9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Here is a thread started that seems to fit this discussion:


I'd like to pay tribute to Larry Silverstein who is a hero who displayed his firefighting genius when faced with a tough firefighting strategy decision while sitting in his office at his desk when called and asked what strategy to fight the fire with by the NY Firefighter Commander over the phone.

When the NY Firefighter Commander was at wits end on how to battle the fire in Building #7 he made a Command decision to call Larry Silverstein and ask for his expertise on the situation. Larry Silverstein showed his brilliance over the phone when he uttered the words "pull it" to the NY Firefighter Chief that led to the evacuation of Building #7 saving the lives of many NY Firefighters.

Perhaps every NY Firechief should have a hot-line directly to Larry Silverstein when faced with a tough firefighting strategy decision?

Perhaps at Ground Zero there should be a statue of Larry Silverstein sitting at his desk on the phone.... commemorating the very moment he uttered the words "pull it" to the NY Firefighting commander at wits end on what firefighting strategy decision to make?

If we can get the Larry Silverstein statue at Ground Zero we should have a TV monitor next to the engraving with a button to push that plays this commemorating video.

The statue should double as a radio tower to transfer a direct signal from Larry Silverstein to every NY Firefighting Commander. When the NY Firefighting Commanders are at wits end and think they may not be able to contain a fire they should be able to contact Larry Silverstein at any time at his office desk.

Watch the video I just posted and Larry Silverstein himself tells the compelling story of the NY Firefighting commander calling him saying he may not be able to contain the fire and Larry gives him the advice.

Larry Silverstein is a humble man who looks for no credit but I say we give credit where credit is due.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
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This is proof? People talking? The closest thing here that comes to proof of molten steel is the meteorite and it has rebar stuffed all through it. Rebar!!!.....Something that would melt long before steel.....

Rebar IS steel, moron... and I see NO evidence of ANY rebar "stuffed all through it".

Care to point it out?

Nope, What you see is what is there, maybe you should look closer.

Yes rebar is steel, but not the same steel as a girder would be. But it is stuck in your meteorite without melting, so I guess there goes your molten steel out the window again.......
That is exactly what it means and that is how they pulled Bldg 6 dumbass..... Cables.....

Damn you must be 911insidejoke you're about as dense as he/she /it is.......

If you are correct we should be able to see the cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7 prior to it's destruction.

That's what Silverstein was referring to, is it not?
That is exactly what it means and that is how they pulled Bldg 6 dumbass..... Cables.....

Damn you must be 911insidejoke you're about as dense as he/she /it is.......

If you are correct we should be able to see the cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7 prior to it's destruction.

That's what Silverstein was referring to, is it not?

no dumbass, he was referring to pulling the teams that were trying to fight the fires.

This is Pulling.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v2yud3aCGQ]WTC 9/11 building 6 pull it - YouTube[/ame]
This is proof? People talking? The closest thing here that comes to proof of molten steel is the meteorite and it has rebar stuffed all through it. Rebar!!!.....Something that would melt long before steel.....

Rebar IS steel, moron... and I see NO evidence of ANY rebar "stuffed all through it".

Care to point it out?

Nope, What you see is what is there, maybe you should look closer.

Yes rebar is steel, but not the same steel as a girder would be. But it is stuck in your meteorite without melting, so I guess there goes your molten steel out the window again.......

Not hardly, dumbass. Rebar not totally inundated by the molten steel wouldn't get hot enough to melt, that's why you can see it on the OUTSIDE of the mass.

It would probably take x-rays to prove it, but I'm fairly certain that in the middle of that mass you wouldn't be able to distinguish rebar from the rest of it.
That is exactly what it means and that is how they pulled Bldg 6 dumbass..... Cables.....

Damn you must be 911insidejoke you're about as dense as he/she /it is.......

If you are correct we should be able to see the cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7 prior to it's destruction.

That's what Silverstein was referring to, is it not?

no dumbass, he was referring to pulling the teams that were trying to fight the fires.

This is Pulling.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v2yud3aCGQ]WTC 9/11 building 6 pull it - YouTube[/ame]

Lying tool, he said "Pull IT", not "pull THEM"...

Go watch it again if you don't believe me...
Rebar IS steel, moron... and I see NO evidence of ANY rebar "stuffed all through it".

Care to point it out?

Nope, What you see is what is there, maybe you should look closer.

Yes rebar is steel, but not the same steel as a girder would be. But it is stuck in your meteorite without melting, so I guess there goes your molten steel out the window again.......

Not hardly, dumbass. Rebar not totally inundated by the molten steel wouldn't get hot enough to melt, that's why you can see it on the OUTSIDE of the mass.

It would probably take x-rays to prove it, but I'm fairly certain that in the middle of that mass you wouldn't be able to distinguish rebar from the rest of it.

The rest of it being mostly concrete and office debris........
Here is a thread started that seems to fit this discussion...


I'd like to pay tribute to Larry Silverstein who is a hero who displayed his firefighting genius when faced with a tough firefighting strategy decision while sitting in his office at his desk when called and asked what strategy to fight the fire with by the NY Firefighter Commander over the phone.

When the NY Firefighter Commander was at wits end on how to battle the fire in Building #7 he made a Command decision to call Larry Silverstein and ask for his expertise on the situation. Larry Silverstein showed his brilliance over the phone when he uttered the words "pull it" to the NY Firefighter Chief that led to the evacuation of Building #7 saving the lives of many NY Firefighters.

Perhaps every NY Firechief should have a hot-line directly to Larry Silverstein when faced with a tough firefighting strategy decision?

Perhaps at Ground Zero there should be a statue of Larry Silverstein sitting at his desk on the phone.... commemorating the very moment he uttered the words "pull it" to the NY Firefighting commander at wits end on what firefighting strategy decision to make?

If we can get the Larry Silverstein statue at Ground Zero we should have a TV monitor next to the engraving with a button to push that plays this commemorating video.

The statue should double as a radio tower to transfer a direct signal from Larry Silverstein to every NY Firefighting Commander. When the NY Firefighting Commanders are at wits end and think they may not be able to contain a fire they should be able to contact Larry Silverstein at any time at his office desk.

Watch the video I just posted and Larry Silverstein himself tells the compelling story of the NY Firefighting commander calling him saying he may not be able to contain the fire and Larry gives him the advice.

Larry Silverstein is a humble man who looks for no credit but I say we give credit where credit is due.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Back to the Twins...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO1ps1mzU8o]Firemen Explosion Testimony - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdoBiSb_KbI]9/11 The FBI Believes There Were Explosions In The Buildings When The Planes Hit - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsUvQLkmVqA]9/11 FDNY Chief of Safety, Albert Turi Describes Bombs And Secondary Explosions Killing Responders - YouTube[/ame]
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Who could forget about this WTC7 classic:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53n6exShLx0]9/11 WTC 7 May Collapse or Has Collapsed CNN 4:20pm - YouTube[/ame]

That's CNN telling us WTC 7 has collapsed or is going to collapse an hour before it actually happened.
Your videos have been around forever they will not disappear, Because they prove nothing, just TV correspondents talking and reporting before the facts are known, or getting the story wrong. As they tend to do when trying to get the exclusive first report on something.... Look at the recent shooting in Sandy Hook, there was more shit put out by the media that wasn't true we still can't tell fact from fiction...

Which is your problem with 9-11
So CNN said building 7 MAY collapse after watching the Twin Towers collapse.

Well, that convinces me. Definitely an inside jobbity-job-job.

While you're yawning, Gomer, tell us what Silverstein said in that interview.


He said pull IT. "By 11:30 a.m., the fire commander in charge of that area, Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, ordered firefighters away from WTC 7 for safety reasons."

There were no firefighters in the building to "pull".

"Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall."

Shame On Jesse Ventura! | Fox News

..but the US Department of State contends that Silverstein's "pull it" statement refers to withdrawing firefighters from WTC 7. If this was the case then firefighters should have received a message which said something like "World Trade 7 is unsafe. Abandon the building and withdraw from the area."

Okay, let's have a look at the language used by firefighters withdrawing from the area of WTC 7:

"It's blowin' boy." ... "Keep your eye on that building, it'll be coming down soon." ... "The building is about to blow up, move it back." ... "Here we are walking back. There's a building, about to blow up..."

How could he ask permission to CD WTC 7, when according to both sides of this issue, it would take months to prep such a huge structure?

Most of three other buildings in the complex, 4, 5 and 6 World Trade, stood despite suffering damage of all kinds, including fire.

CRAIG BARTMER NYPD: "I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn't see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn't hear any... I didn't hear any creaking, or... I didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming 'get away, get away, get away from it!'... It was at that moment... I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself... Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you're hearing "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." I think I know an explosion when I hear it... Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they're saying... Nothing to account for what we saw..."

All that aside...Just looking at the way it fell in on itself should be enough to cause suspicion that sporadic and moving fires did not cause this building to "collapse" with all the trade marks of a professional CD. But idiots ignore their own eyes and common sense, simply because no one saw a CD crew? As if they would make something like this so fucking obvious...:lol:
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I notice no one has anything to say about the youtube video showing the false claim of free fall......

As expected....

Look, no one's ever gonna change your mind. You're all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. We all know that. So why do you still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum? Unless you're being paid, it makes no sense. You obey and believe everything Big Brother tells you. We get it. So why are you still here?

Because you cannot disprove the facts.....There was no free fall.... You can see it I can see it , the world saw it....

The clock does not lie.....no way to make 15 seconds and 20+ seconds into 9 seconds......

I still don't get why you hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Big Brother can do no wrong as far as you're concerned. You've made your point. Probably time for you to move on now.
Impatient old fucker, ain'tcha?

What the video you posted showed was 2 buildings collapsing in an incredibly short amount of time. While the term 'free fall' is inaccurate, it is not hard to see IN YOUR VIDEO the puffs of explosions on lower floors that aided in the buildings' total vertical collapse.

So you win one on semantics, you old fool.

Now tell me about that molten steel under the piles and how it got there...

You're wasting your time on that one. Him and a couple others here are in a permanent state of Goose Stepper Bliss. Big Brother can do no wrong. I'm not sure why they still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Some here have suggested they're paid Government Message Board Trolls. But i don't know. It could just be that they worship Big Brother so much, they feel they must show up routinely to defend him. Anyway, don't waste too much more of your time. You'll get nowhere with the Goose Steppers. It is what it is.

Got to keep spreading the truth. By the way, our government has done plenty wrong, but I won't go into other topics......

:lol: Government and Truth? Now that's hilarious. Man, you really are in a permanent state of Goose Stepper Bliss. Big Brother lies to you on a daily basis. So there is nothing surprising about him lying about 9/11. But hey, enjoy your delusional bliss i guess.

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