72 Hours? Another Transparency Pledge To Be Broke


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Senate bill posted for months. True. Reconciliation Bill if goes to House? Nope. Hey, they're betting on the stupidity of the people and the spin of the far left:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Democrats soften pledge for three-day posting of health bill - Blogs from CNN.com

March 12, 2010
Democrats soften pledge for three-day posting of health bill
Posted: March 12th, 2010 05:22 PM ET

From CNN Congressional Producer Evan Glass

House Democrats may not post health care reform package online for 72 hours before vote.

Washington (CNN) – House Democrats appear to be softening their pledge to allow the public 72 hours to review the health care reform package online before a House vote. "We will certainly give as much notice as possible, but I'm not going to say that 72 hours is going to be the litmus test," said Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on Friday.

"The House bill or Senate bill, as proposed, has been online for some two-and-a-half months, otherwise known about 75 days," Hoyer added, referring to the November and December dates each chamber passed its version of health care legislation.

But Democrats could vote as soon as next week on a series of changes to the health care package - called a reconciliation bill - and the number two House Republican criticized Hoyer directly on House floor...
Im shocked! Shocked, I tell you! I never saw this coming in a bazillion years!
"Git er done"

That's the new mantra. Not Hope n Change. Not Bipartisanship. Not democracy. Not any of the things Obama ran and was elected on. Now its just win win win for the sake of winning. IDeals be damned. Party be damned. Public be damned.
You want transparency in government? Fuck you
You dont want this health care bill? Fuck you
You want democratic processes to ensure fairness? Fuck you.
The Democrats, the party of Fuck You.
From the first "everything on CSPAN" comment I knew it was a sham. A noble gesture, but as hollow as a martin gourd.

I said I would refrain from saying it...but "its the Chicago way"...I'm just waiting for Hoffa to come out of hiding

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