9-11, 19 insanely motivated Saudis with pocket knives, nothing else

Was the passenger jets full of fuel we watched with our own eyes a theory?
What amazes me about this entire event is what was the reason for blowing the building s up?
You can debate equations until the sun goes down and re start them when sun comes back up
You had terror
you had people jumping to there death from buildings that the fires "where not hot enough to make them Collapse" but hot enough to kill people
The fire fight was over when the "explosions" took place
the terror ended
what there was not enough terror with the passenger jets?

Too much common sense and logic there. To idiots like truthtards, common sense and logic are like holy water to a vampire.

We as a country have raised an entire generation that has no ability to think things thru. Its like Income tax
If I give more of my wealth to someone who is going to do nothing with it but give it to someone who is going to do nothing with it, they are not going to create squat
Simple questions
what happens if the attacks where foiled?
do the "explosives" just sit there?
You cannot get them to answer the why question

What is so hard about following the money trail? The incentive to commit such an act is in the money, power and conttrol. Same as Vietnam. Same as it ever was.

I never said there were explosives, either. My point was/is and remains, that the amount of energy needed to pulverize a 110 story skyscraper, while it collapses on itself at close to free fall speed isn't there. Kinetic energy can't be expelled twice. My equation clearly shows this, regardless of what some here want to insist. "Gravity" cant pull off such a magnificant stunt. Especially when you account for resistance. It goes against the physics.

Also, there is clear footage of someone waving at the impact zone. So clearly it wasn't hot enough there to melt steel. If it was, wouldn't this person also melt?

As for the plane fuel. You mean this plane fuel that exploded on the extrerior, evaporating a Boeing passenger plane? Oh, wait, there was a piece of landing gear and a hijacker passport found a few blocks over. So that makes sense. :cuckoo:


Are you going to tell me that fuel can burn twice now too? Should we simply throw the first law of thermodynamics to the wind too?

Stay asleep. It really makes no difference. Getting people to see what is right in front of them has never been so difficult. An impressive psy-op to say none the least.

I'm off to do science in the real world. Where resistance, physics, thermodynamic laws and mathematical equation can be applied without remedial hicks attempting to muck something simple.


Good luck.
Too much common sense and logic there. To idiots like truthtards, common sense and logic are like holy water to a vampire.

We as a country have raised an entire generation that has no ability to think things thru. Its like Income tax
If I give more of my wealth to someone who is going to do nothing with it but give it to someone who is going to do nothing with it, they are not going to create squat
Simple questions
what happens if the attacks where foiled?
do the "explosives" just sit there?
You cannot get them to answer the why question

What is so hard about following the money trail? The incentive to commit such an act is in the money, power and conttrol. Same as Vietnam. Same as it ever was.

I never said there were explosives, either. My point was/is and remains, that the amount of energy needed to pulverize a 110 story skyscraper, while it collapses on itself at close to free fall speed isn't there. Kinetic energy can't be expelled twice. My equation clearly shows this, regardless of what some here want to insist. "Gravity" cant pull off such a magnificant stunt. Especially when you account for resistance. It goes against the physics.

Also, there is clear footage of someone waving at the impact zone. So clearly it wasn't hot enough there to melt steel. If it was, wouldn't this person also melt?

As for the plane fuel. You mean this plane fuel that exploded on the extrerior, evaporating a Boeing passenger plane? Oh, wait, there was a piece of landing gear and a hijacker passport found a few blocks over. So that makes sense. :cuckoo:


Are you going to tell me that fuel can burn twice now too? Should we simply throw the first law of thermodynamics to the wind too?

Stay asleep. It really makes no difference. Getting people to see what is right in front of them has never been so difficult. An impressive psy-op to say none the least.

I'm off to do science in the real world. Where resistance, physics, thermodynamic laws and mathematical equation can be applied without remedial hicks attempting to muck something simple.


Good luck.

The smoke made most of them jump, not the flames, in fact I could provide links to the lady and others who were standing in the hole one of the planes made, but you willfully ignorant fucks would wave it away.
Anybody who still thinks the official fairytale is legit, is seriously delusional, in denial, willfully ignorant, a coward that wont face reality, or a disinfo agent, there are examples of all of this and these on this forum. :cuckoo:
Too much common sense and logic there. To idiots like truthtards, common sense and logic are like holy water to a vampire.

We as a country have raised an entire generation that has no ability to think things thru. Its like Income tax
If I give more of my wealth to someone who is going to do nothing with it but give it to someone who is going to do nothing with it, they are not going to create squat
Simple questions
what happens if the attacks where foiled?
do the "explosives" just sit there?
You cannot get them to answer the why question

What is so hard about following the money trail? The incentive to commit such an act is in the money, power and conttrol. Same as Vietnam. Same as it ever was.
Yet you shitheads haven't even been able to show a money trail. :lol: Come on, if you're going to make a claim, back it up! Show us all those newly minted billionairs that got rich over 9/11! It sure isn't Bush or Cheney!

TakeAStepBack said:
I never said there were explosives, either. My point was/is and remains, that the amount of energy needed to pulverize a 110 story skyscraper, while it collapses on itself at close to free fall speed isn't there. Kinetic energy can't be expelled twice. My equation clearly shows this, regardless of what some here want to insist. "Gravity" cant pull off such a magnificant stunt. Especially when you account for resistance. It goes against the physics.
Your equation, which you simply copied from that nutjob Judy Wood, doesn't hold up to even CASUAL examination. Putting up formulas without applying them are meaningless, especially in your case.

BTW, I doubt anyone is surprised you plagerized your "work" without giving due credit, but since you copied it from Judy Wood, I can see why you would shy away from revealing sources. So how is her space ray bullshit going?

TakeAStepBack said:
Also, there is clear footage of someone waving at the impact zone. So clearly it wasn't hot enough there to melt steel. If it was, wouldn't this person also melt?
OMG you're such a fucking idiot! In that picture it is the north face of the tower shortly after impact. Where was the wind blowing from? The North. Therefore she would be having cool air blown on her while the fires were fueled by the breeze behind her. Was she there the entire time? No. She more than likely jumped like numerous other people did from fires YOU dishonest fucks try and pretend weren't hot.

TakeAStepBack said:
As for the plane fuel. You mean this plane fuel that exploded on the extrerior, evaporating a Boeing passenger plane? Oh, wait, there was a piece of landing gear and a hijacker passport found a few blocks over. So that makes sense. :cuckoo:
Yeah, none of the fuel got into the building and all the videos of fires were just made up. :roll: Wow. You're even more stupid than I gave you credit for!

TakeAStepBack said:
Are you going to tell me that fuel can burn twice now too? Should we simply throw the first law of thermodynamics to the wind too?
Yeah, because like the typical truthtard you ignore the fact there is literally HUNDREDS OF TONS of flammable material on the floors that were on fire. Lord only knows truthtards are so stupid they think the only thing that can burn is fuel!

TakeAStepBack said:
Stay asleep. It really makes no difference. Getting people to see what is right in front of them has never been so difficult. An impressive psy-op to say none the least.
Uh huh. Which is why you have to put everyone on ignore instead of facing the fact you're full of shit time and time again. If you really DID have the truth on your side, you would have as much fun with debunkers as I do with fucks like you! It is so easy to poke holes in lies. It isn't nearly as easy to do so with the truth and, since you have to lie to do so, the lies make you lose credibility.

TakeAStepBack said:
I'm off to do science in the real world. Where resistance, physics, thermodynamic laws and mathematical equation can be applied without remedial hicks attempting to muck something simple.
So why did you have to cut and paste all your work from Judy Woods? :lol: I at least did my work on my own and provided real world numbers to prove it is real.

For anyone thinking this dishonest fuck did his own work, here it is verbatim:

Judy Woods Billiard balls bullshit
Oh, and her "billiard ball theory" was so widely laughed at by everyone that she no longer actively pushes it and for good reason. An imbecile would be able to see the massive flaws. Funny how you couldn't. :lol:

BTW, I also noticed you couldn't even begin to debate the formulas you cut and pasted from someone else. I believe that is because you are absolutely clueless as to what the formulas are about! :lol: Piece of shit pretender!


Good luck.[/QUOTE]
Does that mean that this "Take a shit" sock is being retired?

These Vets have more honor then you you disgusting brainwashed fool.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWUQ_N_vHc0&feature=feedlik]YouTube - American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!! SUPPORT OF TAKING AMERICA BACK!!! (StopTheRobbery2)[/ame]
This message is hidden because Agent Patriot911 is on your ignore list.

I'm sorry, did you try and say something? :lol:

I don't give a shit if you have me on ignore. Sure hope you don't think I am going to stop responding to your bullshit though! :lol: It is fun exposing assholes like you for what they are.

LOL so funny. You are ignored, but he/she/it takes the time to add to the message....

Gotta give em credit for being so stupid.
Does that mean that this "Take a shit" sock is being retired?

These Vets have more honor then you you disgusting brainwashed fool.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWUQ_N_vHc0&feature=feedlik]YouTube - American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!! SUPPORT OF TAKING AMERICA BACK!!! (StopTheRobbery2)[/ame]

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!
In the continuing saga of data security firm HBGary, a new caveat has come to light: not only did they plot to help destroy secrets outlet WikiLeaks and discredit progressive bloggers, they also crafted detailed proposals for software that manages online "personas," allowing a single human to assume the identities of as many fake people as they'd like.

The revelation was among those contained in the company's emails, which were dumped onto bittorrent networks after hackers with cyber protest group "Anonymous" broke into their systems.


Manufacturing consent

Though many questions remain about how the military would apply such technology, the reasonable fear should be perfectly clear. "Persona management software" can be used to manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports. An unlimited number of virtual "people" could be marshaled by only a few real individuals, empowering them to create the illusion of consensus.

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people | The Raw Story
Does that mean that this "Take a shit" sock is being retired?

These Vets have more honor then you you disgusting brainwashed fool.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWUQ_N_vHc0&feature=feedlik]YouTube - American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!! SUPPORT OF TAKING AMERICA BACK!!! (StopTheRobbery2)[/ame]

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.
In the continuing saga of data security firm HBGary, a new caveat has come to light: not only did they plot to help destroy secrets outlet WikiLeaks and discredit progressive bloggers, they also crafted detailed proposals for software that manages online "personas," allowing a single human to assume the identities of as many fake people as they'd like.

The revelation was among those contained in the company's emails, which were dumped onto bittorrent networks after hackers with cyber protest group "Anonymous" broke into their systems.


Manufacturing consent

Though many questions remain about how the military would apply such technology, the reasonable fear should be perfectly clear. "Persona management software" can be used to manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports. An unlimited number of virtual "people" could be marshaled by only a few real individuals, empowering them to create the illusion of consensus.

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people | The Raw Story

:lol: You can't defend your bullshit from my debunking, so you have to try and pretend I am someone else or a "virtual" person. :lol:

Listen up, fucktard! If I were lying, you would have no problem at all poking holes in my lies just like I have no problem at all poking holes in your bullshit. It is EASY to do so when you have the truth on your side. The fact you have to resort to these tactics only shows just how desperate you truthtards are in your fight to try and get anyone to listen without someone like me coming along and making you look like a fucked up immature fool.

So keep it up. I don't care if you have to try and pretend I am someone I am not to preserve whatever dignity you have left. It doesn't make any difference to me. The only person's credibility you damage is your own, not mine. Like I said, the fact you have to resort to such childish measures shows just how weak your arguments are and, more importantly, how weak YOU know your arguments are.

So thanks for exposing your ignorance and dishonesty for everyone to see yet again. ;-)

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.
Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.

I know about the Stolen Valor act. Some assholes are trying to get it declared unconstitutional.
In the continuing saga of data security firm HBGary, a new caveat has come to light: not only did they plot to help destroy secrets outlet WikiLeaks and discredit progressive bloggers, they also crafted detailed proposals for software that manages online "personas," allowing a single human to assume the identities of as many fake people as they'd like.

The revelation was among those contained in the company's emails, which were dumped onto bittorrent networks after hackers with cyber protest group "Anonymous" broke into their systems.


Manufacturing consent

Though many questions remain about how the military would apply such technology, the reasonable fear should be perfectly clear. "Persona management software" can be used to manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports. An unlimited number of virtual "people" could be marshaled by only a few real individuals, empowering them to create the illusion of consensus.

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people | The Raw Story

This thing is all over the place
manipulate public opinion?
Is this to cover up the families of those killed at the Pentagon?
Tell me this is not what your trying to say here
Does that mean that this "Take a shit" sock is being retired?

These Vets have more honor then you you disgusting brainwashed fool.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWUQ_N_vHc0&feature=feedlik]YouTube - American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!! SUPPORT OF TAKING AMERICA BACK!!! (StopTheRobbery2)[/ame]

Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

what evidence do you have to support the NIST hypothesis ?
Where is the honor in being made a fool of? There is no evidence to back up your bullshit, which means people are working off opinion alone. That isn't honor. That is lunacy! It is you and your fellow truthtards who steal these people's honor through your lies and bullshit. You truly are scum of the earth!

After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.

there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?
After this fool has been there, then and only then, what he has to say about honor will be worth listening to. Now if any of those veterans want to look in my face and tell me the same thing, I will salute them, shake my head, and walk away.

Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.

there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?

Stolen Valor
Check their creds first. A lot of these stupid fuckers are just fakers. Ever read the book Stolen Valor? One of the hardest books I've ever read, but very eye opening to the lengths these shits will go to.

there was one anti war activist that claimed to be a vet but he said nothing about 9/11...do you have even a sliver of proof to back up your retarded claim ?

Stolen Valor

so you confirm what I say...and agree that parrot911 is making false claims again...

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