Zone1 70% of Americans Oppose Race as Factor in Admissions

giving someone an advantage due to their race IS RACISIM idiot
When “Affirmative Action” is done correctly, it is not “giving someone an advantage because of their race” but “giving more opportunity to a class of people who were & still are specially oppressed,” and to individuals who just need a helping hand to succeed. By opening doors to greater opportunity, it in many ways also serves the greater interests of society as a whole. Same with “Affirmative Action” for poor people, women, people with handicaps, etc.

Nobody is saying “Affirmative Action” programs are always implemented perfectly. Nothing is. But even perfectly appropriate programs at universities, public and private, are often not accepted as substantially fair only because in our racially and politically divided society there is a reactionary backlash … nowadays encouraged by opportunist politicians.

Progress has already been made in many areas, and more remains to be made, but ours is an extremely competitive dog-eat-dog world, where there is intense competition for even only perceived “special access” to “special universities” … so there will always be individual problems, complaints and well-financed lawsuits.

Ironically, these days a “college education” itself is often not really the road to much more than to a load of debt at the end of four years. Yet still we act as if this is the main issue, and focus on college AA admissions as … “reverse racism.”

Above is my own “no-holds-barred” take on what “admission” and “exclusion” is really like for many African Americans in our present-day society. It ain’t a pretty picture if you are a young man stuck in our crime-filled ghettos with their dangerous inferior schools!

To simply do away with all “affirmative action” programs is no answer. It is a little like ignoring the huge drift toward greater income differences in recent decades … and insisting the problem is we still have a mildly “progressive” income tax! Ending Affirmative Action will likely lead in the end to more de facto racial discrimination — something I trust very few of us really want.
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You left out the part where 53% said that AA should be continued and that 53% think racism is still a major problem. I'm sure that was just an oversite on your part.

Why does this matter ?

The subject of her comments (and the OP) is university admissions.
When “Affirmative Action” is done correctly, it is not “giving someone an advantage because of their race” but “giving more opportunity to a class of people who were & still are specially oppressed,” and to individuals who just need a helping hand to succeed. By opening doors to greater opportunity, it in many ways also serves the greater interests of society as a whole. Same with “Affirmative Action” for poor people, women, people with handicaps, etc.

If blacks and whites were of average equal ability this would make sense. Because average differences are significant and durable, it does not. When selecting candidates for cognitively demanding positions it is frequently the case that the most intelligent Negro is less intelligent than the least intelligent white person.
If blacks and whites were of average equal ability this would make sense. Because average differences are significant and durable, it does not. When selecting candidates for cognitively demanding positions it is frequently the case that the most intelligent Negro is less intelligent than the least intelligent white person.
The perfect example of a racist.
To simply do away with all “affirmative action” programs is no answer. It is a little like ignoring the huge drift toward greater income differences in recent decades … and insisting the problem is we still have a mildly “progressive” income tax! Ending Affirmative Action will likely lead in the end to more de facto racial discrimination — something I trust very few of us really want.
As long as Negroes are discriminated against for what correlates with race, rather than race itself do not see a problem.

Universities are dropping the use of mental aptitude tests because they have a "disparate impact." All this means is that Negroes nearly always score less well than whites and Orientals.

Disregarding mental aptitude tests would only make sense if Negroes had intellectual abilities not measured by the tests that whites lack. This is not true, however. Charles Murray has pointed out that when whites and Negroes get equal scores on the tests, whites still tend to perform better in college.
The perfect example of a racist.


In the current use of the word, a "racist" is one who is willing to draw attention to unflattering facts about Negroes.
Charles Murray has pointed out that when whites and Negroes get equal scores on the tests, whites still tend to perform better in college…
“Racism is not a problem in the United States.”
The problem comes from efforts to suppress racism…
In short racism does exist. To you guys, it is just “not a problem” because it is … perfectly natural! You enjoy the feeling of being superior, when in fact you are not.

Most slave owners and oppressors of all kinds have felt and shown evidence of their own imagined “superiority” toward those they oppress … for much of human history.

What is “natural” is that vicious oppression — like centuries of race slavery, Jim Crow and all-sided treatment as an inferior “race-color caste” — harms its victims.

Yes, IM2 was quite right here. This is classic and shameless racism.
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In short racism does exist. To you, it is just “not a problem” because it is … perfectly natural! You enjoy the feeling of being superior, when in fact you are not.

I am a race realist and a white Gentile of European origins. I am willing, and indeed eager to acknowledge that Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals tend to be superior to what I am racially.

I love to watch Jews and Orientals move up. As intelligence becomes more important to our economy and our technology we will need more Orientals and Jews to occupy leading positions on the United States. Unfortunately, there is a world wide shortage of Jews. We in the United States already have far more than our fair share of Jews.
Most slave owners and oppressors of all kinds have felt and shown evidence of their own imagined “superiority” toward those they oppress … for much of human history.
On a number of occasions on this website I have expressed my opinion that allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendants in the Americas made.
Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals tend to be superior to what I am racially.

I love to watch Jews and Orientals move up. As intelligence becomes more important to our economy and our technology we will need more Orientals and Jews to occupy leading positions on the United States. Unfortunately, there is a world wide shortage of Jews.
You are a racist alright.
You just have a racial inferiority complex …
as well as a racial superiority complex!
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Sorry Hector12 , but you have already proven you are a classic racist. You have practically shouted it out loud.

Sorry you see the whole world in that way.

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