$640 billion in Government costs reductions...ah... that's just "nuts"!!! "Peanuts" that is!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This year’s version contains 601 recommendations that would save taxpayers $639 billion in the first year and $2.6 trillion over five years. Since the organization’s inception in 1984, the implementation of CAGW’s recommendations has helped save taxpayers $1.4 trillion.

Citizens Against Government Waste said many of the projects are wasteful, citing one that cost nearly $5,500 per resident to provide broadband access to a town of 122 residents in rural Arkansas.

A recent watchdog review found that at least 6.5 million active Social Security numbers belong to people who are at least 112 years old and likely deceased. Only 35 living individuals worldwide had reached that age as of October 2013.

Sell the Southeastern Power Administration and Related Power-Generating Assets

1-Year Savings: $0
5-Year Savings: $1.2 billion

The Department of Energy owns and operates four Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs). The largest is the Southeastern Power Administration, which consists of 23 hydroelectric projects in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, southern Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Sell the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Electric Power Assets and Privatize its Non-Power Functions

1-Year Savings: $-5 million 5-Year Savings: $1.1 billion

Raise the Retirement Age for Social Security Beneficiaries

1-Year Savings: $100 million 5-Year Savings: $12.2 billion

Eliminate Federal Subsidies for Amtrak 1-Year Savings: $1.4 billion

5-Year Savings: $7.1 billion

OH... and this is where the "Peanuts" come in!!!
Eliminate the Peanut Subsidy 1-Year Savings: $55 million
5-Year Savings: $275 million

http://cagw.org/sites/default/files/pdf/PrimeCuts 2015web.pdf
OF course it comes out of infrastructure, science and r&d investment that makes up 5-6% of the entire effin budget. That saves lives and makes our lives all better.

How about closing some military bases and cutting welfare? Want to talk about waste you fool.
OF course it comes out of infrastructure, science and r&d investment that makes up 5-6% of the entire effin budget. That saves lives and makes our lives all better.

How about closing some military bases and cutting welfare? Want to talk about waste you fool.
Hey... you are doing nothing but guessing! How dumb!
These people Citizens Against Government Waste are a qualified intelligent group of people THAT UNLIKE YOU DON"T GUESS!
Quit being so f...king stupid and make dumb ass comments like closing bases, cutting welfare!
GEEZ it takes a little more intelligence to do what Citizens Against Government Waste does then just flapping lips! Dummy!
I can save $12 trillion over ten years. Easily. And it isn't a long list.

Ban all tax expenditures.

There. Done.

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