44 Americans On The Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Diagnosed With Coronavirus


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
After the ship's two weeks of quarantine at sea, officials from various countries, including Canada, Italy, Hong Kong and South Korea, are in the process of extracting their citizens from the vessel. The Diamond Princess is reported to have around 3,700 passengers and crew members. About half the passengers are from Japan, according to Reuters.

Approximately 400 U.S. citizens are aboard the Diamond Princess. According to Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 44 Americans on the cruise ship have been infected, though not all are sick.

The U.S. State Department has organized a charter flight to evacuate Americans as early as Sunday evening. Only those who are not currently showing symptoms of infection with the virus will be allowed to return to the U.S., where they will face two weeks of quarantine at military bases in California and Texas.
44 Americans On The Diamond Princess Cruise Ship Diagnosed With Coronavirus

I almost laughed out loud when Montgomery said it's a better situation to be quarantined in the US. Yes, yes, it is.
White people don't seem to die from this virus. If they do...it's not in numbers high enough to cause any alarm. I personally don't see what all the fuss is about.
Granny says, "Dump `em inna ocean...

... or we gonna have...

... the biggest oubreak o'...

... Chinese bio-weaponry!"

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