70% of Americans says their finances are hopeless

A hamburger is a fast food item.

A sub sandwich is a fast food item.

French fries are a fast food item.

A milk shake is a fast food item.

Chili is a fast food item.

Are all these harmful?
If they are made from any processed place or have any processed chemicals yes they ARE harmful. That's the point. The american fast food places offer foods full of chemicals. And we wonder why cancer is prevalent.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th[sic] have enough power over our lives.
Everyone know it was going to take about a decade to recover from 4 years of Trump Administration Corruption, what with all those lobbyists working to screw We the people.

If they are made from any processed place or have any processed chemicals yes they ARE harmful.

So, you have never bought any food from the grocery store?

It all has processed chemicals in it.
So, you have never bought any food from the grocery store?

It all has processed chemicals in it.
And they are not good for you. But hey keep buying them like the rest of the flock because we'll it sure is good people in those plants are employed to make your food for you. And they had better do it for cheap for you. Typical of my american brethren
And they are not good for you.

You did not answer the question, do you ever buy food from the grocery store? A simple yes or no will suffice.

But hey keep buying them like the rest of the flock because we'll it sure is good people in those plants are employed to make your food for you.

I will. I do not have the desire to grow my own wheat for my bread or corn for my tortillas or raise cows for my beef. And there is no way I could grow most of the 100 or so spices I have.

70% of Americans say that their economic future is abysmal and are giving up hope.

Even though in power, the Left will use this to try and push more government control and intervention because they are not the problem rather, the problem is they simply don'th have enough power over our lives.
It’s Trump’s fault. He stole all the money.
You did not answer the question, do you ever buy food from the grocery store? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I will. I do not have the desire to grow my own wheat for my bread or corn for my tortillas or raise cows for my beef. And there is no way I could grow most of the 100 or so spices I have.
I like pie
You did not answer the question, do you ever buy food from the grocery store? A simple yes or no will suffice.

I will. I do not have the desire to grow my own wheat for my bread or corn for my tortillas or raise cows for my beef. And there is no way I could grow most of the 100 or so spices I have.
Then keep ingesting the toxins. Nice work. Rarely do we buy food from the grocery store.
Do athletes get golden parachutes, while the Joe Ticket Owner pays almost 10% of his salary just to watch him play? How about Movie Stars and their outrageous compensation packages, even if their movies tank? No, it is the guy who spent years learning how to manage a business to make it

You can lie all you wish but then you have always.
Once again, when the CEO's steal the money from the workers there is now defense in their greed.

profitable, so those low life workers can purchase stock in the company they work for, and yes, end up with their own golden parachuts, like i did.

Back in 1988 i went to work for Home Depot as a salesman/Stockclerk. I was offered to buy stock at the time it was 35 dollars a share, and i was able to invest 10% of my $7.00 an hour income. Today, while i stopped working for Home Depot in 1991, i continued to invest in that company, thus have over 35,000 shares. Not because some Union thug demanded my pay for me, not because some government puke offered me free shit, it was my hard work and intelligence that enabled me not only to make a fortune, but not have to pay my "Fair Share" of taxes because of the government loopholes, that all rich people have. So if you dont want to be poor, stop relying on other people to give you shit, and use your God given skills, to achieve that goal. Otherwise, i have no sympathy for your sorry ass.

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You can lie all you wish but then you have always.
Once again, when the CEO's steal the money from the workers there is now defense in their greed.
Lie? Please show me where i lied about the pro athletes and movie stars making tons more than the production crew, for without them, the movie would never be made. Oh yeah, those movie stars are Marxists just like you.

CEO's do not steal money, they are paid for their value to the company just like a Quarterback is paid to lead their team. Sorry chumps like you, who doesnt want to work hard, but demand more, can just shove your shit up your ass.


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