5 Ways That Raw, Unregulated Capitalism Is Acting Like a Cancer on American Society


"Raw, unregulated capitalism"?

Where, precisely, is that?

And why would a person write a piece constructed entirely around such an obvious straw man argument?

And why would anyone take it seriously, in spite of so much evidence to the contrary?


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The op crying wolf again...my gawd what a joke of a article

What we need is GOOD regulations... not more, not less, but simply regulations that are helpful.

It would also be swell if white color criminals actually went to prison instead of becoming powerful officials in the FED and Treasury.

I find this agreeable. For once.

If you read what was written rather than assuming that what people write means something wholly different than the words on the page, you might discover that you have more allies than you imagine you have, chum.

My neighbors, even those gun toting nuts who think the world is run by liberals, are NOT my enemies.

In fact, much of what I believe is wrong with this nation jibes with what THEY believe is wrong with this nation.

The REAL left and the REAL right actually agree about what is wrong more than they disagree.
What we need is GOOD regulations... not more, not less, but simply regulations that are helpful.

It would also be swell if white color criminals actually went to prison instead of becoming powerful officials in the FED and Treasury.

I find this agreeable. For once.

If you read what was written rather than assuming that what people write means something wholly different than the words on the page, you might discover that you have more allies than you imagine you have, chum.

My neighbors, even those gun toting nuts who think the world is run by liberals, are NOT my enemies.

In fact, much of what I believe is wrong with this nation jibes with what THEY believe is wrong with this nation.

The REAL left and the REAL right actually agree about what is wrong more than they disagree.

I am a Libertarian, but some of my ideas still lean more towards the right. I never claimed to be your enemy, or you to be mine, sir. Be rest assured you will have to do way more for you (a fellow compatriot) to be seen as my enemy. The whole political system is sad in that it encourages such good guy bad guy crap.
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By Paul Buchheit

The predators on our society will scream about threats to "freedom" as soon as we start going after them, but it's just about trying to protect profits.

Unregulated capitalism is out of control. Like a cancer, it has become "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively," with tumors growing in several once-healthy parts of the American body.

1. Attacking the Hungry

The uncontrolled growth of investment wealth is diverting resources away from vital programs, effectively smothering them. The average Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient received about $1,500 for food for the entire year. At least ten Americans each made that much in under ten seconds from their investment gains in 2012, about the time it took each one to fluff his pillow and roll over in bed.

Under capitalism, fortunes accrue to a few while 47 million Americans, or one out of seven, need food assistance. Almost half of the hungry are children. For every food bank we had in 1980, we now have 200.

Yet just 20 people made more from their investment income in one year than the entire 2011 food assistance budget. That's $73 billion, taxed at the capital gains rate. Meanwhile, President Obama couldn't get the $1 billion per year he needed to improve childhood nutritionin schools.

Most recently, the House proposed a farm bill that would cut another $2 billion a year from the food stamps account.


More: 5 Ways That Raw, Unregulated Capitalism Is Acting Like a Cancer on American Society

Capitalism will destroy us unless it is properly regulated - and we see examples of that taking place all around us. Unregulated capitalism is destructive and evil - a cancer.

Business and industry are currently appropriately regulated, for at least the last two decades we’ve finally realized an acceptable balance between needed regulatory policy and corporations conducting themselves in a responsible manner.

But make no mistake: businesses exist to make a profit only, they do not exist to employ people, protect the environment, or to ensure safe goods and services are offered to consumers.

Consequently we must not weaken or decrease current regulatory policy, as many on the right advocate; without adequate regulation there will be a significant number of businesses that will endanger worker safety, pollute the environment, or sell unsafe goods and services to the public only to maximize profit.
Capitalism apparantly doesn't agree with ShittingBull.

Perhaps the idiot would do better in a communist country. NK, Cuba or perhaps one of the other garden spots of communism??

No Capitalism in site to ruin his/her life. Wonder how long he/she would last under communism where no one owns anything. It belongs to all.

Kinda sorta think she'd be craving that old capitalism back in one big hurry.
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The thread title is inaccurate. It should read:

5 Examples of How Lakhota Demonstrates a Complete & Utter Lack of Understanding of Capitalism, Economics in General, and Human Nature.
By Paul Buchheit

The predators on our society will scream about threats to "freedom" as soon as we start going after them, but it's just about trying to protect profits.

Unregulated capitalism is out of control. Like a cancer, it has become "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively," with tumors growing in several once-healthy parts of the American body.

1. Attacking the Hungry

The uncontrolled growth of investment wealth is diverting resources away from vital programs, effectively smothering them. The average Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient received about $1,500 for food for the entire year. At least ten Americans each made that much in under ten seconds from their investment gains in 2012, about the time it took each one to fluff his pillow and roll over in bed.

Under capitalism, fortunes accrue to a few while 47 million Americans, or one out of seven, need food assistance. Almost half of the hungry are children. For every food bank we had in 1980, we now have 200.

Yet just 20 people made more from their investment income in one year than the entire 2011 food assistance budget. That's $73 billion, taxed at the capital gains rate. Meanwhile, President Obama couldn't get the $1 billion per year he needed to improve childhood nutritionin schools.

Most recently, the House proposed a farm bill that would cut another $2 billion a year from the food stamps account.


More: 5 Ways That Raw, Unregulated Capitalism Is Acting Like a Cancer on American Society

Capitalism will destroy us unless it is properly regulated - and we see examples of that taking place all around us. Unregulated capitalism is destructive and evil - a cancer.

The following are two examples of "regulation".
[A]The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) calculates that the federal government currently imposes more than 10.3 billion hours of paperwork compliance annually.
What Does an Hour of Regulatory Compliance Cost? | American Action Forum
This is not a guess... it comes from the Government!

So at the current rate of the average hourly $23.87 that gets paid, US Average Hourly Earnings
this means paperwork compliance costs: 10.3 billion hours times $23.87/hour = $245.861 billion a year.

$245 billion a year just in paperwork for FEDERAL compliance!
This doesn't account for State/Local paperwork compliance costs.

Now here are the indirect costs example... Assume a business with 15 employees wants to add one more..........
Direct costs to hiring more people due to "rules and regulations"!
PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4
OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers and decide to hire 1 more person... per OSHA law provide must have 2 water closets!
Sanitation. - 1910.141

So tell me again that "capitalism" is NOT regulated to death???
By Paul Buchheit

The predators on our society will scream about threats to "freedom" as soon as we start going after them, but it's just about trying to protect profits.

Unregulated capitalism is out of control. Like a cancer, it has become "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively," with tumors growing in several once-healthy parts of the American body.

1. Attacking the Hungry

The uncontrolled growth of investment wealth is diverting resources away from vital programs, effectively smothering them. The average Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient received about $1,500 for food for the entire year. At least ten Americans each made that much in under ten seconds from their investment gains in 2012, about the time it took each one to fluff his pillow and roll over in bed.

Under capitalism, fortunes accrue to a few while 47 million Americans, or one out of seven, need food assistance. Almost half of the hungry are children. For every food bank we had in 1980, we now have 200.

Yet just 20 people made more from their investment income in one year than the entire 2011 food assistance budget. That's $73 billion, taxed at the capital gains rate. Meanwhile, President Obama couldn't get the $1 billion per year he needed to improve childhood nutritionin schools.

Most recently, the House proposed a farm bill that would cut another $2 billion a year from the food stamps account.


More: 5 Ways That Raw, Unregulated Capitalism Is Acting Like a Cancer on American Society

Capitalism will destroy us unless it is properly regulated - and we see examples of that taking place all around us. Unregulated capitalism is destructive and evil - a cancer.

Business and industry are currently appropriately regulated, for at least the last two decades we’ve finally realized an acceptable balance between needed regulatory policy and corporations conducting themselves in a responsible manner.

But make no mistake: businesses exist to make a profit only, they do not exist to employ people, protect the environment, or to ensure safe goods and services are offered to consumers.

Consequently we must not weaken or decrease current regulatory policy, as many on the right advocate; without adequate regulation there will be a significant number of businesses that will endanger worker safety, pollute the environment, or sell unsafe goods and services to the public only to maximize profit.

OHSA is very weak and stupid when it comes to manufacturing. I reported a company one time because we were runinning machinery with no gaurds ect... ect... I sent them like 8 pages of infractions. They came in and complained about simple stuff, like no ground wires on a 110v recepticle. If I worked for OSHA I could shut down at least 30% of American plants for being unsafe, till they fixed it.
Capitalism will destroy us unless it is properly regulated - and we see examples of that taking place all around us. Unregulated capitalism is destructive and evil - a cancer.

Business and industry are currently appropriately regulated, for at least the last two decades we’ve finally realized an acceptable balance between needed regulatory policy and corporations conducting themselves in a responsible manner.

But make no mistake: businesses exist to make a profit only, they do not exist to employ people, protect the environment, or to ensure safe goods and services are offered to consumers.

Consequently we must not weaken or decrease current regulatory policy, as many on the right advocate; without adequate regulation there will be a significant number of businesses that will endanger worker safety, pollute the environment, or sell unsafe goods and services to the public only to maximize profit.

OHSA is very weak and stupid when it comes to manufacturing. I reported a company one time because we were runinning machinery with no gaurds ect... ect... I sent them like 8 pages of infractions. They came in and complained about simple stuff, like no ground wires on a 110v recepticle. If I worked for OSHA I could shut down at least 30% of American plants for being unsafe, till they fixed it.

Right! Why not be just a little smarter and fix it your self?
That way the company would say.. hey this guy is a positive force for us rather then the dumb f..k lazy douche bag that wants to put the rest of us out of work!
There is unregulated capitalism. ANyone who posts that has his head up his ass.

This sure does stimulate our economy, thanks to you RWer's support!

Check Out Who's Hiding $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts

More than two million emails that shed light on the biggest tax dodge in history - trillions of dollars hidden in offshore accounts - have been uncovered by the British newspaper The Guardian and the Washington, D.C.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).
Some $32 trillion has been hidden in small island banking hubs which host a bevy of trust funds, shell corporations and other tax havens, the Tax Justice Network estimates.
This money is to the financial world what the Higgs boson and dark matter are to particle physics: It's tough to prove it's there, but the universe doesn't make much sense without it. It's just a matter of connecting the money to the people hiding it.
That's been a tall order... until now.

Check members of the Obama Administration, like Jack Lew, for off shore accounts. And note that the article can't prove it's there.
By Paul Buchheit

The predators on our society will scream about threats to "freedom" as soon as we start going after them, but it's just about trying to protect profits.

Unregulated capitalism is out of control. Like a cancer, it has become "something evil or malignant that spreads destructively," with tumors growing in several once-healthy parts of the American body.

1. Attacking the Hungry

The uncontrolled growth of investment wealth is diverting resources away from vital programs, effectively smothering them. The average Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient received about $1,500 for food for the entire year. At least ten Americans each made that much in under ten seconds from their investment gains in 2012, about the time it took each one to fluff his pillow and roll over in bed.

Under capitalism, fortunes accrue to a few while 47 million Americans, or one out of seven, need food assistance. Almost half of the hungry are children. For every food bank we had in 1980, we now have 200.

Yet just 20 people made more from their investment income in one year than the entire 2011 food assistance budget. That's $73 billion, taxed at the capital gains rate. Meanwhile, President Obama couldn't get the $1 billion per year he needed to improve childhood nutritionin schools.

Most recently, the House proposed a farm bill that would cut another $2 billion a year from the food stamps account.


More: 5 Ways That Raw, Unregulated Capitalism Is Acting Like a Cancer on American Society

Capitalism will destroy us unless it is properly regulated - and we see examples of that taking place all around us. Unregulated capitalism is destructive and evil - a cancer.

Business and industry are currently appropriately regulated, for at least the last two decades we’ve finally realized an acceptable balance between needed regulatory policy and corporations conducting themselves in a responsible manner.

But make no mistake: businesses exist to make a profit only, they do not exist to employ people, protect the environment, or to ensure safe goods and services are offered to consumers.

Consequently we must not weaken or decrease current regulatory policy, as many on the right advocate; without adequate regulation there will be a significant number of businesses that will endanger worker safety, pollute the environment, or sell unsafe goods and services to the public only to maximize profit.

You were almost right.
Of course when businesses screw up they get sued and pay. Since that is bad for the bottom line they have a built in incentive not to do those things. No gov't regulation needed.
We have way too much regulation. Most of it is worthless and does not prevent whatever it is designed to prevent. This is mainly because it is written by bureaucrats with no idea how the industries they regulate actually operate.
Business and industry are currently appropriately regulated, for at least the last two decades we’ve finally realized an acceptable balance between needed regulatory policy and corporations conducting themselves in a responsible manner.

But make no mistake: businesses exist to make a profit only, they do not exist to employ people, protect the environment, or to ensure safe goods and services are offered to consumers.

Consequently we must not weaken or decrease current regulatory policy, as many on the right advocate; without adequate regulation there will be a significant number of businesses that will endanger worker safety, pollute the environment, or sell unsafe goods and services to the public only to maximize profit.

OHSA is very weak and stupid when it comes to manufacturing. I reported a company one time because we were runinning machinery with no gaurds ect... ect... I sent them like 8 pages of infractions. They came in and complained about simple stuff, like no ground wires on a 110v recepticle. If I worked for OSHA I could shut down at least 30% of American plants for being unsafe, till they fixed it.

Right! Why not be just a little smarter and fix it your self?
That way the company would say.. hey this guy is a positive force for us rather then the dumb f..k lazy douche bag that wants to put the rest of us out of work!

You dont know about a little thing called "just in time" manufacturing do ya? They will run shit regardless what us maintenance guys say. and oh yea no money to fix it.

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