6 teachings from Jesus


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST-the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Matt 5:5-- Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth------ see its not heaven or hell as ones end--teachers of darkness that throw Jesus away to teach that lie. Even the psalmist knew it is truth--Psalm 37:9,11,29-- The righteous themselves will possess the earth and reside-FOREVER-upon it.

The Lords prayer---- Hallowed be thy( Father) name( Jehovah)--last line--The kingdom, power, and glory all belong to the Father.

Jesus teaches--he has a God, like we do, his Father-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12
As do his real teachers--Paul--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---Peter at 1Peter 1:3-- John at Rev 1:6-- all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God.

John 17:1-6,26--Here Jesus clearly teaches--the one who sent him= Father( John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)

John 4:22-24--- Its the Father alone who seeks worship in spirit and truth--- this scripture here is the bottom line reality of it all.

Its a 100% guarantee--Jesus' real teachers teach all 6 of those until they are deep into each ones heart.
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Now give us six teachings from Moses, Mohamed, Zeus, the Buddha, Odin, etc. . .
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...

have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.


have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.


Are you being medicated?
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.



If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST-the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Matt 5:5-- Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth------ see its not heaven or hell as ones end--teachers of darkness that throw Jesus away to teach that lie. Even the psalmist knew it is truth--Psalm 37:9,11,29-- The righteous themselves will possess the earth and reside-FOREVER-upon it.

The Lords prayer---- Hallowed be thy( Father) name( Jehovah)--last line--The kingdom, power, and glory all belong to the Father.

Jesus teaches--he has a God, like we do, his Father-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12
As do his real teachers--Paul--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---Peter at 1Peter 1:3-- John at Rev 1:6-- all 100% in agreement--Jesus has a God.

John 17:1-6,26--Here Jesus clearly teaches--the one who sent him= Father( John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)

John 4:22-24--- Its the Father alone who seeks worship in spirit and truth--- this scripture here is the bottom line reality of it all.

Its a 100% guarantee--Jesus' real teachers teach all 6 of those until they are deep into each ones heart.
Probably some good advice for anyone living during the Roman Empire.

There was nothing any Jew (or "Christian") could do about anything in those days.

So don't worry be happy was Jesus' hippy advice.

Things are quite different today.
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.



If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
Well that certainly leaves out the Jews....
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
Religion has nothing to do with truth.

Religion is all about doctrine and dogma and the opiate of the masses.

If you want truth you need to seek after Philosophy first.

Then once you master Philosophy you need to study the new art of Science.

Then armed with Philosophy and with Science you can deal with the superstitions of Religion.
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
Religion has nothing to do with truth.

Religion is all about doctrine and dogma and the opiate of the masses.

If you want truth you need to seek after Philosophy first.

Then once you master Philosophy you need to study the new art of Science.

Then armed with Philosophy and with Science you can deal with the superstitions of Religion.
I bet you;re a BB referee, and decide the players pivot foot rather than the player deciding.
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.



If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.

a, too bad for you christian ... Almighty is their title.

what makes you think what you read in a book is the truth any more than a nursery rhyme where there is no proof for any of what you have read ... being as stated.

have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.



If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.

a, too bad for you christian ... Almighty is their title.

what makes you think what you read in a book is the truth any more than a nursery rhyme where there is no proof for any of what you have read ... being as stated.


Actually there is all kinds of proof. Archeologists have proved many things in the ot as true. The whole world has been watching revelation pass before the worlds eyes for years, its getting very near to its conclusion.
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
Religion has nothing to do with truth.

Religion is all about doctrine and dogma and the opiate of the masses.

If you want truth you need to seek after Philosophy first.

Then once you master Philosophy you need to study the new art of Science.

Then armed with Philosophy and with Science you can deal with the superstitions of Religion.

Jesus is with--one single religion on earth--the other 99% are false.
Mans misuse of science is destroying Gods earth--that is how one can know--God will step in before that occurs.
have you anything not written in your book, or an etching on a tablet or pottery inscription from the time 0 - 33 ... about "Jesus being the only way". you know, something real that's not religious propaganda ...


oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?
Did Jehovah die?

No he didn't. His will cannot be stopped. One can find out by listening to Jesus now, Or stand there and watch revelation,s conclusion and miss out on entering Gods kingdom.
oh I am sorry to see that Jehovah didn't send you to his son. If he did you would allready know. Ever hear of faith?

6 teachings from Jesus

you have no idea what that individual said, either from them that left nothing for posterity or any other source, you haven't faith only a self directed bias motivated "from" an unverifiable source. that's what the Almighty has expressed to me, as the truth.



If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.
If you don't know those teachings are truth, then you don't know the almighty.

a, too bad for you christian ... Almighty is their title.

what makes you think what you read in a book is the truth any more than a nursery rhyme where there is no proof for any of what you have read ... being as stated.


Actually there is all kinds of proof. Archeologists have proved many things in the ot as true. The whole world has been watching revelation pass before the worlds eyes for years, its getting very near to its conclusion.
Actually there is all kinds of proof. Archeologists have proved many things in the ot as true.

no physical evidence exist for any of the scriptures written in your book from the period of the event - etchings in stone or even glyphs on pottery, as already stated. they used archeology in a way to give credence to their writings for those who can not discern the difference to enhance their storytelling.

the heretic moses destroyed the etchings, supposedly from the Almighty as the story would have it because they never actually existed ...
Some Viking teaching from Havamàl. Before Christianity came.

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, --
the doom on each one dead.

Basically, beef up that reputation of yours, that's all you'll leave behind.

To his friend a man should bear him as friend,
to him and a friend of his;
but let him beware that he be not the friend
of one who is friend to his foe.

Don't make friends of your friends enemies.

For the unwise man 'tis best to be mute
when he come amid the crowd,
for none is aware of his lack of wit
if he wastes not too many words;
for he who lacks wit shall never learn
though his words flow ne'er so fast.

Shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.

Hast thou a friend whom thou trustest well,
from whom thou cravest good?
Share thy mind with him, gifts exchange with him,
fare to find him oft.

Keep your friends close...

But hast thou one whom thou trustest ill
yet from whom thou cravest good?
Thou shalt speak him fair, but falsely think,
and leasing pay for a lie.

Yet further of him whom thou trusted ill,
and whose mind thou dost misdoubt;
thou shalt laugh with him but withhold thy thought,
for gift with like gift should be paid.

...and your enemies closer.


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