5 reasons The Dark Ages are returning

I’m forcing you to smoke outside and at your own home because second hand smoke affects me. Just like environmental policy. I can “force” you because it doesn’t just affect you. Pretty much all public laws/policy work that way. Welcome to a nation/community.

Only if your nation/ community is Cuba or the former USSR. I carry a gun when I take a walk or leave my home and expect to return after dark. I think it would be advantageous if everybody did, but it would be un-american to insist you should have to.

Global warming is a belief, not science. If you want to believe in it, fine with me, but don't try to get me to act on your concerns or beliefs, or cost me more money and inconvenience.

Every idea by the left always benefits society. Free college would benefit society, alternative energy would benefit society, reparations would benefit society, free healthcare would benefit society, getting rid of fast food would benefit society. Now that's fine if most or all of society agrees with it. But when half don't, then what you're talking about is authoritarianism.
Your argument is that stuff you agree with is “ok“ and stuff you don’t is authoritarianism. We’re a democracy. Nothing happens without the “will of the people”. Smoking inside bans were a “will of the people” - which conservatives argued that smoking risks were fake too. If universal healthcare is the will we will get that too. Same with clean energy policy.
Your argument is that stuff you agree with is “ok“ and stuff you don’t is authoritarianism. We’re a democracy. Nothing happens without the “will of the people”. Smoking inside bans were a “will of the people” - which conservatives argued that smoking risks were fake too. If universal healthcare is the will we will get that too. Same with clean energy policy.

People always had the choice of not going to places that allowed smoking. We didn't need the commies to dictate that to us. If customers complained to the owners of businesses that they won't come to their place because people smoke in there, that's market driven which is the way it should be. It was not the will of the people, especially in bars. We are a democracy right up to the door of personally owned property. Once past that door, there is no democracy. If you don't like the way they do things, go somewhere else.

Forcing people to "your" will is not freedom. If you want healthcare, go out and get it. If you want clean air, move out to the country, get a windmill and solar panels not subsidized by the taxpayer.

You see the difference between the left and the right is we believe in choice, and the left believes in imposing their will on everybody else.
The Roman Empire is returning?
Dark Ages occurred after the Roman Empire fell much like the western world is falling. We even have our own little plague. How quaint. It’s about the fall of reason and the move to fascist feudalism and tribal allegiances to man gods. Oh boy. Sound familiar?
And remember that the Roman Empire fell because the christians were in charge....they also were responsible for keeping Europe in the superstitious dark for centuries afterwards.
what ?? Christians were not in charge in Rome when it fell.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Surrendering energy Independence
Abandoning fossil fuels we have plenty of
Making use of fossil fuels illegal
Making the internal combustion engine illegal
Destroying the economy
Trying to get the Dollar replaced as world currency
Turning US into 3rd world nation thru open borders
The Americans are more divided than ever & the country is burning

Democrats are Marxist traitors
Why are conservatives always looking backwards? Energy independence will not come from fossil fuel sources. It will come from renewable sources.
5 dollars a gallon coming soon commie ! your middle eastern pals will be happy.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Oh you will be going in to The Dark Ages, but not like you think.

The Dark Age to come is one of Moral, Ethical, and Spiritual Darkness.

The number one sign of this will be that Truth will be nearly impossible to find in the world or upon the lips of men.

Propaganda, lies and deceit propagated by Leftist Globalists Marxists DemNazis (Fascists) which are True Fascists channeling the spirit of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin, which brings about the Prophetic Age of Deceit. Men will be lovers of themselves instead of lovers of God, and God will send them delusions so that they will believe in lies and delight in telling them.

God does this so these liars, these Evil men will be condemned and not permitted to repent of their Evil at the 12th hour.

Once we approach that point, Evil begins to become prevalent in the world. At first a false peace is established, and there will be a sort of calm before the storm, then Peace will be taken from The Earth. People will be divided against one another, rights will be trampled and people who believe in Truth, and Righteousness, and Freedom will be painted as Evil, and all manner of Evil will be declared good. Men and Women will defile their bodies with unnatural affections for one another. Then massive shortages, Natural Disasters such as the World has never seen, then Famine and Death.

For now, all of what is coming to those who have rebelled against God is being held back for the sake of those that Love God. Once they are removed, the the restraint on Evil is removed.

When "The Restrainer" is moved out of the way, Evil will be given full reign upon The Earth, and that lying Serpent whom you serve, The Father of All Lies, will be your god, and The Son of Perdition, The AntiChrist will be your King. God's wrath will be unleashed upon a wicked world during The Tribulation for 7 full years and is so severe that if it were to continue any longer all life on Earth would Perish.

As God ends the reign of Satan, AntiChrist and The False Prophet, and all that follow them Yeshua, Jesus The Messiah will appear, as The Exclamation Point of All Prophecy! All the wicked will be judged and perish, and at the end, you and your evil cohorts will plague humanity NO MORE.

Then will come The New Earth, and New Age of True Peace and True Prosperity and a time when The Whole Earth is like The Garden of Eden and The Lion will Lay Down with The Lamb, Swords shall be turned to Plowshares, and Love will be the only way to live.

Righteousness will be the norm and sole state of all men, and Jesus will reign over the whole Earth from Jerusalem.
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Why are conservatives always looking backwards? Energy independence will not come from fossil fuel sources. It will come from renewable sources.


I am looking at the PRESENCE - the current time.

The United States has more fossil fuel than any other nature in the world, the reason the US became totally energy independent, freeing us from being dependent on nations that want us destroyed / dead for our energy.

AOC declared she & the "green New Deal idiots wanted to immediately outlaw the use of fossil fuels, to outlaw the use of the internal combustion engine.

- Despite putting approximately 50 MILLION Americans out of a job (everyone having a job associated in anyway with fossil fuels....tire manufacturing / selling, oil refineries, gas stations, etc...truck drivers distribution of food & other supplies, etc...). how are Democrats going to enforce the banning / outlawing of the internal combustion engine - no more driving / car use?

Is the United Stated going to buy Americans electric cars since fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine will be outlawed (and millions of Americans will be out of work & on food stamps/welfare AND gas will be $20 a gallon if you can buy it at all?

When it was pointed out to AOC that wind/water/solar energy only currently provides a small fraction of the energy this country needs and she was asked how would we make up the difference / deficiency, AOC actually replied we could use wind, hydroelectric, solar, & ENERGY SOURCES THAT HAVE NT BEEN INVENTED YET.


So her ignorant idea is to go ahead and outlaw fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine NOW, BEFORE those other energy sources are invented / discovered?!

Again, WTF?!

This is like telling people their breathing in Oxygen and their bodies' releasing carbon dioxide is endangering the planet, so we all need to use technology that helps us breath in some other mixture that eliminates our need to exhale - technology that does not exist yet...but instead of waiting for that new technology to be invented we are going to make EXHALING illegal.

Good grief

We have America-hating racists, sexists, Islamophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic elitist, millionaire IDIOTS running the country, who are completely destroying this country.
The Roman Empire is returning?
Dark Ages occurred after the Roman Empire fell much like the western world is falling. We even have our own little plague. How quaint. It’s about the fall of reason and the move to fascist feudalism and tribal allegiances to man gods. Oh boy. Sound familiar?
I will agree we are in a economic, intellectual, and cultural decline post Trump's presidency.
Only 40% of the country is in decline and its not trumpsters
Why are conservatives always looking backwards? Energy independence will not come from fossil fuel sources. It will come from renewable sources.

Maybe, but it has to come at it's own time, not some politicians trying to ram it down our throats. Currently, there is no alternative power just as reliable, just as powerful, just as economical, and just as practical as fossil fuels. Sure, there are alternatives, but they are substandard to what we use today. We have enough fuel in this country alone to sustain us for another 100 years or so. You can no more insist we use these alternate fuels than we could have insisted Henry Ford to create fuel injection for his model T. It will come happen, but not by force and disrupting our entire way of life.

Nobody had to force us to buy computers, pay for internet service, buy cell phones and service, buy movies on pay-per-view and outlaw movie rental places. When there is a desirable product that comes out, the people will flock to it on their own. You on the left want government driven. We on the right want market driven.

Actually nuclear is the best, most reliable, and ecologically friendly energy source there is. But the commies refuse to use it. Just proves how insincere they are about clean energy.

I’m forcing you to smoke outside and at your own home because second hand smoke affects me. Just like environmental policy. I can “force” you because it doesn’t just affect you. Pretty much all public laws/policy work that way. Welcome to a nation/community.

Only if your nation/ community is Cuba or the former USSR. I carry a gun when I take a walk or leave my home and expect to return after dark. I think it would be advantageous if everybody did, but it would be un-american to insist you should have to.

Global warming is a belief, not science. If you want to believe in it, fine with me, but don't try to get me to act on your concerns or beliefs, or cost me more money and inconvenience.

Every idea by the left always benefits society. Free college would benefit society, alternative energy would benefit society, reparations would benefit society, free healthcare would benefit society, getting rid of fast food would benefit society. Now that's fine if most or all of society agrees with it. But when half don't, then what you're talking about is authoritarianism.
Your argument is that stuff you agree with is “ok“ and stuff you don’t is authoritarianism. We’re a democracy. Nothing happens without the “will of the people”. Smoking inside bans were a “will of the people” - which conservatives argued that smoking risks were fake too. If universal healthcare is the will we will get that too. Same with clean energy policy.
2nd hand smoke is a proven myth
2nd hand smoke is a proven myth

If second hand smoke were harmful, people who puff on cigarettes directly would drop dead the first time they inhaled.

A few years back I had to do a drug test for work. Just out of curiosity, I asked the nurse about second hand marijuana smoke. She laughed and told me about all the people who failed drug tests, came back and complained they were in a room with people smoking pot and that's why they failed. She told me there is no possibly way for pot to show up in a urine test even if you were with pot smokers for an entire day.

The second hand smoke thing became popular when Gore was VP and he pushed that nonsense.

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