5 Lies Obama


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:
1. 1.“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

2. “They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

3.“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology:

4. “I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

5. “This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.”
These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran's Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors - Breitbart
Sixth or seventh thread now.

You forgot the photo of the sailors on their knees.

ISIS thanks you for the PR.
i always find it funny when americans complain about alleged violations of the geneva convention.
So, I ask again, Eder, what in the article was wrong? Why can't you answer that so we can have a conversation?
why do you think you are entitled to a conversation if you start the "conversation" with your breitbart propaganda.
So, clue me in...what part is propaganda?
I must have scared him away....
5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:
1. 1.“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

2. “They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

3.“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology:

4. “I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

5. “This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.”
These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran's Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors - Breitbart

Dear Jackson
Can we just be thankful they weren't killed, or brutalized the way others have been tortured on tape.
If our soldiers and military act honorably, that is what reflects on them.
If other people abuse them, that reflects on the abusers.

I am worried about these hostile situations escalating and multiplying.
But this could have been worse, and I see it as a warning to resolve issues, end the hostilities,
and not let things get worse and worse.

We are very lucky in this case, let's count our blessings and use
this opportunity to stop the aggressions. Let's not rest on our laurels and take this for granted.
There is much more to do to prevent future incidents that can easily be worse.

May I express my thanks and prayers to all the military and their families
that must go through hell every time something like this is reported.
My heart goes out to all people having to endure these crises until we can do more to stop the root causes
of war and armed conflicts. May all armed defenses succeed in creating security and stability, and reduce the incidence of violence.

With thanks to all who have been fighting the good fight with faith and courage, for the betterment of all humanity.
May we all be reunited in that spirit, and cast out the fears, ill will and division that seeks to destroy our sense of humanity.

Peace, Justice and Blessings to All
May this year bring even greater and greater rewards to all who have suffered so long
May all conflicts be resolved, all wrongs healed and righted, and all relations restored in good will and good faith
Thank you
5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:
1. 1.“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

2. “They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

3.“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology:

4. “I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

5. “This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.”
These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran's Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors - Breitbart

Dear Jackson
Can we just be thankful they weren't killed, or brutalized the way others have been tortured on tape.
If our soldiers and military act honorably, that is what reflects on them.
If other people abuse them, that reflects on the abusers.

I am worried about these hostile situations escalating and multiplying.
But this could have been worse, and I see it as a warning to resolve issues, end the hostilities,
and not let things get worse and worse.

We are very lucky in this case, let's count our blessings and use
this opportunity to stop the aggressions. Let's not rest on our laurels and take this for granted.
There is much more to do to prevent future incidents that can easily be worse.

May I express my thanks and prayers to all the military and their families
that must go through hell every time something like this is reported.
My heart goes out to all people having to endure these crises until we can do more to stop the root causes
of war and armed conflicts. May all armed defenses succeed in creating security and stability, and reduce the incidence of violence.

With thanks to all who have been fighting the good fight with faith and courage, for the betterment of all humanity.
May we all be reunited in that spirit, and cast out the fears, ill will and division that seeks to destroy our sense of humanity.

Peace, Justice and Blessings to All
May this year bring even greater and greater rewards to all who have suffered so long
May all conflicts be resolved, all wrongs healed and righted, and all relations restored in good will and good faith
Thank you
5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:
1. 1.“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

2. “They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

3.“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology:

4. “I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

5. “This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.”
These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran's Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors - Breitbart

Dear Jackson
Can we just be thankful they weren't killed, or brutalized the way others have been tortured on tape.
If our soldiers and military act honorably, that is what reflects on them.
If other people abuse them, that reflects on the abusers.

I am worried about these hostile situations escalating and multiplying.
But this could have been worse, and I see it as a warning to resolve issues, end the hostilities,
and not let things get worse and worse.

We are very lucky in this case, let's count our blessings and use
this opportunity to stop the aggressions. Let's not rest on our laurels and take this for granted.
There is much more to do to prevent future incidents that can easily be worse.

May I express my thanks and prayers to all the military and their families
that must go through hell every time something like this is reported.
My heart goes out to all people having to endure these crises until we can do more to stop the root causes
of war and armed conflicts. May all armed defenses succeed in creating security and stability, and reduce the incidence of violence.

With thanks to all who have been fighting the good fight with faith and courage, for the betterment of all humanity.
May we all be reunited in that spirit, and cast out the fears, ill will and division that seeks to destroy our sense of humanity.

Peace, Justice and Blessings to All
May this year bring even greater and greater rewards to all who have suffered so long
May all conflicts be resolved, all wrongs healed and righted, and all relations restored in good will and good faith
Thank you
How about we WAIT until they are back with fellow Americans FREE before we assume any luck?
5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran’s Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors

Here are five lies spewed by the Obama administration so far in their defense of the indefensible:
1. 1.“This Was Just Standard Nautical Practice.” Those were the words of Vice President Joe Biden on CBS This Morning, explaining why the whole incident was no big deal. He added that Iran “rescued” the sailors and acted as any of the “ordinary nations would do.” Except, of course, that it is not standard nautical practice to forcibly garb stranded sailors in Islamic dress or release photos of them disarmed, nor is it standard nautical practice to hold them overnight. As National Review points out, the images themselves violated Article 13 of the Geneva Convention. But no big deal. This was just like Triple A towing you to the mechanic when your car breaks down. Just with some forced Islamic headgear and some surrender photos. You know, the usual.

Also, according to Iran’s naval chief, Gen. Ali Fadavi, “We were highly prepared with our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities. The US and France’s aircraft carriers were within our range and if they had continued their unprofessional moves, they would have been afflicted with such a catastrophe that they had never experienced all throughout the history. They could have been shot, and if they were, they would have been destroyed.”

Sounds like things were perfectly peaceful. Standard nautical practice.

2. “They Are Being Sort of Afforded The Proper Courtesy That You Would Expect.” No, they weren’t. Unless forcing a woman into a hijab is a form of respect, or distributing pictures of surrendering members of the American military. But that’s exactly what White House press secretary Josh Earnest told CNN yesterday.

3.“There Was No Looking For Any Apology.” Again, Joe Biden off the rails. He insisted that the United States had not in any way apologized to the Iranians for the incident. Then video broke of an American sailor apologizing directly to the Iranians, at their behest. Iranian General Ali Fadavi said that Zarif had demanded an apology:

4. “I Also Want to Thank The Iranian Authorities For Their Cooperation and Quick Response.” Secretary of State John Kerry went so far as to thank the Iranians for all their help in supposedly rescuing our sailors. He then compared Iran’s behavior to the United States’ under similar circumstances:

The response was not necessary, nor was it quick. It took overnight to release American sailors, and not before the interviews and the pictures and the humiliation and the demands for apology from the Iranians. But we’re thanking them to make this whole sham look good.

5. “This Is A Testament To The Critical Role That Diplomacy Plays.”
These words came courtesy of Kerry as well, and have become the Obama administration’s go-to defense of the Iran deal, which hands these radical Islamic nutjobs a nuclear weapon. Josh Earnest stated on CNN yesterday that the whole purpose of pursuing the nuclear deal was situations like these hostilities – as though only giving away the store to Iran pre-emptively could have prevented catastrophic war. What nonsense. The Iranians held 15 British sailors captive for almost two weeks in 2007. The British didn’t then sign off on a nuclear weapons deal.

The Iranian government made Barack Obama and the United States look ridiculous before their own population and the world. And Barack Obama, so as to hoodwink his own population, greenlit a public relations scheme that would make PT Barnum blush: he played the entire situation as a glowing success. Since there are no bodies this time, he might get away with it. If not, he can always dig up a YouTube filmmaker.

[FONT=Georgia, serif]5 Lies the Obama Administration Told to Defend Iran's Humiliating Seizure of Navy Sailors - Breitbart

Dear Jackson
Can we just be thankful they weren't killed, or brutalized the way others have been tortured on tape.
If our soldiers and military act honorably, that is what reflects on them.
If other people abuse them, that reflects on the abusers.

I am worried about these hostile situations escalating and multiplying.
But this could have been worse, and I see it as a warning to resolve issues, end the hostilities,
and not let things get worse and worse.

We are very lucky in this case, let's count our blessings and use
this opportunity to stop the aggressions. Let's not rest on our laurels and take this for granted.
There is much more to do to prevent future incidents that can easily be worse.

May I express my thanks and prayers to all the military and their families
that must go through hell every time something like this is reported.
My heart goes out to all people having to endure these crises until we can do more to stop the root causes
of war and armed conflicts. May all armed defenses succeed in creating security and stability, and reduce the incidence of violence.

With thanks to all who have been fighting the good fight with faith and courage, for the betterment of all humanity.
May we all be reunited in that spirit, and cast out the fears, ill will and division that seeks to destroy our sense of humanity.

Peace, Justice and Blessings to All
May this year bring even greater and greater rewards to all who have suffered so long
May all conflicts be resolved, all wrongs healed and righted, and all relations restored in good will and good faith
Thank you
I so agree with you about being brutalized or tortured. That is my prayer for those American hostages still in their hands.

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