8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Cohen calls Trump a racist: 'In private, he's even worse'

Trump is a racist. A bunch of white deniers who have never faced racism and call opposition to the racism of whites racism, have no words to offer on our conclusion about trump that are worthy of merit.

With all due respect, you are a drooling moron.
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

So, the fact that Trumps policies have helped that 65% who feel good about their lives doesn't matter. Got it. Orange man bad. The fact that his policies have brought more black people out of poverty than ANY of their so called leaders (who require a continuous poor underclass to further feather their own nests) is immaterial.

Got it.

Come back when you have something a little more balanced.

And some of the places that benefited the most from EU transfers and infrastructure projects in the U.K. voted for Brexit.

Economics only matter to a point.

It is one thing to vote on matters other than economic self interest.

It is another to believe that someone who is benefiting your economic self interest, is actually hating you based on race and wanting to hurt you, but somehow failing at it, so it makes sense to vote against him before he figures out how to stop helping you....
Your posts say:"I'm a white man and I say trump isn't a racist because I don't seem him shouting racial slurs or promoting what I think are overtly racist policies. Although I as a white man has never faced racism, I am the ultimate authority on what is racist. trump coming down the escalator calling Mexicans rapists and murderers is not an example of racism. Neither is his calling African nations shitholes. Neither is his birtherism."

Trump never called all Mexicans rapists, and you acknowledgedon't this in the following thread: Trump, Mexicans, and Rapists If you want to sound credible when talking about racism, you should learn which 5 races are recognized as such by the US Census. This would stop you from posting about Mexicans as if they were a race. If you were to learn to differentiate race from nationality, you could stop making bigoted claims that Mexicans are a race, and you would be able to see that nations that are shitholes does not mean races that are shitholes.
I am very credible about race, far more than you. Trump is a racist, his comments about Mexico was racist. His comment about shithole nations only referred to black nation and that makes it a racist comment. The fact he only challenged the citizenship of non white presidential candidates is racist. I know how racism manifests itself in todays world. Jim Crow overt style racism went out of style long ago. donald trump is a racist piece of shit and I'd suggest you start studying aversive racism, modern racism and "colorblind" racism so you can learn why I can call trump a racist.

Your posts say:"I'm a white man and I say trump isn't a racist because I don't seem him shouting racial slurs or promoting what I think are overtly racist policies. Although I as a white man has never faced racism, I am the ultimate authority on what is racist. trump coming down the escalator calling Mexicans rapists and murderers is not an example of racism. Neither is his calling African nations shitholes. Neither is his birtherism."

Trump never called all Mexicans rapists, and you acknowledgedon't this in the following thread: Trump, Mexicans, and Rapists If you want to sound credible when talking about racism, you should learn which 5 races are recognized as such by the US Census. This would stop you from posting about Mexicans as if they were a race. If you were to learn to differentiate race from nationality, you could stop making bigoted claims that Mexicans are a race, and you would be able to see that nations that are shitholes does not mean races that are shitholes.
I am very credible about race, far more than you. Trump is a racist, his comments about Mexico was racist. His comment about shithole nations only referred to black nation and that makes it a racist comment. The fact he only challenged the citizenship of non white presidential candidates is racist. I know how racism manifests itself in todays world. Jim Crow overt style racism went out of style long ago. donald trump is a racist piece of shit and I'd suggest you start studying aversive racism, modern racism and "colorblind" racism so you can learn why I can call trump a racist.


THe way you do that is racist. The way you did this is racist. YOu are a racist.

I don't know IM2, it is kind of a lame game. When does the fun start? How do we keep score?
Your posts say:"I'm a white man and I say trump isn't a racist because I don't seem him shouting racial slurs or promoting what I think are overtly racist policies. Although I as a white man has never faced racism, I am the ultimate authority on what is racist. trump coming down the escalator calling Mexicans rapists and murderers is not an example of racism. Neither is his calling African nations shitholes. Neither is his birtherism."

Trump never called all Mexicans rapists, and you acknowledgedon't this in the following thread: Trump, Mexicans, and Rapists If you want to sound credible when talking about racism, you should learn which 5 races are recognized as such by the US Census. This would stop you from posting about Mexicans as if they were a race. If you were to learn to differentiate race from nationality, you could stop making bigoted claims that Mexicans are a race, and you would be able to see that nations that are shitholes does not mean races that are shitholes.
I am very credible about race, far more than you. Trump is a racist, his comments about Mexico was racist. His comment about shithole nations only referred to black nation and that makes it a racist comment. The fact he only challenged the citizenship of non white presidential candidates is racist. I know how racism manifests itself in todays world. Jim Crow overt style racism went out of style long ago. donald trump is a racist piece of shit and I'd suggest you start studying aversive racism, modern racism and "colorblind" racism so you can learn why I can call trump a racist.

You don't appear to be credible when you repeatedly allege that Trump is a racist when you cannot post a shred of evidence that proves he is any such thing.

You don't appear to be credible when you cannot post what race Mexicans are.

You don't appear to be credible when you allege that derogatory comments directed towards blacks or countries where lots of blacks live are automatically racist, even in the absence of proof that the comments were because of their race and not because of their actions.

You don't appear to be credible when you ignore Trump's birtherism challenge to the white Ted Cruz and only focus on the challenge to Obama's.

You certainly do not sound credible when you talk of racism without being able to demonstrate that you even know which five races are recognized by the US Census. You couldn't list the five races if you tried.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules
New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.

Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.





Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

oh for fuck's sake. i gave the link where that is from. you don't know? it was from the....

now understand this part real good, m'k?

a LAWSUIT ... from the US GOV... where donny & daddy drumpf were sued for housing discrimination. donny - who has bragged about never settling - cause that means one is guilty............

settled that suit.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.
What absolute nonsense.
Do you have an example of the opposite happening? I didn't think so. Your 3 word response isnt going to cut it in a debate. Do you have facts or not?
It's really hilarious. You are asking me for proof that Obama WASN'T a racist. As anyone who has knowledge of argumentation and logic knows: one cannot prove a negative. As well, you fail to provide any documentation that he was indeed a racist and that he, as you claim, "always sided with black criminals over white cops." Where is your concrete evidence to prove Obama "sided with black criminals over white cops"?
No, show me a time when obama sided with a white person against a black criminal.
What an idiot.
Obama? I agree. He sided with criminals on multiple occasions.
What a comeback! You're not only an idiot, you're pathetic.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

oh for fuck's sake. i gave the link where that is from. you don't know? it was from the....

now understand this part real good, m'k?

a LAWSUIT ... from the US GOV... where donny & daddy drumpf were sued for housing discrimination. donny - who has bragged about never settling - cause that means one is guilty............

settled that suit.

Dismissed cases are not evidence. The last thing you should ever consider using as evidence is a dismissed case.

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.

I already explained that all lefties can post are allegations, gish gallop, dismissed cases, propaganda, or secondhand quotes.

Dismissed cases are not evidence. The last thing you should ever consider using as evidence is a dismissed case.

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.

Everyone knows that plenty of people and companies settle lawsuits to just settle them, not because they are guilty.

Your pretense otherwise, is you being dishonest.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.

I already explained that all lefties can post are allegations, gish gallop, dismissed cases, propaganda, or secondhand quotes.

Dismissed cases are not evidence. The last thing you should ever consider using as evidence is a dismissed case.

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."

lol... you are trying to peddle that it was dismissed because there was no evidence & therefore thrown outa court. auCONtraire.

they settled & that is why it was dismissed.

In 1975, Trump agreed to a consent decree, whereby no admission of wrongdoing would be given, however, his management company was ordered to take out ads telling ethnic minorities that they were welcome to seek housing at Trump properties.
The FBI released hundreds of pages related to a 1970s housing discrimination lawsuit against Trump

& CONsidering the most recent activety where trump's HUD will now make it easier to discriminate, doesn't help yer spin.




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.

I already explained that all lefties can post are allegations, gish gallop, dismissed cases, propaganda, or secondhand quotes.

Dismissed cases are not evidence. The last thing you should ever consider using as evidence is a dismissed case.

"It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that in
consideration of their affirmative assumption of responsibility
contained in part III herein, the complaint against Fred C.
Trump and Donald J. Trump is dismissed against them in their
personal capacity, with prejudice, as to all allegations
contained therein, and predating this Order."

lol... you are trying to peddle that it was dismissed because there was no evidence & therefore thrown outa court. auCONtraire.

they settled & that is why it was dismissed.

In 1975, Trump agreed to a consent decree, whereby no admission of wrongdoing would be given, however, his management company was ordered to take out ads telling ethnic minorities that they were welcome to seek housing at Trump properties.
The FBI released hundreds of pages related to a 1970s housing discrimination lawsuit against Trump

& CONsidering the most recent activety where trump's HUD will now make it easier to discriminate, doesn't help yer spin.

"no admission of wrongdoing"




Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules

New rules may make it easier to deny loans to people of color.
Trump moves to gut Obama housing discrimination rules


a racist motherfucker gone full circle.

Gish gallop in its purest form. Isolate an item and explain how it is racist. Gish gallop itself is not evidence of racism.

He can't. He won't. He knows that if he tries, he loses. So he won't try.

BUt he will never admit it.

IF he starts to try, when you start to crush him, he will change the subject.

i always back up what i say. the link is credible & cannot be debated.

you, cartoon boy - can't even keep it straight that i am a SHE, no matter how many times i've told you. your ability to absorb facts is sorely lacking.

Everyone knows that plenty of people and companies settle lawsuits to just settle them, not because they are guilty.

Your pretense otherwise, is you being dishonest.

mmmmm & everyone knows that plenty of people & companies settle lawsuits to just settle them, not because they are innocent, but to have a lesser 'punishment' imposed.

donny said he never settles & that is just plain lying. also given his track record, it's more than likely he settled cause he was guilty. good people don't rip off other people whether it's for a fraudulent university, a sham charity foundation, or in housing.

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