9/11 Conspiracy Solved?: Names, Connections, Details Exposed...

Your videos have been around forever they will not disappear, Because they prove nothing, just TV correspondents talking and reporting before the facts are known, or getting the story wrong. As they tend to do when trying to get the exclusive first report on something.... Look at the recent shooting in Sandy Hook, there was more shit put out by the media that wasn't true we still can't tell fact from fiction...

Which is your problem with 9-11

Yes we can.
FACT- kerosene does not burn with the constant heat needed to melt or weaken steel like spaghetti noodles.

FICTION-Is believing that it does.

FACT- It was reported many times that WTC 7 was going to be coming down after Silverstein said "pull it"

FACT- No other massive steel structured hi rise has ever experienced a total global collapse due to fire----EVER.

FICTION-Is believing that this happened 3 times in one day due to fire.

FACT- Physics laws state and prove that momentum of a falling object IF met with resistance BY A STATIONARY OBJECT, will alter the movement and speed of the falling structure/object.

FACT- NIST stated that free fall would be impossible regarding WTC 7 because there would be RESISTANCE.

FACT- NIST stated that the buildings fell with minimal resistance.

FACT- NIST then changed their story and stated that indeed WTC 7 experienced free fall, which means it had a period of free fall that included 8 stories that fell WITH NO RESISTANCE.

FACT- The mass of those 8 stories did not move out of the way of the collapsing upper stories all by themselves.

FACT- Fire can not and never has caused, and never will again, be capable of doing this.
unless the supporting points within the steel structure are subjected to temps capable of overcoming the steels properties, at the same time and duration.

FICTION-What NIST has said caused the collapses of all 3 buildings.

FACT-Those that disregard physics and science, and the many instances that NIST has back tracked and changed their reports to fit a fire only scenario, are fucking idiots.
While you're yawning, Gomer, tell us what Silverstein said in that interview.


He said pull IT. "By 11:30 a.m., the fire commander in charge of that area, Assistant Chief Frank Fellini, ordered firefighters away from WTC 7 for safety reasons."

There were no firefighters in the building to "pull".

"Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall."

Shame On Jesse Ventura! | Fox News

..but the US Department of State contends that Silverstein's "pull it" statement refers to withdrawing firefighters from WTC 7. If this was the case then firefighters should have received a message which said something like "World Trade 7 is unsafe. Abandon the building and withdraw from the area."

Okay, let's have a look at the language used by firefighters withdrawing from the area of WTC 7:

"It's blowin' boy." ... "Keep your eye on that building, it'll be coming down soon." ... "The building is about to blow up, move it back." ... "Here we are walking back. There's a building, about to blow up..."

How could he ask permission to CD WTC 7, when according to both sides of this issue, it would take months to prep such a huge structure?

Most of three other buildings in the complex, 4, 5 and 6 World Trade, stood despite suffering damage of all kinds, including fire.

CRAIG BARTMER NYPD: "I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn't see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn't hear any... I didn't hear any creaking, or... I didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming 'get away, get away, get away from it!'... It was at that moment... I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself... Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you're hearing "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." I think I know an explosion when I hear it... Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they're saying... Nothing to account for what we saw..."

All that aside...Just looking at the way it fell in on itself should be enough to cause suspicion that sporadic and moving fires did not cause this building to "collapse" with all the trade marks of a professional CD. But idiots ignore their own eyes and common sense, simply because no one saw a CD crew? As if they would make something like this so fucking obvious...:lol:

Excellent post...sadly he will ignore this and keep spewing his bullshit

How about those Israeli Mossad arrested on 9/11 near the World Trade Centers in vans that triggered bomb sniffing dogs etc with evidence of explosives...held in jail for awhile...only to be released and deported by the top of America's pyramid scheme...

Not to mention dancing Israeli's dressed up to frame Muslims filming in front of the World Trade Centers on 9/11...likely to be used as some type of propaganda video if they hadn't been seen and arrested under suspicion...

Hope you don't mind if I repeat this...

Building 7 which just happened to have some type of reinforced sky bunker, tree fort, or what ever you wish to call it built into the 23rd floor just before 9/11...was a block long building

The block long World Trade Center 7 just happened to have its VERTICAL steel support colums at each end of the building a block apart fail at the exact same time...also having its top floor hit the ground almost as fast as a bowling ball would...even though the top floor had to crush its way ALL THE WAY DOWN through the many VERTICAL steel support columns that were fastened and welded all the way up

All three World Trade Center buildings that collapsed within their own footprint underwent many months of construction renovations....some of which actually included work on the vertical steel support columns...

The company that did the many months of construction renovations on the WTC Buildings up to the very day of 9/11 just happened to of had its CEO appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on White House Fellows shortly after 9/11

Here is a copy of another post made in a different thread that seems to fit here...

Funny how the "debunking" propaganda focused on HORIZONTAL trusses and completely ignored the many VERTICAL steel support columns that were fastened and welded from bedrock all the way up to the top floor, virtually making them one length of steel.

Somehow all these VERTICAL steel support columns removed themselves ALL THE WAY DOWN fast enough so that if a bowling ball were dropped right beside, the top floor still hit the ground almost as fast...even though it had to crush its way ALL THE WAY DOWN through the many VERTICAL steel support columns that were fastened and welded all the way down

Love how the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda to sway the masses focused on the HORIZONTAL trusses and ignored the real issue of the many VERTICAL steel support columns

The block long World Trade Center 7 just happened to have its VERTICAL steel support colums at each end of the building a block apart fail at the exact same time...also having its top floor hit the ground almost as fast as a bowling ball would...even though the top floor had to crush its way ALL THE WAY DOWN through the many VERTICAL steel support columns that were fastened and welded all the way up

Anyone who honestly watches the videos, that is the complete videos of the fall of WTC7 can see that it was a progressive collapse. Both ends did not fall at the same time. One of the penthouses fell into the center of the building first, then the rest followed from that end to the other with the exception of the facade which somehow remained for a few seconds...

But no one expects truthers to be honest about much.........
Anyone who believes that a demolition team can rig two office buildings to come down without anyone in the office buildings knowing about it is a much bigger idiot and/or tool.

Don't you mean three office buildings?

You do realize that three skyscrapers collapsed in a matter of seconds in NYC on 9/11, even though one of them hadn't been hit by an airplane or even a significant amount of debris from the other two, right?

Don't tell me you haven't heard the incredible tale of Building 7?!
cue buzzer !
wtc7 was hit by a huge amount of debris :What caused the fires in WTC 7?
Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors-7 through 9 and 11 through 13-burned out of control. These lower-floor fires-which spread and grew because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system for these floors had failed-were similar to building fires experienced in other tall buildings. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city's water supply, whose lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and WTC 2. These uncontrolled lower-floor fires eventually spread to the northeast part of WTC 7, where the building's collapse began.

Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation
if not for the planes crashing into the towers there would have been no fires in wtc7
so when you make this statement :"even though one of them hadn't been hit by an airplane"--capstone.
it's inaccurate!
And several others were so damaged that they had to be demolished afterward. One of them was even "PULLED"...... How about that shit, they Pulled building 6...... Notice they did not "Pull" building 7.....

According to Silverstein, the building OWNER, that's EXACTLY what they did...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk]Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?
[ame=http://youtu.be/1uxlrcQL5Dk]WTC 7 - Pull means pull with cables - YouTube[/ame]
2012 Presidential election topics.

Big Bird - Check
Horses and bayonets - Check
Binders full of women - Check
Flexibility - Check
New 9/11 investigation - Buzzzzz, wrong answer

9/11 Truth, faded away into obscurity for over 11 years. :clap2:
Your videos have been around forever they will not disappear, Because they prove nothing, just TV correspondents talking and reporting before the facts are known, or getting the story wrong. As they tend to do when trying to get the exclusive first report on something.... Look at the recent shooting in Sandy Hook, there was more shit put out by the media that wasn't true we still can't tell fact from fiction...

Which is your problem with 9-11

edited of fictional content!
Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?
[ame=http://youtu.be/1uxlrcQL5Dk]WTC 7 - Pull means pull with cables - YouTube[/ame]

Funny thing, I didn't see the FIRST cable or pulley attached to Bldg. 7, DID YOU??

that's because there wasn't one ..as a matter of fact there was no one in wtc7 when it fell ...there were no reports of ant death or injuries associated with it either.

Funny thing, I didn't see the FIRST cable or pulley attached to Bldg. 7, DID YOU??

that's because there wasn't one

Then why use the term? Unless, of course, it is commonly understood to mean 'controlled demolition'...

..as a matter of fact there was no one in wtc7 when it fell ...there were no reports of ant death or injuries associated with it either.

Not according to Barry Jennings...
According to Silverstein, the building OWNER, that's EXACTLY what they did...

Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube

Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?
[ame=http://youtu.be/1uxlrcQL5Dk]WTC 7 - Pull means pull with cables - YouTube[/ame]

You got to be kidding me, do you really think Larry Silverstein meant pulling WTC 7 down with a steel cable? Pulling a building down with a steel cable that is in a very very weaken state may be practical, but not a building that is structurally sound with 47 floors with other good buildings around it. WTC 7 was still structurally sound and pulling down WTC 7 with a steel cable would be highly impractical and very difficult to do. Pulling WTC down with a steel cable would damage the other buildings around it. Do some research, when demolitionists use the term "pull it", it means to bring a building down with explosives. Larry Silverstein did not mean using a steel cable. When asked about this later his response was "I mis-spoke" (He weaseled out by lying of course). He didn't say he meant a steel cable.
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ERGO you called this out before and you are correct,Dawgshit,Gomer Ollie and Moron In the Hat are paid agent trolls.They know it was an inside job as well as we do.They would never come back and post such moronic garbage and keep coming back to get their asses handed to them on a platter here everyday like they do for free.welcome to the world of Gomers logic.He really DOES make Gomer Pyle look like a genius.:lol::lmao::lmao:

this is all he knows how to sprout off when he is cornered.:bsflag:

dont forget to mention how when asked to clarify that he meant for the firefighters to pull out.somehow all of a sudden,the firefighters all of a sudden are an IT.:lol: you can tell these guys are trolls easily cause bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission they cant get around.they cant get around barry jennings testimony where he mentioned that he heard explosives going off in the basement and that they occured before bld 7 collapsed which shreads to pieces the lies of NIST since they insist that the debris from the towers caused bld 7 to collapse due to fires.:lol:
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ERGO you called this out before and you are correct,Dawgshit,Gomer Ollie and Moron In the Hat are paid agent trolls.They know it was an inside job as well as we do.They would never come back and post such moronic garbage and keep coming back to get their asses handed to them on a platter here everyday like they do for free.welcome to the world of Gomers logic.He really DOES make Gomer Pyle look like a genius.:lol::lmao::lmao:

this is all he knows how to sprout off when he is cornered.:bsflag:

I think this describes the situation very well...

For example Barry Jennings, the guy he was with told a similar story yet he placed the explosions after or as the towers fell, not before.... But you go on believing.................

Fuck you ya fucking gump. You go on believing the obvious BS the state feeds you, and doesn't make sense. Any word on the the rest of the lies they said, the freefall of WTC 7?
Your belief that massive steel components beams and columns were falling and not capable of causing any distortion to the rest of the building, even though these massive parts were attached to it, is so fucking ignorant and stupid it's hilarious. How's that NIST computer simulation compared to the real word video taped decent we all can see of the WTC 7 coming along moron? Still believe what they tell you you saw instead of what you actually look at? :lol:

This stupid fuck agent troll is caught lying as always.Jennings immediately said the explosions took place in the basement BEFORE the towers fell which shreads to pieces the lies of the NIST report so this troll knowing he is defeated,resorts to lies as always.thats the ignorant logic of Gomer Ollie,the idiot that CLAIMS he has a high IQ.:lmao: yeah thats hysterical this troll uses NIST'S computer stimulation as evidence.:lol:
Rebar IS steel, moron... and I see NO evidence of ANY rebar "stuffed all through it".

Care to point it out?

Nope, What you see is what is there, maybe you should look closer.

Yes rebar is steel, but not the same steel as a girder would be. But it is stuck in your meteorite without melting, so I guess there goes your molten steel out the window again.......

Not hardly, dumbass. Rebar not totally inundated by the molten steel wouldn't get hot enough to melt, that's why you can see it on the OUTSIDE of the mass.

It would probably take x-rays to prove it, but I'm fairly certain that in the middle of that mass you wouldn't be able to distinguish rebar from the rest of it.

Dont you love it how when Gomer is cornered that when you mention we cant see any cables, he retreats and makes up one lie after another to try and save face.:lol::lol:

Wow Gomer is really a bigger idiot than I ever imiagined.Females dont get into long discussions about 9/11 like I do or do any research on it.They dont make long lengthy posts when engaging in these discussions on 9/11 so any reasonable logical person would see I am a dude.:lol:

Thats no slam against females,thats just how it is.they dont seem to have the desire to look into 9/11 for some reason.enough to go on message boards and discuss it anyways.
According to Silverstein, the building OWNER, that's EXACTLY what they did...

Larry Silverstein admits WTC7 was pulled down on 9/11 - YouTube

Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?

I know it has nothing to do with cables and winches, wiseass. It's a term that has been around controlled demolition for decades.

And if that's what Silverstein meant, why do we not see cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7?

as always.Gomer gets his ass handed to him on a platter.Thats true that pull it is a term used in demolitions.they proved that because there was this one radio talk show host that called into a demlotion company and asked the receptionist if the term pull it is ever used in their demolitions.she said she did not know and she would go ask one of the top demolition guys and she later came back and said that pull it indeed is a term used in demolitions.as always,Gomer loses.:lol::lol::lol: must suck being him.:lol:

Fucking idiot.............
Yes, yes you are...


Gomer Ollie sure is.thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:lol:
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Look, no one's ever gonna change your mind. You're all-in on that Goose Stepping thing. We all know that. So why do you still hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum? Unless you're being paid, it makes no sense. You obey and believe everything Big Brother tells you. We get it. So why are you still here?

Because you cannot disprove the facts.....There was no free fall.... You can see it I can see it , the world saw it....

The clock does not lie.....no way to make 15 seconds and 20+ seconds into 9 seconds......

I still don't get why you hang around on a Conspiracy Theory Forum. Big Brother can do no wrong as far as you're concerned. You've made your point. Probably time for you to move on now.

You got to remember Paul,if he did that,he wouldnt have a paying job anymore and he would be unemployed so thats why he keeps coming back for his constant ass beatings and is willing to humiliate and embarras himself here everyday year after year.:lol: You know he would NEVER do it for free you know?:D

the thing that is so laughable about Gomer and the way he debates is he CLAIMS that our videos we have shown have all been debunked when he has NEVER even tried proving it.comedy gold as always from Gomer.:lol: you to actually TRY and refute the facts your opponent presents,he never does.Notice how he ran off with his tail between his legs when Guy proved him wrong there WERE whistle blowers? what a chickenshit coward.:lol:

thats how he operates.:lol: He did exactly what I said he would do,run away and not try and refute them.He is too predicatable.:lol::lol::lol:
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Do you have any clue what the word Pull means in demolition?

I know it has nothing to do with cables and winches, wiseass. It's a term that has been around controlled demolition for decades.

And if that's what Silverstein meant, why do we not see cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7?

as always.Gomer gets his ass handed to him on a platter.Thats true that pull it is a term used in demolitions.they proved that because there was this one radio talk show host that called into a demlotion company and asked the receptionist if the term pull it is ever used in their demolitions.she said she did not know and she would go ask one of the top demolition guys and she later came back and said that pull it indeed is a term used in demolitions.as always,Gomer loses.:lol::lol::lol: must suck being him.:lol:

Fucking idiot.............
Yes, yes you are...


Gomer Ollie sure is.thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:lol:

As this video shows the folks over at Popular Mechanics are either lying or they don't know what they're talking about. It's hard for me to imagine that Popular Mechanics would state they never heard the term "pull it" for bringing a building down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LZsQxy8XhnM#]--What Does "Pull It" Mean?-- - YouTube[/ame]!
I know it has nothing to do with cables and winches, wiseass. It's a term that has been around controlled demolition for decades.

And if that's what Silverstein meant, why do we not see cables and winches attached to Bldg. 7?

as always.Gomer gets his ass handed to him on a platter.Thats true that pull it is a term used in demolitions.they proved that because there was this one radio talk show host that called into a demlotion company and asked the receptionist if the term pull it is ever used in their demolitions.she said she did not know and she would go ask one of the top demolition guys and she later came back and said that pull it indeed is a term used in demolitions.as always,Gomer loses.:lol::lol::lol: must suck being him.:lol: you proved to Gomer that I was not making that up.I knew that radio call took place it just like i said,I forgot how to find that video but thanks to you,I now know how to go look for it again.

Fucking idiot.............
Yes, yes you are...


Gomer Ollie sure is.thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:lol:

As this video shows the folks over at Popular Mechanics are either lying or they don't know what they're talking about. It's hard for me to imagine that Popular Mechanics would state they never heard the term "pull it" for bringing a building down.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LZsQxy8XhnM#]--What Does "Pull It" Mean?-- - YouTube[/ame]!


Excellent find Ergo.Thanks for posting that.cheers.:up::cheers2:

Thats the radio show I was talking about which proves Gomer is a patheitc lying troll who never gets tired of getting his ass handed to him on a platter.I had forgotten what the title of that video was to be able to find it again so im glad you found it.Thanks again for proving to the whole world what a lying troll Gomer is and like always,is a loser.:lol:

off topic for a minute,have you seen this video here before ERGO? once people who think that just because it SOUNDS absurd that 9/11 is an inside job and dont know the facts of the case,the open minded objective people,once they see this video,they can then understand why the Bush administration would orchestrate this event against the american people.

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