5 Months Since an Alphabet Cult Member Went on a Murder Spree at a Christian School, Manifesto Still Not Public

The dirty little secret is that the transgender agenda is protected by the Biden administration and their minions in the media. The media certainly won't demand the release of the Tennessee transgender terrorist manifest so the crooked "Justice" administrators feel little pressure.
I hate to bust your tinfoil hat….but….

(there is no transgender agenda)
You expect us to believe that one of the first thoughts to come to the parents of the dead children's minds was "No! Don't share the manifesto! Please! The shooter would be harrassing us from the grave!"

Gtfoh...I do not buy that.

How convenient that is...
So why are the parents going to court?

Maybe they don’t want to relive it by having it splashed all over the news again.

Maybe they are doing what more people should do, deny the killer fame and noteriety by not keeping it in the news.
So why are the parents going to court?

Maybe they don’t want to relive it by having it splashed all over the news again.

Maybe they are doing what more people should do, deny the killer fame and noteriety by not keeping it in the news.
Because somebody talked them into it is my guess...because no parent is thinking about the shooter's manifesto right after their kids are killed. Some piece of shit probably manipulating them to keep it under wraps.

So...does it say when they decided to ask for the manifesto not to be released?
There is no nefarious agenda here…

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – In a legal filing obtained by News 2, parents of students who attend The Covenant School urge the court to not release the shooter’s writings to the public. Though they do not object to the release of some documents and a summary of the events.

“This Court can shield Jane Doe and John Doe from a lifetime of abuse and harassment by the shooter from beyond the grave,” the attorneys for the parents say. “The Parents believe that the large tranche of documents they do not object to will provide the public with the information needed to understand this horrific crime.”

In the 18-page document, the parents explain they don’t want any of the shooter’s writings or documents to be released, nor do they want any photos or information of the children themselves released.

“There is no compelling state interest in giving voice to a horrendous criminal,” the parents’ attorneys wrote in the documents.
How many parents?
Fuck you, you piece of human offal.
Admit it. You are more concerned with a “transgender agenda” than the killing of children, it’s obvious by this thread. You don’t give a damn about the families. You just want to see the manifesto of a sick and highly disturbed person so you can squeeze out any information you can use to promote your own agenda. To hell with how the families of the victims feel.
There is no nefarious agenda here…

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – In a legal filing obtained by News 2, parents of students who attend The Covenant School urge the court to not release the shooter’s writings to the public. Though they do not object to the release of some documents and a summary of the events.

“This Court can shield Jane Doe and John Doe from a lifetime of abuse and harassment by the shooter from beyond the grave,” the attorneys for the parents say. “The Parents believe that the large tranche of documents they do not object to will provide the public with the information needed to understand this horrific crime.”

In the 18-page document, the parents explain they don’t want any of the shooter’s writings or documents to be released, nor do they want any photos or information of the children themselves released.

“There is no compelling state interest in giving voice to a horrendous criminal,” the parents’ attorneys wrote in the documents.

If thats the case why wont they release the manifesto?
Admit it. You are more concerned with a “transgender agenda” than the killing of children, it’s obvious by this thread. You don’t give a damn about the families. You just want to see the manifesto of a sick and highly disturbed person so you can squeeze out any information you can use to promote your own agenda. To hell with how the families of the victims feel.
No. You need to admit the left doesn't want it released because it might harm the Alphabet Soup movement.
The people trying to block it are the parents of the children. This has been part of a court challenge if you read the news.

The parents don't have jurisdiction over whether the manifesto is released or not. There were multiple murders committed and the public has the right to know why. Tennessee law states that all government documents are public records unless they jeopardize an ongoing investigation, which does not apply in this case.

The law enforcement agencies that are withholding Hale's writings are supported by taxes paid by the public and have a responsibility to that public. They're supposed to protect people from crimes, not to obstruct their attempts to gain understanding from the malevolent thoughts of criminals.

More than one. There has been quite a court battle on it.

The manifesto should be released in full. It's owed to the parents who want to know what kind of human being could do this and if there are any others. Holding back part of it will only bring speculation. At the very least we should be able to see her psych medical folder and what 'emotional disorder' she was being seen for. Wanna bet it's gender dysphoria? The 'transgender' crowd doesn't want THAT made public.
Admit it. You are more concerned with a “transgender agenda” than the killing of children, it’s obvious by this thread. You don’t give a damn about the families. You just want to see the manifesto of a sick and highly disturbed person so you can squeeze out any information you can use to promote your own agenda. To hell with how the families of the victims feel.
The families should SEE the reason why this piece of transgender human debris killed their children.

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