7 point plan for 10% economic growth

If you can address the manufacturing problem .

dear we have a dozen new huge auto plants down south where there are no unions!! What lesson do you learn from that??
I'm from Georgia

Who do you think those plants are hiring? Some southerners, and the rest are______?

That brings us to the question of education. What is your solution in terms of increasing a skilled work force again?
We should punish anyone that outsources very severely.

total 100% idiot, then all of our corporations would go bankrupt in competition with China India and Vietnam because they have lower wages by far.

Liberalism is based in pure ignorance
If you can address the manufacturing problem .

dear we have a dozen new huge auto plants down south where there are no unions!! What lesson do you learn from that??
I'm from Georgia

Who do you think those plants are hiring? Some southerners, and the rest are______?

That brings us to the question of education. What is your solution in terms of increasing a skilled work force again?

Bring millions of h1b's into America and foreign students. This is at least what Cruz wants to do. Really dumb I'd say.

These people pretty much say fuck you to the poor.
As long as they're paying their workers enough to survive...I'd say good that some are coming back!

except they are foreign owned!!!! which is a huge problem. They should be American owned and could be if not for unions and liberal govt.
What is your solution in terms of increasing a skilled work force again?

end the liberal war on the family and schools!!!
Schools? You mean the ones we founded, the ones we run, the ones we support, and the ones you won't pay up for? Oh right, those.

the liberal union schools that are turning out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit but that's not the fault of the schools, that is the fault of American society, which doesn't value education and highly educated people. Those types don't fill the pews and collection plates on Sunday...
Americans are as dumb as dog shit but that's not the fault of the schools, that is the fault of American society,..

dear in the Republican 50's and 60's our kids were the best in world. Since then libcommie unions with libcommie govt support have taken over and we have a predictably soviet result.

Do you understand?
Americans are as dumb as dog shit but that's not the fault of the schools, that is the fault of American society,..

dear in the Republican 50's and 60's our kids were the best in world. Since then libcommie unions with libcommie govt support have taken over and we have a predictably soviet result.
It had, and still has, nothing to do with the unions or national government standards. Education was valued then, and the TV limited, no video games, Americans read books and magazines and newspapers, so what you are blaming are easy targets, and what you believe is entirely untrue.
The public schools(PUBLIC) are over 100 years old and were very much responsible for us being number one in the world. It isn't a matter of government but agenda.

During the 50's the tax payer and the government wanted us to be number one.
Today the government and most lazy assholes just don't care or believe we should be great.
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As long as they're paying their workers enough to survive...I'd say good that some are coming back!

except they are foreign owned!!!! which is a huge problem. They should be American owned and could be if not for unions and liberal govt.
Capitalism is not patriotic, neither are its corporations, and never has been.

dear, nobody is talking about patriotism so why are you?
There is no such thing as an American corporation, only a corporation that has yet to go multinational, with the money following. Capitalism knows no borders, it goes where the market conditions are good, and that includes where labor is cheap.
Cut, slash and burn!!!! Allow the super rich to outsource the rest our economy.

The op is a moron.

I believe it is time to spend more on infrastructure, science, r&d!!!!

The op is not a moron. Remember, back in the 80's, these same neoliberal policies helped the US economy recover rapidly. There were some unintended effects but they were small(ok, the scandals and the one time the market crashed) enough to be ignored.

He is just trying to re use what worked. However, he has yet to realize that the Bush and Obama administration have already tried to use some of his ideas and the results were no where as good as they intended.
Who do you think those plants are hiring? Some southerners, and the rest are______?

We hire immigrants from other countries to work those jobs because states like the south lack the skilled work force to fill those jobs out.

Due to the low cost of living, a skilled southern labor can live well off and even have savings to help send his kids to college and retire fairly comfortably. No union needed! In fact, there are laws that prevent skilled labors from quitting their jobs because it would put the plants in a bind if a key labor left. (The labor market in the south is opposite to the North. There was a time employees would seek them out through their schools and 'ask' new electricians to work for them. )

But there is a lack of skilled southern labors and the new immigration laws, these companies just hire the skilled labor else where. And pay them less.

Now there is another reason why those companies would locate in the middle of a labor desert. They gain added perks from the states. Not just tax breaks, subsidies such as free use of land, reduction in utilities, and other perks just so the company would move and stay in the state.(Some companies have left because they could not fill their plants with enough skilled workers or they could not meet production goal lines. It is well known in Georgia and South Carolina especially. Why work for an autoplant when you can make more working for a smaller company, local utility or even the state. It is a joke to those workers that do live in the area.)

The South has not had any thing like the union movement, but yet companies would not move to the South. The reason is the lack of skilled workers.

You did know these things, right?

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