powerful figures generally avoid answering Rudkowski's predominantly stupid questions, which he and his followers see as proof that these evil people are conspiring against us!
A few of his videos have actually been quite good. In one video, Rudkowski interviewed numerous religious individuals and a secularist in attempt to show America's religious hypocrisy.[4]. In other videos, Rudkowski has questioned the human rights record of Barack Obama and other political leaders and has shown skepticism about celebrities who have endorsed such figures. However, many of Rudkowski's cinematic pieces are just irritating examples of a typical condescending crank at work. He also refuses to tell his viewers how he gains access to these powerful figures, but instead created a satirical video detailing how it is done.[5] He has also protested with the Christian conspiracy crank Mark Dice, libertarian propagandist Adam Kokesh,[6] David Icke[7] and Immortal Technique, and has maintained friendships with these individuals. Furthermore, and unsurprisingly, Rudkowski is a climate change denier and believes that the idea of anthropogenic global warming is being used to justify a one-world government and the elite's use of eugenics.[8] In short, he should be regarded more as an attention-seeker with a video camera than someone who will actually bring some positive change to the world.[9]
[edit] Embezzlement
In 2010, a series of YouTube videos emerged entitled "Luke Rudkowski Exposed!", in which Rudkowski is accused of mishandling We Are Change funds for his own personal gain.[10] In December 2012, Rudkowski faced criminal charges of corporate embezzlement.[11] He was found guilty of earlier charges by the Common Law Court: two counts of fraud, and one charge each of embezzlement, libel and extortion, which happened between 2007-2009. He was exonerated of other charges.[12] Rudkowski has repeatedly claimed his innocence, and even argues that his arrest and conviction on some charges is the result of some sort of conspiracy against him.
[edit] Spreading the message to the world

Luke Rudkowski - RationalWiki

More ad hominem crap. I don't care two shits about him being a felon, being a Ron Paul supporter, or anything else. And if there really is indeed a conspiracy, it only stands to reason that the powers that be would try to discredit him in the same way that you are trying to do right now. But as I said, this isn't about personalities anyway, it is about proveable facts, and/or a serious lack of them.
you have none of either.
who the info come from is just if not more important than the information itself.
again it's not ad hominem if it's fact.
damn your a pussy!

I never claimed to be able to explain why the buildings fell.

You can justify your ad hominem approach all you like, but it directly contradicts your own earlier presentation as to the credibility of persons employing such tactics.
again false !the only posters here that are justifying and rationalizing their posts are you asshats

Asshats. Hmm, yes, we firefighters are just a bunch of asshats I guess then.
WE ARE Change :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

mission statement
Mission Statement
We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. Founded by Luke Rudkowski, We Are Change is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that “We the People” are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all....no scientific credibility whatsoever.

What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes, your only purpose is to impede those that seek answers and demand accountability and you will do so by any means necessary - lying, denying, falsifying, ignoring, exaggerating, misrepresenting --- whatever it takes
call the waaaaaaahbulance.
Yelling down the public
Luke Rudkowski (born 1986) is an American investigative "journalist", right-wing activist, convicted felon, conspiracy theorist and founder of We Are Change, a libertarian, independent media organization comprising individuals and groups working to "expose worldwide corruption and hold authoritative figures to account for their actions and crimes in which their involvement has been covered up or hidden from public knowledge."[1] He is also an ardent Ron Paul supporter.

Luke Rudkowski and We Are Change mainly preach their message through filmed 'man on the street' interviews he does with random members of the public, similar to Jay Leno's "Jaywalking." Here, he tests their knowledge of the New World Order, Federal Reserve and September 11 conspiracies, and sometimes other issues. Most of the sheeple are unaware of the irrefutable conspiratorial truths that Rudkowski and his group put forth, and as a result are often ridiculed during these confrontations. Rudkowski has also confronted powerful political figures, including Henry Kissinger[2] and David Rockefeller,[3] and has questioned them about their plans to bring about a "one world socialist government" and to kill off the useless eaters. Most of these powerful figures generally avoid answering Rudkowski's predominantly stupid questions, which he and his followers see as proof that these evil people are conspiring against us!
A few of his videos have actually been quite good. In one video, Rudkowski interviewed numerous religious individuals and a secularist in attempt to show America's religious hypocrisy.[4]. In other videos, Rudkowski has questioned the human rights record of Barack Obama and other political leaders and has shown skepticism about celebrities who have endorsed such figures. However, many of Rudkowski's cinematic pieces are just irritating examples of a typical condescending crank at work. He also refuses to tell his viewers how he gains access to these powerful figures, but instead created a satirical video detailing how it is done.[5] He has also protested with the Christian conspiracy crank Mark Dice, libertarian propagandist Adam Kokesh,[6] David Icke[7] and Immortal Technique, and has maintained friendships with these individuals. Furthermore, and unsurprisingly, Rudkowski is a climate change denier and believes that the idea of anthropogenic global warming is being used to justify a one-world government and the elite's use of eugenics.[8] In short, he should be regarded more as an attention-seeker with a video camera than someone who will actually bring some positive change to the world.[9]
[edit] Embezzlement
In 2010, a series of YouTube videos emerged entitled "Luke Rudkowski Exposed!", in which Rudkowski is accused of mishandling We Are Change funds for his own personal gain.[10] In December 2012, Rudkowski faced criminal charges of corporate embezzlement.[11] He was found guilty of earlier charges by the Common Law Court: two counts of fraud, and one charge each of embezzlement, libel and extortion, which happened between 2007-2009. He was exonerated of other charges.[12] Rudkowski has repeatedly claimed his innocence, and even argues that his arrest and conviction on some charges is the result of some sort of conspiracy against him.
[edit] Spreading the message to the world

Luke Rudkowski - RationalWiki

More ad hominem crap. I don't care two shits about him being a felon, being a Ron Paul supporter, or anything else. And if there really is indeed a conspiracy, it only stands to reason that the powers that be would try to discredit him in the same way that you are trying to do right now. But as I said, this isn't about personalities anyway, it is about proveable facts, and/or a serious lack of them.
you have none of either.
who the info come from is just if not more important than the information itself.
again it's not ad hominem if it's fact.
damn your a pussy!

I never claimed to be able to explain why the buildings fell.

You can justify your ad hominem approach all you like, but it directly contradicts your own earlier presentation as to the credibility of persons employing such tactics.
again false !the only posters here that are justifying and rationalizing their posts are you asshats

Asshats. Hmm, yes, we firefighters are just a bunch of asshats I guess then.
your not a firefighter a pyromaniac maybe but not a fire fighter .
time to wake up Dorothy
WE ARE Change :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

mission statement
Mission Statement
We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. Founded by Luke Rudkowski, We Are Change is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that “We the People” are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all....no scientific credibility whatsoever.

What do you know about credibility, you're a member of 'We Are Criminal Clowns'

You care nothing about the truth, you question nothing about the OCT which is full of holes, your only purpose is to impede those that seek answers and demand accountability and you will do so by any means necessary - lying, denying, falsifying, ignoring, exaggerating, misrepresenting --- whatever it takes

I am not a member of We Are anything, and I have indeed looked into a lot of CT and found a lot of it to be bullcrap. That still doesn't PROVE the official version of events either though.
false you wish that were true. the evidence and the facts say different.
truthers have never had any thing more then an extremely tenuous grip on reality.

You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

Adding more insults to the pile does nothing to bolster your credibility.
It's not required for me or an other non crapspiracy theorist to prove our credibility
again that's on you .
what facts does nist not have.?

NIST doesn't have any facts or evidence to support their claim as to what brought down the buildings, by their very own admission, in the Pop Mech article.

This isn't about credibility, this is about the presentation of data. NIST has none.
More ad hominem crap. I don't care two shits about him being a felon, being a Ron Paul supporter, or anything else. And if there really is indeed a conspiracy, it only stands to reason that the powers that be would try to discredit him in the same way that you are trying to do right now. But as I said, this isn't about personalities anyway, it is about proveable facts, and/or a serious lack of them.
you have none of either.
who the info come from is just if not more important than the information itself.
again it's not ad hominem if it's fact.
damn your a pussy!

I never claimed to be able to explain why the buildings fell.

You can justify your ad hominem approach all you like, but it directly contradicts your own earlier presentation as to the credibility of persons employing such tactics.
again false !the only posters here that are justifying and rationalizing their posts are you asshats

Asshats. Hmm, yes, we firefighters are just a bunch of asshats I guess then.
your not a firefighter a pyromaniac maybe but not a fire fighter .
time to wake up Dorothy

Lol, okay. Come on out to NY tough guy. We'll see who is what.
false you wish that were true. the evidence and the facts say different.
truthers have never had any thing more then an extremely tenuous grip on reality.

You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

Adding more insults to the pile does nothing to bolster your credibility.
It's not required for me or an other non crapspiracy theorist to prove our credibility
again that's on you .
what facts does nist not have.?

NIST doesn't have any facts or evidence to support their claim as to what brought down the buildings, by their very own admission, in the Pop Mech article.

This isn't about credibility, this is about the presentation of data. NIST has none.
false again credibility is everything.
again what facts or proof doesn't nist have.
you keep saying that but as yet you presented nothing to back that bullshit up.
you have none of either.
who the info come from is just if not more important than the information itself.
again it's not ad hominem if it's fact.
damn your a pussy!

I never claimed to be able to explain why the buildings fell.

You can justify your ad hominem approach all you like, but it directly contradicts your own earlier presentation as to the credibility of persons employing such tactics.
again false !the only posters here that are justifying and rationalizing their posts are you asshats

Asshats. Hmm, yes, we firefighters are just a bunch of asshats I guess then.
your not a firefighter a pyromaniac maybe but not a fire fighter .
time to wake up Dorothy

Lol, okay. Come on out to NY tough guy. We'll see who is what.
right! now that is funny...
false you wish that were true. the evidence and the facts say different.
truthers have never had any thing more then an extremely tenuous grip on reality.

You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

Adding more insults to the pile does nothing to bolster your credibility.
It's not required for me or an other non crapspiracy theorist to prove our credibility
again that's on you .
what facts does nist not have.?

NIST doesn't have any facts or evidence to support their claim as to what brought down the buildings, by their very own admission, in the Pop Mech article.

This isn't about credibility, this is about the presentation of data. NIST has none.
false again credibility is everything.
again what facts or proof doesn't nist have.
you keep say that but as yet you presented nothing to back that bullshit up.

Ohhh, I get it. Ad hominems and logical flaws are only justified when YOU use them. I get it now. What a dipshit.
Wow. You've been claiming that the fires were minor, that no fire or rescue peeps entered WTC7 on 9/11 and that there wasn't significant damage to the structure, all of which is directly contradicted by statements from professionals who were there, witnessing the events and making the decisions. Furthermore, it was FDNY Chief Nigro who stated he "pulled" everyone out at 3:30 pm but only an arrogant, desperately shrill CT would claim to know better. The only problem with Nigro's account is that it tips your silly little house of 9/11 CT cards. Tough titties.

I didn't say no one went in. I said there was no interior attack. The last rescue effort was in the morning, long before EXTERIOR ops were told to evacuate the area that afternoon.

The fires and damage were indeed RELATIVELY minor. Yes, there was open fire and serious damage, but in comparison to other buildings, there was far less damage.

There is no contradiction.

There's not only a contradiction between your account and that of the professionals who were there witnessing the events and fighting the fires, there's a contradiction in your own claim that "The fires and damage were indeed RELATIVELY minor. Yes, there was open fire and serious damage."
So which was it ... "minor ... fires and damage" or "open fire and serious damage?"
More ad hominem crap. I don't care two shits about him being a felon, being a Ron Paul supporter, or anything else. And if there really is indeed a conspiracy, it only stands to reason that the powers that be would try to discredit him in the same way that you are trying to do right now. But as I said, this isn't about personalities anyway, it is about proveable facts, and/or a serious lack of them.

Given the t-shirt and DVD selling agenda of the "Truthers" I'd say their character is certainly a valid issue, and there has been virtually nothing in the way of "provable facts" from your movement in 13 years (which explains why it's so D-E-A-D).

"This is absolute horseshit, which brings me to why I've formally distanced myself from this sorry excuse for a movement. Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, and all the other kooks out there are fucking lying about, distorting, and misrepresenting the facts to further their personal agendas. And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, 'mutha fuckin bitch ass money.' Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach." - Mike Metzger, co-founder of 9/11TRUTH UAlbany
Wow. You've been claiming that the fires were minor, that no fire or rescue peeps entered WTC7 on 9/11 and that there wasn't significant damage to the structure, all of which is directly contradicted by statements from professionals who were there, witnessing the events and making the decisions. Furthermore, it was FDNY Chief Nigro who stated he "pulled" everyone out at 3:30 pm but only an arrogant, desperately shrill CT would claim to know better. The only problem with Nigro's account is that it tips your silly little house of 9/11 CT cards. Tough titties.

I didn't say no one went in. I said there was no interior attack. The last rescue effort was in the morning, long before EXTERIOR ops were told to evacuate the area that afternoon.

The fires and damage were indeed RELATIVELY minor. Yes, there was open fire and serious damage, but in comparison to other buildings, there was far less damage.

There is no contradiction.

There's not only a contradiction between your account and that of the professionals who were there witnessing the events and fighting the fires, there's a contradiction in your own claim that "The fires and damage were indeed RELATIVELY minor. Yes, there was open fire and serious damage."
So which was it ... "minor ... fires and damage" or "open fire and serious damage?"

You do understand the concept of relativity? A bonfire might look like a big fire, but compared to a house burning down it's not. You are struggling hard to pin me on a contradiction that I never made. There was no one in building 7 fighting fires. There was a brief rescue operation in the morning to get Barry Jennings and the guy he was with. That was it. There was no interior attack operation to fight fire.
You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

NIST never admitting having "no facts." That's just you adding to your prodigious pile of lies.

The Pop Mech report says they tossed all the evidence, basically because they didn't think they would need it since there was allegedly no loss of life in 7.

You basically just acknowledged that you are full of crap.
At no time did the NIST admit - as you falsely clamed - that they had "no facts." Not surprisingly, you see no problem with your continual need to lie but we both know it is necessary to maintain your silly little 9/11 CT house of cards.
By any chance are you a disinformationalist trying to discredt the "Truther" Movement?
You have no facts. NIST even admits that themselves.

NIST never admitting having "no facts." That's just you adding to your prodigious pile of lies.

The Pop Mech report says they tossed all the evidence, basically because they didn't think they would need it since there was allegedly no loss of life in 7.

You basically just acknowledged that you are full of crap.
At no time did the NIST admit - as you falsely clamed - that they had "no facts." Not surprisingly, you see no problem with your continual need to lie but we both know it is necessary to maintain your silly little 9/11 CT house of cards.
By any chance are you a disinformationalist trying to discredt the "Truther" Movement?

Fine, you go ahead and show me the physical evidence that NIST provided then.

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