$500k will be spent for deep cleaning the White House, out of "Covid" Concerns


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!

So in other words "we are going to search for any potential bugs that are listening in on us". Covid concerns is comedy.

If any government agency was looking to keep an eye on any politician who is potentially planning to work closer with China and undermine U.S National Security, I guess this plan just got thwarted, thanks to the convenient Wuhan Virus.
White House Deep Cleaning Chief to his crew:

"Supposing you brought the light inside the White House.... which you can do either through the skin or in some other way... very powerful light.... and then I see the disinfectant which knocks it out ..... INNAMINNIT .... one minute.... and is there a way we can do something like that by injection or almost a cleaning.... because you see it gets inside the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs...."
Probably a good idea as most of the current occupants of the WH have either had it or are carrying it.
Dammit, somebody beat me to the UV light reference. :auiqs.jpg:


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!

So in other words "we are going to search for any potential bugs that are listening in on us". Covid concerns is comedy.

If any government agency was looking to keep an eye on any politician who is potentially planning to work closer with China and undermine U.S National Security, I guess this plan just got thwarted, thanks to the convenient Wuhan Virus.

Rump himself, his wife, his children, his chief of staff, his lawyer, his HUD Secretary, his debate prepper, several advisors and campaign personnel and over a hundred Secret Service personnel ALL tested positive for Coronavirus, DUMBASS.
So is this an acknowledgement that the Wuhan Virus sticks to surfaces? Even many months later?

If so, why aren't they shutting down Amazon packages from China?

Shut Bezos down, save lives!
Probably so many Russian listening devices hidden there that Putin will have a far more complete picture of what happened in the Trump administration than America ever will. All we will get is wiped hard drives and piles of shredded documents.


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!
You know what I do like, is that all of these hotels and airports etc. are cleaning up their act big time!

After once watching some 20/20 episode about what was detected using special black lights in hotel rooms and ugh...let's just say "gross stuff"...lighted up all over the place...well minus the ceiling lol I hated thinking about all of that nasty er...gross stuff all over those hardly ever washed comforters and the like grooooodie! Now, with the added measures of effectively cleaning you can worry less about bodily fluids while traveling- a real plus to the bad!


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!
You know what I do like, is that all of these hotels and airports etc. are cleaning up their act big time!

After once watching some 20/20 episode about what was detected using special black lights in hotel rooms and ugh...let's just say "gross stuff"...lighted up all over the place...well minus the ceiling lol I hated thinking about all of that nasty er...gross stuff all over those hardly ever washed comforters and the like grooooodie! Now, with the added measures of effectively cleaning you can worry less about bodily fluids while traveling- a real plus to the bad!
In the name of honesty and thinking more about it, there was some on the ceiling! haha
Of course. It's been a fucking COVID hot spot for months.

Great leadership in a crisis, you betcha.

It seem posters are thumbing Mac comment down but let be factual Trump did very little to keep Covid out of the White House and that is why it ( Oval Office ) must be cleaned... Oh, I am agreeing with Mac for once...
A thorough physical cleaning and delousing is absolutely necessary before the Bidens move in. But I think some thorough spiritual cleansing is necessary as well. Perhaps a good and prayerful smudging with sage and the sprinkling of holy water. Different religions have different rituals for clearing a place from evil, and perhaps all of them can be carried out in an interfaith service.


and they said Trump was the germaphobe!

So in other words "we are going to search for any potential bugs that are listening in on us". Covid concerns is comedy.

If any government agency was looking to keep an eye on any politician who is potentially planning to work closer with China and undermine U.S National Security, I guess this plan just got thwarted, thanks to the convenient Wuhan Virus.

Rump himself, his wife, his children, his chief of staff, his lawyer, his HUD Secretary, his debate prepper, several advisors and campaign personnel and over a hundred Secret Service personnel ALL tested positive for Coronavirus, DUMBASS.

They can use ozone machines to disinfect...

Does ozone sterilization kill the Coronavirus which causes ...
Nov 03, 2020 · During the SARS epidemic of 2003, ozone sterilization was successfully used to purify environments infected with the deadly Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, the virus which cause s the SARS diseas e. As SARS-Cov-1 is also a member of the Coronavirus family, it is highly likely that ozone sterilization would be effective at killing SARS-CoV -2,

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