5 years of legal POT is devastating Colorado Springs.

The drug war is lost and the money spent on it is wasted. Pot is utterly rampant across the united states. A good percentage of adults use it. Tax it and instill the same laws as alcohol.
Correct me if I'm wrong, OP, but are you implying that nobody in COS ever smoked pot before it was legalized? For decades many tens of millions of ordinary, functional Americans from all walks of life have moderately, responsibly, functionally smoked weed. Myself included and I assure you I'm as benign of a law-abiding citizen you'll meet here.

In every measurable way cannabis is a more benign drug than the very legal alcohol. It ISN'T weed that causes 50% of America's highway fatalities. It ISN'T weed that causes so much cop-intervening familial domestic violence and abuse. It ISN'T weed that causes European hooligan brother-sister inbreds to have massive arson riots after a sporting event, regardless of who wins. It ISN'T weed that causes large amounts of slow, agonizing liver cirrhotic deaths. It's alcohol in each of those cases, which is legal and the abuse of which is astronomically more mortal than any amount of pot-smoking!
You should not be giving medical advice when you aren't qualified and don't know what you're talking about. It's called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Thankfully I aged out of the worst of it. Marijuana assists in loosening inhibitions.

I do not drink nor use drugs because I doubt my ability to regain control.

As I have explained to you before. I do understand that you are a severe drug addict and drugs are the answer to everything. But it's not really. You may never understand until you are free of the addiction.

Marijuana? You're thinking of alcohol, which is well known as "the social LUBRICANT" specifically BECAUSE it is known for "loosening inhibitions". You've already admitted to never having tried it, yes?
So, you have no idea what you're saying, especially because you have no real world frame of reference as regards marijuana.
The main thing marijuana does is act as an analgesic. It's a pain medication, an anti-inflammatory and it induces a calm and mildly euphoric feeling.
And blanket statements like "I do understand that you are a severe drug addict and drugs are the answer to everything" seem to represent a rather fundamentalist and knee jerk reactionary response.
Persons who engage in occasional marijuana use aren't "drug addicts" any more than the man who has a beer after work is an alcoholic.
The main component of addiction, the main sign of it, is the ability to manage.
If a person's life has become unmanageable due to the presence of the addictive substance in their lives, they are clearly an addict.
Referring to a "normie" user who has a perfectly manageable life as "a severe drug addict" is not only an ignorant statement, it's pure character assassination fueled by some kind of an agenda.

This doesn't mean that I personally would recommend marijuana to someone with IED disorder.
Chances are you may also have some bipolar symptoms in the background and pot isn't a good idea for that issue because the down cycle in a bipolar person would tend to get exacerbated by something like pot.
The most common treatment for depressive and anxiety disorders is Zoloft, but in severe cases, a neurologist may wish to check for overall seratonin levels and check for damage to the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in particular.

May I ask if you have been treated for CTE? (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)
Are you a veteran? Have you been treated for PTSD?
I tae no psychoactive medications. I am not a veteran and I believe that PTSD is a phony condition made up to provide an excuse for objectionable behavior and drug use. .

Yeah- you believe in all sorts of unscientific bullshit.
Meanwhile as has been noted- traffic fatalities are down in Colorado.

Blame pot for that.
I tae no psychoactive medications. I am not a veteran and I believe that PTSD is a phony condition made up to provide an excuse for objectionable behavior and drug use.

It's a neurological and psychological condition well documented by the medical community in peer reviewed studies. In the turn of the Twentieth Century, PTSD was recognized by the term "shellshock", and later during World War Two, it was termed "battle fatigue" but the condition has been well documented by the medical community since the Nineteenth Century.
When the scientific community provided the medical community the tools to accurately measure and quantify comorbidity, physiological effects, hormone levels, cardiac activity, seratonin levels, brain wave patterns, and reflexes and much more, they were able to present a tested and proven case for an actual pathological condition that could be repeated under scientific conditions.
So much for your opinion, which is not backed up by anything remotely resembling science, or scientific fact, or well over a century of modern medical practice. As I said earlier, your agenda is showing, and much of it appears to be based on fear. That's all on you, and you should seek help for it.

Alcoholics know they are alcoholics even if it has been 20 years since their last drink. Pot addicts are much the same. Even when they aren't using the desire is there. The justification is there. The need is there.

Recovered alcoholics actually term themselves as "recovering alcoholics" due to the nature of their method of recovery from their illness because it is a psychological means of maintaining careful watch on their mental health, however when it comes to the physical aspects of their alcohol addiction, you're dead wrong.
The physical need for alcohol diminishes rapidly over time, not only as the liver recovers but also as the entire central nervous system recovers. What's left is the reward seeking patterns in the brain, and in the mind of the alcoholic, and the fight or flight patterns which govern the decision making process that an addict goes through when choosing to drink, or not drink.
If you are a "dry drunk", that is, one who has ceased drinking but has yet to seek help for their mental outlook and therefore continues to THINK the way a practicing alcoholic does, then again, that is all on you, sir.
But your theory absolutely fails in every way, especially in the face of scientific fact.

As regards marijuana, there is no lasting physical craving for cannabis because cannabis does not act on the central nervous system the way alcohol does. It is mostly analgesic in nature, therefore your theory would describe Tylenol and Advil users too, and neither group has ever had physical withdrawal symptoms for those medications either.

Addict like alcoholics see nothing but their drug of choice. It is the most beneficial substance in the world. It is the cure all. The world would be cured of all ills if only everyone was an addict too.

The more you say this, the more I see you painting a portrait of yourself.
For all the world it looks and sounds like pure projection, and I say this as someone who has been clean for twenty two years. You need a sponsor.
For all the world it looks like, and I have never found the need to be either drunk nor high, you cannot survive without a crutch. It could be pot, booze some other drug or the manufactured mental illness of PTSD.

All of these conditions have the same treatment. Suck it up and stop being a weak pussy.

All I have to say is go fuck yourself. Why should you get to impose your preferences on everyone else? The world would be much sadder place without alcohol. Man has been brewing it and consuming it for 10,000 years.

Then stop saying that getting drunk, stoned, high, or drooling in an alley will make your life so much better.

Go fuck yourself, bitch. You're the kind that gives right wingers a bad name. No one is forcing you to drink or smoke weed. Whether other people want to do it is none of your fucking business.
You're the kind that gives right wingers a bad name.
could not agree more....tipshit no doubt thinks all righties agree with her on pot...
. You got anything that says marijuana use caused car crashes to double?

Hey einstein. How can you drive a car safely when you have your eyes closed and think you're floating on a cloud? THINK

You're thinking of THESE people:


And their enablers:
. You got anything that says marijuana use caused car crashes to double?

Hey einstein. How can you drive a car safely when you have your eyes closed and think you're floating on a cloud? THINK

I give up. How can you do that? Is that what you think smoking a fatty makes you do?

I know for a FACT that dreaming of "Babay Jeebus" while driving does.

Police: Driver Who Asked Jesus To Take The Wheel Hit Motorcyclist

Ohio woman literally let Jesus take the wheel and literally crashed.

Woman driving while praying with eyes closed crashes into house
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Ah, people being able to decide things for themselves.

The pro-smaller govt people don't want smaller govt. What a fucking surprise.
So if I want to smoke a joint of chronic & drive, it won't bother you if I swerve while I am distracted by the undulation of a lawn sprinkler & run over your pet dog or kid? I mean that should Ok with you since it's what I decided to do.

NO ONE on this thread has recommended smoking weed and driving.
Show me one person who has.

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