Zone1 613 Commandments vs 10. Which leads to a better society?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick, feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc.

It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marriage and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions?

We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.
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As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick,.feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc. It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marraige and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions? We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.

I have been in my evangelical Christian church for over 15 years. I have NEVER, not once, heard a political sermon there. What sermons are you listening to?
As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick,.feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc. It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marraige and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions? We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.

Moreover, you do realize how many of these commandments are one that only Orthodox Jews now follow, correct? Like not shaving the hair on the side of the head, etc. So will you obey just some, but not others?
Moreover, you do realize how many of these commandments are one that only Orthodox Jews now follow, correct? Like not shaving the hair on the side of the head, etc. So will you obey just some, but not others?
Yes, Orthodox are more strict in following G_ds commands to the letter. That doesn't mean Reform or Conservatives don't keep mitvahs also. Only half of them are valid today for varioius reasons, which still means over 300 mosty positive commands and procedures. They talk about these requirements far more than the Christian sermons I watch online. There seems to be a focus on song and then a reading/interpretation, complain about societies decline. The message focused on G_d and being a good Christian is desperately lacking IMO.
Yes, Orthodox are more strict in following G_ds commands to the letter. That doesn't mean Reform or Conservatives don't keep mitvahs also. Only half of them are valid today for varioius reasons, which still means over 300 mosty positive commands and procedures. They talk about these requirements far more than the Christian sermons I watch online. There seems to be a focus on song and then a reading/interpretation, complain about societies decline. The message focused on G_d and being a good Christian is desperately lacking IMO.

Before I converted, I would be really interested in knowing why half of those 613 were tossed out. Aren't you?
As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick,.feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc. It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marraige and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions? We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.
You are hitting upon a key difference between Judaism and Christianity: the focus on the former is on actions, and the latter is on belief.

In Judaism, you are free to think whatever you want, but you are expected to behave in ways that are pleasing to Gd. I appreciate this approach.
Before I converted, I would be really interested in knowing why half of those 613 were tossed out. Aren't you?
It is a bit of an overstatement to say that any of them is "tossed out".

Many of the commandments are dependent on the existence of a temple so they are on hold.. Even of the ones that are still applicable in general, today, many require particular circumstances which are unlikely to apply to everyone (it was never the case that all 613 applied to every person).

There are clearly different countings of what can be followed today
Before I converted, I would be really interested in knowing why half of those 613 were tossed out. Aren't you?
i know why already, the destruction of the first or second temple (I forget which one, I think the Babylonians destroyed the First, Romans the Second). There was a time when prayer replaced animal sacrifices as well during the Hellenistic period when the Greeks were in charge. The Romans did worse harm when they destroyed the Second Temple.

There are also even key mitzvahs which protect converts! Number 63 which forbids hereditary Jews from mocking converts. Some such as 613 where each must write a torah scroll is now replaced with acceptable replacements due to the extreme difficulty and cost/time etc.

As a non-Jew, I apprciate these requirements. In many ways living what other Rabbis such as Jesus said, not just speaking in general terms.
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As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick, feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc.

It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marriage and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions?

We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.
Jews who endorse baby-killing, and that would be most of them, have already lost in the comparison to Christians.
When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marriage and politics.
I am a Catholic Christian and not only is that not the focus of homilies, it is not even mentioned primarily because the focus is on Jesus, what he taught, and how that relates to us personally today.

Today's homily....Who do you say that I am? And, Why, do you suppose Jesus asked the apostles not to reveal his identity. Perhaps they were not ready....Are we ready today?
In many ways living what other Rabbis such as Jesus said, not just speaking in general terms.

jesus, the 1st century events was a repudiation of judaism -

their many false commandments - the false 10 commandments claimed by moses as heavenly etched used for their own self serving purpose. monotheism. used to persecute and victimize the innocent.

provide any document issued by jesus claiming to be a jew - - no jewish text for various reasons, the c-bible written for the purposes of its authors - not of those that willingly gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination the true teachings of jesus the heavenly religion of antiquity - than for using their victims for their own nefarious agenda.

shocky, placatory of the desert, speaks jesus for the jews.
I have been in my evangelical Christian church for over 15 years. I have NEVER, not once, heard a political sermon there. What sermons are you listening to?
My church has stayed away from the gender hysteria, and rarely heard anything about gay marriage etc. I think the prospect just scares them is all. Will the Left burn down my church or cause the attendance to wane? Probably, much like the Catholic church would have been obliterated off the face of the earth had the publicly come out against the Holocaust, another political hot topic and would have been "thrown to the same Leftist lions" of the National Socialists. Then again, maybe that is our duty. Perhaps if we are not preparted to die for our faith, we are not worthy of it.

But perhaps this is why the church is just glibly going along with the Left, which is without a doubt the most successful religion in the world today.

When MLK walked the streets for Civil Rights, many churches also remained silent, but a few like Billy Graham joined with them. The church I think is commanded to speak on political hot issues like these, and to stand for justice if they are to remain relevant within society. At the same time, however, you don't want a particular secular party taking over the pulpit.

I think one of the reasons Jews lean Left is, they want the state to take care of the poor for them. I know my church has an abundance of outreaches for the poor.
Before I converted, I would be really interested in knowing why half of those 613 were tossed out. Aren't you?

There are many laws in all 50 states that are no longer known and/or no longer enforced. In Michigan it is illegal to put ice cream in your back pocket. In Alabama if is illegal to play Dominos on Sunday. In North Carolina you can beat your wife on Sundays as long as you do it on the steps of the courthouse. Just because the laws are ignored, it doesn’t mean they were tossed out. I have heard of the 613 Old Testament laws many times in sermons in Baptist churches. This wasn’t made up by the OP.
Before I converted, I would be really interested in knowing why half of those 613 were tossed out. Aren't you?
You can divide the Mitzvot in 3 categories. Those who can be observed anywhere, anytime, those valid only in Israel, and those applicable only with the Temple standing.
You can divide the Mitzvot in 3 categories. Those who can be observed anywhere, anytime, those valid only in Israel, and those applicable only with the Temple standing.
And the temple will only be rebuilt once the Messiah arrives.
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As I am educated about both religions it is clear to me that the folllowing of the 613 mitvahs drives people to be better humans. The "good deeds" include a demand to visit the sick, feed the poor,.comfort the distresed, forgive others mistakes, respect our elders etc.

It is interesting to me that when I listen to Rabbis speak, they talk about ensuring justice for the poor and human rights, and an obedience to G_d. When I listen to Christian sermons they focus on trans genders gay marriage and politics. Huh? Have our churches forgotten about G_d and become solely a political entity? We as humans can't just tell ourselves "I'm a good .person" Where is the requirement to do so through actions?

We have lost the message in the churches I fear and it is trickling down in society.
you go you church to much....get a life and think for yourself for a change and if you need god...look inside your heart dude

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