8Hr workday? Weekends? Thank Henry Ford and Capitalism!

How many times did you ask me for expert testimony? What's the matter you don't have any this time? I have plenty

The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

They seem to be a popular idea again among conservatives. See trump.
This is proof Republicans talk about of both sides of their pie holes. During the campaign they talk about bringing jobs back home but put their feet to the fire what we learn is that they don't really want to bring jobs back home. They want to continue to manufacture cheap in China.

And I seem to remember Republicans saying a few weeks ago it wasn't them who sent jobs overseas and that they wanted to bring back jobs, but now notice how slick they are shifting back to their original position that they don't think manufacturing here is realistic.

And remember this whenever they try to suggest Clinton signed NAFTA and they had nothing to do with sending all our jobs overseas. They had EVERYTHING to do with it. They drafted the plan and they will be the ones to obstruct if we try to alter the plan.
Wow you're even more pathetic than I thought if you think you can give anyone an "ass whipping" on the internet

You really are stupid.
What we have here is a battle of wits.
What has been happening to you is a metaphorical ass whipping.

Hope that helps you understand whats been happening. You seem clueless most of the time.
They don't seem to realize they aren't being intellectually honest with us or themselves. Cognitive Dissonance is what they suffer from.
Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?
Are you kidding me? Walmarts whole business model relies on this fact you stupid fuck. Let me prove it to you. The Walton family is rich because of walmart. How many of their 2.1 million employees is dirt ass fucking poor?
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.

Kind of funny you mention how many times Minimum wage has been raised Yet can not accept the fact that they are still poor.

So how many more times you want it raised to comprehend

They Will always be poor?

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?
McD's business model is to pay shit so the owners can make a good living.

On Wednesday, McDonald's announced that starting this July, it will increase wages for the 90,000 workers who are directly employed by one of the company's restaurants. The plan is to bring the current hourly wage up by $1; the average McDonald's employee will make $9.90 by July and $10 by 2016. Benefits like paid vacation time will be available for employees who have worked for the company for more than a year.

The raise, however, only applies to employees of the actual restaurant. The 750,000 workers employed by franchises, which make up 90 percent of McDonald's restaurants, are not included in this wage hike.
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.

Kind of funny you mention how many times Minimum wage has been raised Yet can not accept the fact that they are still poor.

So how many more times you want it raised to comprehend

They Will always be poor?

Yea, hence why it's called MINIMUM wage. And when inflation goes higher in 10 years or so we need to raise it again.

In fact we should raise it automatically based on inflation and if inflation goes down we can lower it too.
Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?
McD's business model is to pay shit so the owners can make a good living.

On Wednesday, McDonald's announced that starting this July, it will increase wages for the 90,000 workers who are directly employed by one of the company's restaurants. The plan is to bring the current hourly wage up by $1; the average McDonald's employee will make $9.90 by July and $10 by 2016. Benefits like paid vacation time will be available for employees who have worked for the company for more than a year.

The raise, however, only applies to employees of the actual restaurant. The 750,000 workers employed by franchises, which make up 90 percent of McDonald's restaurants, are not included in this wage hike.

You retard not talking one company

Across the board Nationally MW.
Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?
45 million people, or 14.5 percent of all Americans, lived below the poverty line last year,

Now what about the people who live just above the poverty line? Capitalism needs more losers than winners.
A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.

Kind of funny you mention how many times Minimum wage has been raised Yet can not accept the fact that they are still poor.

So how many more times you want it raised to comprehend

They Will always be poor?

Yea, hence why it's called MINIMUM wage. And when inflation goes higher in 10 years or so we need to raise it again.

In fact we should raise it automatically based on inflation and if inflation goes down we can lower it too.

You will never get ahead staying on MW.
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know

Lmao who do you think sets the rates for food stamps, God?

You raise minimum wage across the board they would have to raise the qualifications for food stamps

Because they are still fucking poor

If that's true, maybe Capitalism isn't as good as you guys claim it is. If it relies on 50% of the population being dirt ass poor in order for it to work???

No it doesn't. Where do you get this stupid shit from?
McD's business model is to pay shit so the owners can make a good living.

On Wednesday, McDonald's announced that starting this July, it will increase wages for the 90,000 workers who are directly employed by one of the company's restaurants. The plan is to bring the current hourly wage up by $1; the average McDonald's employee will make $9.90 by July and $10 by 2016. Benefits like paid vacation time will be available for employees who have worked for the company for more than a year.

The raise, however, only applies to employees of the actual restaurant. The 750,000 workers employed by franchises, which make up 90 percent of McDonald's restaurants, are not included in this wage hike.

You retard not talking one company

Across the board Nationally MW.
That's just one example. Do you think I need to show you how many people work for target, meijers, arby krogers hobby lobby in the mall, for a mom and pop small business, etc? 45 million live below poverty and probably another 45 million live just above it and how many people are one month away from being broke? Capitalism needs losers. We can't all be winners. Luckily I'm a winner.

And I'm ok with there being SOME losers. For example in the 90's the economy was booming and there were still some losers. We'll never get rid of all the losers. But back then a lot of people worked at the Big 3 and were winning. Today they work for Walmart and they are losers. Republicans like it this way better than the way it was.
The problem is I provided you with loads and you still chose to ignore. No point in bothering.
Where is your proof that high tariffs increase salaries, increase foreign manufacturers presence in this country and increase demand?

You have none whatsoever

The effect of a tariff is always that it raises domestic prices by removing the choice of less expensive goods and ultimately reduce demand
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

They seem to be a popular idea again among conservatives. See trump.
This is proof Republicans talk about of both sides of their pie holes. During the campaign they talk about bringing jobs back home but put their feet to the fire what we learn is that they don't really want to bring jobs back home. They want to continue to manufacture cheap in China.

And I seem to remember Republicans saying a few weeks ago it wasn't them who sent jobs overseas and that they wanted to bring back jobs, but now notice how slick they are shifting back to their original position that they don't think manufacturing here is realistic.

And remember this whenever they try to suggest Clinton signed NAFTA and they had nothing to do with sending all our jobs overseas. They had EVERYTHING to do with it. They drafted the plan and they will be the ones to obstruct if we try to alter the plan.

They seem to love cheap labor whether here or in other countries. They talk a lot about kicking out immigrants but with control of congress they have done nothing. They do not really want to get rid of cheap labor.
Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.

Kind of funny you mention how many times Minimum wage has been raised Yet can not accept the fact that they are still poor.

So how many more times you want it raised to comprehend

They Will always be poor?

Yea, hence why it's called MINIMUM wage. And when inflation goes higher in 10 years or so we need to raise it again.

In fact we should raise it automatically based on inflation and if inflation goes down we can lower it too.

You will never get ahead staying on MW.
Actually my grandmother paid off her home and saved $200K on minimum wage, believe it or not. Very frugal woman.
What is the purpose of a tariff? You say it's so the government can get their cut but we say it's to encourage companies to manufacture here in the USA. If shipping and tariff costs make it too expensive to make it in China, come on home.

And I think even NIKE should be paying tariffs. But only because they mark up their product so much.

How much does Nike actually spend on a pair of sneakers that retails for $100? About $28.50.

Actually that's not that much of a mark up. I thought they would only pay $5 a pair. LOL

A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.
Was there some kind of point in there?
If McDonald's cannot sell reasonably priced hamburgers they will stop selling hamburgers. If they can substitute capital for labor by buying automated equipment they will do so. So instead of 10 people making 8/hr you'll have 2 people making 15/hr. Thats great if you're one of those two people, sucks for everyone else. What about this do you not understand?

What about this do you not understand?

You obviously don't understand at all.

McDonald's has been around a long time. MW has been around longer. How many times has the MW been raised and yet there are still plenty of people staffing their stores.
By your logic it should have been automated or had $10 hamburgers years ago. Neither is the case.

Kind of funny you mention how many times Minimum wage has been raised Yet can not accept the fact that they are still poor.

So how many more times you want it raised to comprehend

They Will always be poor?


It's not meant to end poverty there Corky. It never was.
So you want people to pay more fr everything then?

Basically all a tariff does is increase the prices we pay here.

I'll use my sneakers example again.

You buy sneakers made overseas for $50 now those exact same shoes would have to be sold for $100 if they were made here because of the cost. So you want to put a tariff on the imports so they will cost more than $100. You have just forced a person to spend twice as much on a pair of sneakers than they had to leaving them less money to spend on other things.

How is that helpful?

A tariff says, if you want to do business in America, you're going to act like an American company. For example, you're not going to sell goods here made by dollar an hour workers when we in America have decided 8 bucks and hour is a minimum.

Otherwise, eventually, either American wages come down, or Americans lose that work.

A tariff makes YOU pay more for everything how does that help you?

If it puts the job back in the US, you increase the economic effect of a dollar earned and spent here which is worth far more than a 10 dollar pair of shoes.

and everything you buy costs more so how does that help you? You have less disposable income because the cheapest thing you can buy costs 2 or 3 times more than it has to.

2-300% increase in prices? Ridiculous.

OK Mr Literal

I'll hold you to that in all your posts
Henry Ford's been worm food for a hundred years. There are no more Henry Fords. There are only rich Globalist assholes who don't give a shit about American Citizens. They'd sell their own mothers if they thought there was a profit to be made off it.
Yeah especially the one you see in the mirror every morning.

Now you better tun along we know you have to push start your Yugo because you can't afford a new starter.

YOu need to go and push around your two employees so you can feel like a real man again.
It's 10 soon to be 14 after the addition is built. And like I said I spend less than 20 hours a week there.

I'm out the door in an hour to walk the dogs then and you'll like this my wife and I are going to buy a new pistol for her before we go to the range for a while. Then a movie and a nice dinner out. And guess what? I'm not setting foot into my business today and I'll make more money today than you will all week getting coffee for and giving blow jobs to your boss

What service do you provide with ten employees that pays any real money?
Are you a pimp or own a strip club?

I guess you don't know that some services cost more than others therefore the income generated per employee can be quite high

I'm sure you don't bring in much for your employer but don't hold everyone to your low standards
Small Business Annual Sales - How much money do they make?
For the most part, these small businesses have few employees. According to US Census Bureau statistics, while there are more than 27 million businesses operating in the United States, only 655,587 of them employ 20 or more employees.

In fact, the majority of US small businesses are very small. A whopping 21 million are "nonemployers." In other words, they are self-employed individuals who pay taxes, but are not counted in the monthly jobs reports that are based on payroll data because they do not have a payroll.

Another 3.7 million have 1 to 4 employees.

I guess all those businesses with less than 20 employees can't provide shit for services unless they are all strip clubs or pimps huh?
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It's kind of ironic, these days it's old white Republican dudes who wanna take all that away from Citizens. Like i said, there are no more Henry Fords.
A tariff is an outdated protectionist tax that does nothing but raise prices for consumers

And you do know that part of the cost of Nike Sneakers is a tariff don't you? No I guess you don't

Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Poor people are obese in our society, not starving. There are no hungry children.
Yeah especially the one you see in the mirror every morning.

Now you better tun along we know you have to push start your Yugo because you can't afford a new starter.

YOu need to go and push around your two employees so you can feel like a real man again.
It's 10 soon to be 14 after the addition is built. And like I said I spend less than 20 hours a week there.

I'm out the door in an hour to walk the dogs then and you'll like this my wife and I are going to buy a new pistol for her before we go to the range for a while. Then a movie and a nice dinner out. And guess what? I'm not setting foot into my business today and I'll make more money today than you will all week getting coffee for and giving blow jobs to your boss

What service do you provide with ten employees that pays any real money?
Are you a pimp or own a strip club?
Thats pretty much your entire world of experience in small businesses, isnt it?
Nearly every time someone suggests raising the minimum wage, some ass always smugly chimes in with “Yeah, but do you want to pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger? I don’t think so.”

Which is true. Most people would not, in fact, pay $10 for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.

The thing is, this is not something I or anyone else has to ever worry about. Guess why? Because if McDonald’s charged more than anyone was actually willing to pay for a cheeseburger, no one would buy them and they wouldn’t make any money, period. But, my friends, this is how these corporations hold us hostage.

Think about this for a second. Nike pays its mistreated and abused sweatshop workers in Indonesia about 50 cents an hour, and still rarely charges less than $100 for their sneakers. Often they’re over $300.

Do you think J. Crew charges less because they use sweatshops ? Have you looked a J. Crew catalog recently?

McDonald’s, by the way, has upped the charge of a Big Mac nearly 75% since 2003. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it should actually have only gone up 28%. That extra cash wasn’t passed onto the workers, it was passed on to the people up top and the shareholders. So they’re going to increase prices whether or not they’re paying their employees a fair wage, depending on what they think they can sell these items for.

Silly boo boo Micky ds is just an example, it's what you would pay extra if Minimum wage was raised across the board to $15 bucks an hour.

Instead of your weekly budget being say $150 bucks ...

It would be $180???? bucks plus for the same thing .....

Plus the other fact instead of 3% of the workers making minimum wage, you would then have 30%?
Minimum wage should be enough that a person who makes minimum wage that works 40 hours shouldn't qualify for food stamps. The US taxpayer is sick of subsidizing mcd's. If you can only afford to pay ten more and you'll have to get rid of ten workers, so be it. Those who lose their jobs will find better jobs. This is America you know
Increase the qualifications for food stamps. Problem solved.
WalMart etc is subsidizing the US taxpayer because if they didnt employ these people the taxpayer would be on the hook for all their needs.
Why we should pay for lazy people who cant find a job is a different question.

That sort of defeats the purpose of food stamps if people can't afford food. It figures that you would see hungry children as the problem rather than those who keep them in that position.
Poor people are obese in our society, not starving. There are no hungry children.
Even worse! I'm glad you said this. It illustrates just how ignorant you are to all the facts. Shame on your ignorant ass.

Why Poverty Leads to Obesity and Life-Long Problems | Scholars Strategy Network

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