5 Indicators The Left Gives Zero Damns About Freedom


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yup, the left will tolerate you IF you think the way they want you to think. They are all about choice IF you choose the way they agree with. They are all about freedom IF you agree to let them take away freedoms they don't agree with. They are all about women's rights unless women want safety in rest rooms or if Muslims want to treat women like property. Actually, they only care about women's freedom of choice it comes to abortion. When it comes to a woman's right to protect herself (with a gun) against a rapist or home invader, don't expect the left to support that. Let the women, the men and the children die if thugs invade their home.

It's common these days to hear liberals declare that a debate is over when they can no longer support their argument. Questioning things is taboo in Liberalville. Nothing they do should be looked at too closely as far as they are concerned.

So, no surprise that some want to make it a crime to openly disagree with their bogus solutions to climate change. And they see nothing wrong with banning people from coming to their state or even banning state employees from traveling to states they disagree with, the way the San Francisco mayor did.

It's their way or else!!!!

"There is a basic test for whether you believe in freedom: if you disagree with someone’s thoughts or behavior that does not violate anyone else’s rights, do you still want to use government to crack down on that behavior? For the left, the answer is a resounding "yes." The left wants to ensure that nobody is offended; they believe that you have a right to demand things of others, even if they have no duty to provide you those things.

The result: tyranny.

1. West Hollywood Wants To Ban Donald Trump.

Yup, they believe in diversity, as long as everyone goes along with their views

2. Government Crackdowns on Climate Change "Deniers.

No questions allowed. Mentioned some of the flawed science or the fact that the proposed solutions are nothing more than power grabs, you might be in serious trouble if the left has it's way.

3. Travel Bans To Conservative States.

Some local mayors and other authoritarian types demand that city employees cannot travel to certain places. Not because it's constitutional but because they are intolerant and will not abide by those who disagree.

4. Pursuing Legislation To Crack Down On Religious People.

Well, not all religious people. Muslims are completely left alone as they practice a religion that criminalizes gays and infidels. They get away with following their own laws that are in direct violation of our constitution. This is against Christians who do not want to participate in ceremonies that go against their beliefs.

5. Fining Corporations For Participating In Free Exchange.

The government will tell you how to run your business. Making money is evil (unless you are a wealthy liberal)."


Liberals have become incredibly closed-minded and completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on any issue. Funny that Bruce Springsteen is refusing to serve his fans in NC. Isn't that discrimination? He is refusing to play for them because he disagrees with their views. How is that different than a caterer or photographer refusing their services to people they don't agree with? There is NO difference except Bruce is liberal and therefore allowed to do what he wants. In this case, it's even worse. It would be one thing to refuse to even book a concert in a state. He booked one, people paid money for tickets, and then he pulled out.

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Another potty thread brought to you by one of the resident RW nut jobs...

So screwed up thinking that refuting it is a waste of time because by next week you would be posting the same old shit...

Get life, get some help...
Another potty thread brought to you by one of the resident RW nut jobs...

So screwed up thinking that refuting it is a waste of time because by next week you would be posting the same old shit...

Get life, get some help...

Another brain dead idiot drops by to post the same insults because coming up with any kind of intelligent response is impossible. The OP is truthful and the left is doing all those things. You can't defend it, so you use the tired old tactic of bashing and ignoring the topic.
Another potty thread brought to you by one of the resident RW nut jobs...

So screwed up thinking that refuting it is a waste of time because by next week you would be posting the same old shit...

Get life, get some help...

Another brain dead idiot drops by to post the same insults because coming up with any kind of intelligent response is impossible. The OP is truthful and the left is doing all those things. You can't defend it, so you use the tired old tactic of bashing and ignoring the topic.

Ahh get of the bike there... All those things have been refuted and laughed at...

You are not serious... This is the same shit repackaged...

Accept you are wrong and move on...
Yup, the left will tolerate you IF you think the way they want you to think. They are all about choice IF you choose the way they agree with. They are all about freedom IF you agree to let them take away freedoms they don't agree with. They are all about women's rights unless women want safety in rest rooms or if Muslims want to treat women like property. Actually, they only care about women's freedom of choice it comes to abortion. When it comes to a woman's right to protect herself (with a gun) against a rapist or home invader, don't expect the left to support that. Let the women, the men and the children die if thugs invade their home.

It's common these days to hear liberals declare that a debate is over when they can no longer support their argument. Questioning things is taboo in Liberalville. Nothing they do should be looked at too closely as far as they are concerned.

So, no surprise that some want to make it a crime to openly disagree with their bogus solutions to climate change. And they see nothing wrong with banning people from coming to their state or even banning state employees from traveling to states they disagree with, the way the San Francisco mayor did.

It's their way or else!!!!

"There is a basic test for whether you believe in freedom: if you disagree with someone’s thoughts or behavior that does not violate anyone else’s rights, do you still want to use government to crack down on that behavior? For the left, the answer is a resounding "yes." The left wants to ensure that nobody is offended; they believe that you have a right to demand things of others, even if they have no duty to provide you those things.

The result: tyranny.

1. West Hollywood Wants To Ban Donald Trump.

Yup, they believe in diversity, as long as everyone goes along with their views

2. Government Crackdowns on Climate Change "Deniers.

No questions allowed. Mentioned some of the flawed science or the fact that the proposed solutions are nothing more than power grabs, you might be in serious trouble if the left has it's way.

3. Travel Bans To Conservative States.

Some local mayors and other authoritarian types demand that city employees cannot travel to certain places. Not because it's constitutional but because they are intolerant and will not abide by those who disagree.

4. Pursuing Legislation To Crack Down On Religious People.

Well, not all religious people. Muslims are completely left alone as they practice a religion that criminalizes gays and infidels. They get away with following their own laws that are in direct violation of our constitution. This is against Christians who do not want to participate in ceremonies that go against their beliefs.

5. Fining Corporations For Participating In Free Exchange.

The government will tell you how to run your business. Making money is evil (unless you are a wealthy liberal)."


Liberals have become incredibly closed-minded and completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on any issue. Funny that Bruce Springsteen is refusing to serve his fans in NC. Isn't that discrimination? He is refusing to play for them because he disagrees with their views. How is that different than a caterer or photographer refusing their services to people they don't agree with? There is NO difference except Bruce is liberal and therefore allowed to do what he wants. In this case, it's even worse. It would be one thing to refuse to even book a concert in a state. He booked one, people paid money for tickets, and then he pulled out.


Who are you tolerant of?
Yup, the left will tolerate you IF you think the way they want you to think. They are all about choice IF you choose the way they agree with. They are all about freedom IF you agree to let them take away freedoms they don't agree with. They are all about women's rights unless women want safety in rest rooms or if Muslims want to treat women like property. Actually, they only care about women's freedom of choice it comes to abortion. When it comes to a woman's right to protect herself (with a gun) against a rapist or home invader, don't expect the left to support that. Let the women, the men and the children die if thugs invade their home.

It's common these days to hear liberals declare that a debate is over when they can no longer support their argument. Questioning things is taboo in Liberalville. Nothing they do should be looked at too closely as far as they are concerned.

So, no surprise that some want to make it a crime to openly disagree with their bogus solutions to climate change. And they see nothing wrong with banning people from coming to their state or even banning state employees from traveling to states they disagree with, the way the San Francisco mayor did.

It's their way or else!!!!

"There is a basic test for whether you believe in freedom: if you disagree with someone’s thoughts or behavior that does not violate anyone else’s rights, do you still want to use government to crack down on that behavior? For the left, the answer is a resounding "yes." The left wants to ensure that nobody is offended; they believe that you have a right to demand things of others, even if they have no duty to provide you those things.

The result: tyranny.

1. West Hollywood Wants To Ban Donald Trump.

Yup, they believe in diversity, as long as everyone goes along with their views

2. Government Crackdowns on Climate Change "Deniers.

No questions allowed. Mentioned some of the flawed science or the fact that the proposed solutions are nothing more than power grabs, you might be in serious trouble if the left has it's way.

3. Travel Bans To Conservative States.

Some local mayors and other authoritarian types demand that city employees cannot travel to certain places. Not because it's constitutional but because they are intolerant and will not abide by those who disagree.

4. Pursuing Legislation To Crack Down On Religious People.

Well, not all religious people. Muslims are completely left alone as they practice a religion that criminalizes gays and infidels. They get away with following their own laws that are in direct violation of our constitution. This is against Christians who do not want to participate in ceremonies that go against their beliefs.

5. Fining Corporations For Participating In Free Exchange.

The government will tell you how to run your business. Making money is evil (unless you are a wealthy liberal)."


Liberals have become incredibly closed-minded and completely intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them on any issue. Funny that Bruce Springsteen is refusing to serve his fans in NC. Isn't that discrimination? He is refusing to play for them because he disagrees with their views. How is that different than a caterer or photographer refusing their services to people they don't agree with? There is NO difference except Bruce is liberal and therefore allowed to do what he wants. In this case, it's even worse. It would be one thing to refuse to even book a concert in a state. He booked one, people paid money for tickets, and then he pulled out.


I award you the Gold Medal for Hyperbole.

Another potty thread brought to you by one of the resident RW nut jobs...

So screwed up thinking that refuting it is a waste of time because by next week you would be posting the same old shit...

Get life, get some help...

Another brain dead idiot drops by to post the same insults because coming up with any kind of intelligent response is impossible. The OP is truthful and the left is doing all those things. You can't defend it, so you use the tired old tactic of bashing and ignoring the topic.

There is no intelligent response to your recycled rhetoric, other than to laugh at how little your silly rants change from month to month.
Who are you tolerant of?

Anyone who does their own thing and doesn't drag me into it.

If you want an abortion or any other legal thing, get it but don't expect me to pay a dime.

If you want to get married, do it but don't force people who may be uncomfortable to cater it.

When it comes to bathrooms, use the one that fits your body parts. If you are a man and can pass for a woman, then use the ladies room but don't demand urinals and shut the stall door. The ladies don't want to see your dick.

As far as religions, people should be able to adhere to their beliefs as long as they don't hurt anyone or force anyone to act or not act a certain way. Don't threaten me and don't expect me to change to suit you. Other than that, I don't give a shit.

Of course, the left keeps making laws that make it difficult for some to practice their religion while others are given a free pass. I don't have tolerance for special treatment for any group.

Everyone has the right to protest and have their voice heard, but no one has the right to harm people or force them to go against their beliefs as long as those beliefs are constitutional. I say that because Muslims denying women's rights and most of sharia law is directly against our constitution.

The only religious people I have no tolerance for are radical Muslims, Christians who kill over abortion and anyone from the fucked up Westboro church. I'd like to beat the shit out of all of them.

As long as people obey the sensible laws and don't harm people, I don't give a damn what they do.

Bruce Springsteen denied service to everyone in NC and that is no different than the Christian bakers denying service to a gay couple. Either it's okay to follow your conscience or it isn't. Can we decide now whether people can deny service based on their personal beliefs or not? If Springsteen can do that, so can others. How would he like it if he were fined heavily for cancelling a show that people had already paid to see? Or maybe he should not be allowed to perform anymore since he discriminates. What's good for the goose................
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