650,000 emails, is 130,000 a year for 5 years. It's impossible unless

You don't get to have it both ways, moron.

When you spend years insulting nearly everyone who disagrees with you in nearly every post you make, you can't turn around and take the high road when someone points out your intellectual failures.

Tell me again, what's the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row?
None of Hillary's emails contained classified headers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for any of them to have classified headers.

There may be classified information contained in some of the emails, in the sense of leakage. But it's not physically possible to "forward" classified documents to an outside email address.

You are a hoot;

Hillary Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while secretary of state that the government has since said contain classified information, according to a new Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence.

The finding is the first accounting of the Democratic presidential front-runner’s personal role in placing information now considered sensitive into insecure email during her State Department tenure. Clinton’s authorship of dozens of emails now considered classified could complicate her efforts to argue that she never put government secrets at risk.}

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:


Weren't you also whining about "childish insults", as well?

Where is the insult? Aren't you proud that party alone dictates what you post?
None of Hillary's emails contained classified headers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for any of them to have classified headers.

There may be classified information contained in some of the emails, in the sense of leakage. But it's not physically possible to "forward" classified documents to an outside email address.

You are a hoot;

Hillary Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while secretary of state that the government has since said contain classified information, according to a new Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence.

The finding is the first accounting of the Democratic presidential front-runner’s personal role in placing information now considered sensitive into insecure email during her State Department tenure. Clinton’s authorship of dozens of emails now considered classified could complicate her efforts to argue that she never put government secrets at risk.}

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified


What were you saying about "literacy" before?

I suggest you re-read the post you responded to, I don't think you understood it.
You don't get to have it both ways, moron.

When you spend years insulting nearly everyone who disagrees with you in nearly every post you make, you can't turn around and take the high road when someone points out your intellectual failures.

Tell me again, what's the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row?


Pot, meet the kettle.

I'll give you a clue, pointing out that you are bullshitting to cover for the foibles of your party is hardly an "intellectual failure."


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:


Weren't you also whining about "childish insults", as well?

Where is the insult? Aren't you proud that party alone dictates what you post?


I'm not a member of any political party.

Buthe since you're so concerned with blind partisanship, I'm sure you can produce some posts of yours where you weren't just towing the right-wing narrative. Right?
You don't get to have it both ways, moron.

When you spend years insulting nearly everyone who disagrees with you in nearly every post you make, you can't turn around and take the high road when someone points out your intellectual failures.

Tell me again, what's the odds of a coin landing on heads 6 times in a row?


Pot, meet the kettle.

I'll give you a clue, pointing out that you are bullshitting to cover for the foibles of your party is hardly an "intellectual failure."

Oh, I'm happy to admit when I'm wrong.

Again, what are the odds of a coin flip coming up heads 6 times in a row?
None of Hillary's emails contained classified headers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for any of them to have classified headers.

There may be classified information contained in some of the emails, in the sense of leakage. But it's not physically possible to "forward" classified documents to an outside email address.

You are a hoot;

Hillary Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while secretary of state that the government has since said contain classified information, according to a new Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence.

The finding is the first accounting of the Democratic presidential front-runner’s personal role in placing information now considered sensitive into insecure email during her State Department tenure. Clinton’s authorship of dozens of emails now considered classified could complicate her efforts to argue that she never put government secrets at risk.}

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified


What were you saying about "literacy" before?

I suggest you re-read the post you responded to, I don't think you understood it.

I understand perfectly that you will say literally ANYTHING to cover for your party and it's candidate.

Fact: Hillary had classified information on her unsecured server. That she stripped the encryption contained in classified headers is the entire point.

Again, you are a hoot. :lol:

DICKERSON: Aren’t you ordering him to violate the laws on handling classified material there? CLINTON: No. Not at all. As the State Department said just this week, that did not happen. It never would have happened because that’s just not the way I treated classified information. Headings are not classification notices and so oftentimes we’re trying to get the best information we can. Obviously what I’m asking for is whatever can be transmitted, if it doesn’t come through secure to be transmitted on the unclassified system. So, no, there is nothing to that, like so much else that has been talked about in the last year. DICKERSON: So, in no instance — what’s striking about that particular e-mail suggests you were very facile with how to do this, this process, you knew the instructions how to get around the restrictions for sending classified information. So you’re saying there was never an instance, any other instance in which you did that? CLINTON: No. And it wasn’t sent. I think this is another instance where, what is common practice, namely, look, I needed information, I had points I had to make. I was waiting for a secure fax that could give me the whole picture. But oftentimes there’s a lot of information that isn’t at all classified. So whatever information can be appropriately transmitted unclassified often was — that’s true for every agency in the government and everybody that does business with the government. But the important point here is, I had great confidence because I worked with Jake Sullivan for years. He is the most meticulous, careful person you could possibly do business with. And he knew exactly what was and wasn’t appropriate. And in fact the State Department has said there was no transmission of any classified information. It’s another effort by people looking for something to throw against the wall, as you said in the beginning of the program, to see what sticks. But there’s no there there. DICKERSON: Well this one is a little different since FBI is investigating this specific question of whether a classification was meddled with. Let me ask you about another e-mail in this batch, which was one in which you seemed to express surprise that somebody e-mailed on non-State Department personal e-mail, which is what you were doing. Why was that a surprise to you? CLINTON: Well, I e-mailed two people on their government accounts because I knew that all of that would be part of the government system. Indeed the vast majority of all my e-mails are in the government system. That’s how I conducted the business. I was very clear about e-mailing anything having to do with business to people on their government accounts.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corne...er-delete-classified-heading-common-practice}


I'm looking at that deposition right now. She did not "swear" that she had turned over all devices, she stated that to her knowledge she turned over all devices containing State department business.

The deposition was given under oath. Do you really have no grasp how depositions work?

The fact that she did not turn in a laptop with 650,000 state department emails on it is clear perjury. She lied in the deposition, she did not turn over all devices.

Party above all, integrity never with you.... :eusa_whistle:


Weren't you also whining about "childish insults", as well?

Where is the insult? Aren't you proud that party alone dictates what you post?


I'm not a member of any political party.

Buthe since you're so concerned with blind partisanship, I'm sure you can produce some posts of yours where you weren't just towing the right-wing narrative. Right?

Now he is not defending Clinton LOL the spies are all running to the hills and not admitting that they knew Hillary or had any contact with any Democratic operatives.

Game over, go hide in the shed when the NSA comes, they are here all the time actually.........

Huma is a Saudi Arabian spy, and the Clinton foundation laundered the payoffs for information and favors


I'm not a member of any political party.

Buthe since you're so concerned with blind partisanship, I'm sure you can produce some posts of yours where you weren't just towing the right-wing narrative. Right?

One of us is an advocate for a major party candidate.

The other is me.

One of use will say literally ANYTHING to promote the aims and goals of the DNC.

One of use is just a bit left of Stalin.

You go by "theDoctorisIn." I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are not an MD or a DDS. So, what is your Ph.D. in? History? Ethnic studies?
None of Hillary's emails contained classified headers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible for any of them to have classified headers.

There may be classified information contained in some of the emails, in the sense of leakage. But it's not physically possible to "forward" classified documents to an outside email address.

You are a hoot;

Hillary Clinton wrote 104 emails that she sent using her private server while secretary of state that the government has since said contain classified information, according to a new Washington Post analysis of Clinton’s publicly released correspondence.

The finding is the first accounting of the Democratic presidential front-runner’s personal role in placing information now considered sensitive into insecure email during her State Department tenure. Clinton’s authorship of dozens of emails now considered classified could complicate her efforts to argue that she never put government secrets at risk.}

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified


What were you saying about "literacy" before?

I suggest you re-read the post you responded to, I don't think you understood it.

I understand perfectly that you will say literally ANYTHING to cover for your party and it's candidate.

Fact: Hillary had classified information on her unsecured server. That she stripped the encryption contained in classified headers is the entire point.

Again, you are a hoot. :lol:

DICKERSON: Aren’t you ordering him to violate the laws on handling classified material there? CLINTON: No. Not at all. As the State Department said just this week, that did not happen. It never would have happened because that’s just not the way I treated classified information. Headings are not classification notices and so oftentimes we’re trying to get the best information we can. Obviously what I’m asking for is whatever can be transmitted, if it doesn’t come through secure to be transmitted on the unclassified system. So, no, there is nothing to that, like so much else that has been talked about in the last year. DICKERSON: So, in no instance — what’s striking about that particular e-mail suggests you were very facile with how to do this, this process, you knew the instructions how to get around the restrictions for sending classified information. So you’re saying there was never an instance, any other instance in which you did that? CLINTON: No. And it wasn’t sent. I think this is another instance where, what is common practice, namely, look, I needed information, I had points I had to make. I was waiting for a secure fax that could give me the whole picture. But oftentimes there’s a lot of information that isn’t at all classified. So whatever information can be appropriately transmitted unclassified often was — that’s true for every agency in the government and everybody that does business with the government. But the important point here is, I had great confidence because I worked with Jake Sullivan for years. He is the most meticulous, careful person you could possibly do business with. And he knew exactly what was and wasn’t appropriate. And in fact the State Department has said there was no transmission of any classified information. It’s another effort by people looking for something to throw against the wall, as you said in the beginning of the program, to see what sticks. But there’s no there there. DICKERSON: Well this one is a little different since FBI is investigating this specific question of whether a classification was meddled with. Let me ask you about another e-mail in this batch, which was one in which you seemed to express surprise that somebody e-mailed on non-State Department personal e-mail, which is what you were doing. Why was that a surprise to you? CLINTON: Well, I e-mailed two people on their government accounts because I knew that all of that would be part of the government system. Indeed the vast majority of all my e-mails are in the government system. That’s how I conducted the business. I was very clear about e-mailing anything having to do with business to people on their government accounts.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corne...er-delete-classified-heading-common-practice}

You still don't get it.

Any classified information in Hillary's emails was the result of spillage - someone referring to classified information in the course of writing an email.

It is not physically possible to email a classified document from a SIPRNet computer to an outside email address, and therefore no need to strip any headers.


I'm not a member of any political party.

Buthe since you're so concerned with blind partisanship, I'm sure you can produce some posts of yours where you weren't just towing the right-wing narrative. Right?

One of us is an advocate for a major party candidate.

The other is me.

One of use will say literally ANYTHING to promote the aims and goals of the DNC.

One of use is just a bit left of Stalin.

You go by "theDoctorisIn." I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are not an MD or a DDS. So, what is your Ph.D. in? History? Ethnic studies?


I wouldn't piss on Hillary Clinton if she was on fire, let alone vote for her. You won't find a single post of mine where I've "advocated" for her.

And I'm not a "doctor" of anything, it's a nickname.

My degree is in Political Science, but it's a Masters, not a PhD.
Oh, I'm happy to admit when I'm wrong.

Oh I see that. :eusa_whistle:

Again, what are the odds of a coin flip coming up heads 6 times in a row?

About the same as you posting a reply free of logical fallacy. :dunno:

It's not a logical fallacy to point out your own pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

I notice you still haven't answered my question. Are the odds 1/64, or are they 1/30,000,000,000?

You still don't get it.

Any classified information in Hillary's emails was the result of spillage - someone referring to classified information in the course of writing an email.

It is not physically possible to email a classified document from a SIPRNet computer to an outside email address, and therefore no need to strip any headers.

I get it just fine; you will say literally anything to cover for the candidate of your party.

You pile bullshit on top of bullshit. When snarky insults no longer offer cover, you try a red herring. The presence of classified information on the server, coupled with the direct order from Clinton to disencapsulate classified information in a direct attempt to defeat classification is felonious and treasonous.

And you defend it, because you hold party above all.

You still don't get it.

Any classified information in Hillary's emails was the result of spillage - someone referring to classified information in the course of writing an email.

It is not physically possible to email a classified document from a SIPRNet computer to an outside email address, and therefore no need to strip any headers.

I get it just fine; you will say literally anything to cover for the candidate of your party.

You pile bullshit on top of bullshit. When snarky insults no longer offer cover, you try a red herring. The presence of classified information on the server, coupled with the direct order from Clinton to disencapsulate classified information in a direct attempt to defeat classification is felonious and treasonous.

And you defend it, because you hold party above all.


That cognitive dissonance must really hurt.


I wouldn't piss on Hillary Clinton if she was on fire, let alone vote for her. You won't find a single post of mine where I've "advocated" for her.

And I'm not a "doctor" of anything, it's a nickname.

My degree is in Political Science, but it's a Masters, not a PhD.

So, as an addendum to my earlier post, one of us has a doctorate, and the other is you.



I'm not a member of any political party.

Buthe since you're so concerned with blind partisanship, I'm sure you can produce some posts of yours where you weren't just towing the right-wing narrative. Right?

One of us is an advocate for a major party candidate.

The other is me.

One of use will say literally ANYTHING to promote the aims and goals of the DNC.

One of use is just a bit left of Stalin.

You go by "theDoctorisIn." I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are not an MD or a DDS. So, what is your Ph.D. in? History? Ethnic studies?


I wouldn't piss on Hillary Clinton if she was on fire, let alone vote for her. You won't find a single post of mine where I've "advocated" for her.

And I'm not a "doctor" of anything, it's a nickname.

My degree is in Political Science, but it's a Masters, not a PhD.

Run to the hills, tell everyone you never said anything good about Hillary, because yes the NSA is watching and taking names............................



I wouldn't piss on Hillary Clinton if she was on fire, let alone vote for her. You won't find a single post of mine where I've "advocated" for her.

And I'm not a "doctor" of anything, it's a nickname.

My degree is in Political Science, but it's a Masters, not a PhD.

So, as an addendum to my earlier post, one of us has a doctorate, and the other is you.


Of course you do. And I'm the Pope.

It's amazing, the claims one can make on an anonymous message board.
Huma was stealing and or backing up everyone's emails on this machine. I am serious how old could this laptop be older than that? Huma denies she has any knowledge, but it's not going to be Anthonies fault that there are confidential emails there as Huma has already lied.

FBI to scour 650K emails for Clinton ties in bulging Weiner probe

Bulging Weiner probe................Seriously if it was really bulging perhaps Huma might have been interested, in something other than Hilly's colostomy bag

1. Are you sure Anthony did not put them there as for insurance to keep himself from going to jail?

2. What the left need to explain is how the hell the emails got on his laptop and no it was not Huma's laptop like the parasites attempted to claim earlier today!?!

Help me out here. You're a fellow Canuck right? Its still going to be hard for me to trust you unless you're a Newf. Keeding. Ok. The Yukon. I am completely an idiot when it comes to computers. How would her emails get on his laptop? Unless she sent them herself?

I'm not getting this.

If they shared an Cloud account, it could happen. My husband and I shared an iCloud account and his stuff showed up on my phone, and vice versa.

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