43 4 Star, 155 3 Star and we're out of ammo?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I remain a fervent support of the fighting men and women in our military. If you served in combat, the USA should give you a home - free of charge; and the VA should administer the highest quality service available in perpetuity. That's priority Number 1!

Until recently, I was a great supporter of the US military and the DoD. It is increasingly apparent that the US military has morphed into NYC Public Housing. NYCHA has a total of 178,000 apartment units which cost $4.2B to operate annually, $23,600 per unit! To give some perspective, the NYC finance agency HDC's guidelines annual operating expenses is $8,100 per unit for a Union building. Over the years the management of NYCHA has directed much of the budget - to management.

In much the same way, the US military has directed much of its operating budget to management. We have 43 4 Star general, 155 3 Star generals - but we're out of 155mm artillery shells? Plus we magically "found" $6.2B that was directed to "Ukraine".

I have no doubt that a large portion of the budget funds off the book operation in space and reverse engineering technology from crashed UFO's.

It's absurd that we spend $800B annually and we've run out of ammunition - IN A WAR WE'RE NOT EVEN FIGHTING!

What can be done, what should be done?
It's absurd that we spend $800B annually and we've run out of ammunition - IN A WAR WE'RE NOT EVEN FIGHTING!

What can be done, what should be done?
And the F16 planes are next to useless as they are low range and" blind over the horozon" versus the Russians, and the Russian lads seem to knock out US tanks as fast as the Nazis can get them moving . A very bleak outlook for the US and they are certain to be part of yet another failed campaign if they cannot extract themselves fast from further humiliation .
And the F16 planes are next to useless as they are low range and" blind over the horozon" versus the Russians, and the Russian lads seem to knock out US tanks as fast as the Nazis can get them moving . A very bleak outlook for the US and they are certain to be part of yet another failed campaign if they cannot extract themselves fast from further humiliation .

Why, it's as if some sinister Party installed Biden as President just to drag America down. Who would do such a thing??
I remain a fervent support of the fighting men and women in our military. If you served in combat, the USA should give you a home - free of charge; and the VA should administer the highest quality service available in perpetuity. That's priority Number 1!

Until recently, I was a great supporter of the US military and the DoD. It is increasingly apparent that the US military has morphed into NYC Public Housing. NYCHA has a total of 178,000 apartment units which cost $4.2B to operate annually, $23,600 per unit! To give some perspective, the NYC finance agency HDC's guidelines annual operating expenses is $8,100 per unit for a Union building. Over the years the management of NYCHA has directed much of the budget - to management.

In much the same way, the US military has directed much of its operating budget to management. We have 43 4 Star general, 155 3 Star generals - but we're out of 155mm artillery shells? Plus we magically "found" $6.2B that was directed to "Ukraine".

I have no doubt that a large portion of the budget funds off the book operation in space and reverse engineering technology from crashed UFO's.

It's absurd that we spend $800B annually and we've run out of ammunition - IN A WAR WE'RE NOT EVEN FIGHTING!

What can be done, what should be done?
'the number of high ranking officers and the amount of ammunition are completely unrelated issues
And the F16 planes are next to useless as they are low range and" blind over the horozon" versus the Russians, and the Russian lads seem to knock out US tanks as fast as the Nazis can get them moving .
prove it
What are their responsibilities? Until you can answer that you should not be taken seriously.
During WWII, we 12MM in the armed services and only had 7 4 Stars!

Todays 40+ 4 Stars are just taking up space and budget. Each has a STAFF OF AT LEAST 1,000!

What do you think they do?
During WWII, we 12MM in the armed services and only had 7 4 Stars!

Todays 40+ 4 Stars are just taking up space and budget. Each has a STAFF OF AT LEAST 1,000!

What do you think they do?
Thats somerhing you should answer first
I remain a fervent support of the fighting men and women in our military. If you served in combat, the USA should give you a home - free of charge; and the VA should administer the highest quality service available in perpetuity. That's priority Number 1!

Until recently, I was a great supporter of the US military and the DoD. It is increasingly apparent that the US military has morphed into NYC Public Housing. NYCHA has a total of 178,000 apartment units which cost $4.2B to operate annually, $23,600 per unit! To give some perspective, the NYC finance agency HDC's guidelines annual operating expenses is $8,100 per unit for a Union building. Over the years the management of NYCHA has directed much of the budget - to management.

In much the same way, the US military has directed much of its operating budget to management. We have 43 4 Star general, 155 3 Star generals - but we're out of 155mm artillery shells? Plus we magically "found" $6.2B that was directed to "Ukraine".

I have no doubt that a large portion of the budget funds off the book operation in space and reverse engineering technology from crashed UFO's.

It's absurd that we spend $800B annually and we've run out of ammunition - IN A WAR WE'RE NOT EVEN FIGHTING!

What can be done, what should be done?

Since Vietnam we have focused our training and equipment on Lighting war. We want it over in hours or days. We want to use overwhelming surgical strength at just the right point to destroy our enemy.

The Bunker Buster that ended the first Gulf War. A weapon we hastily built and developed over three weeks for a single purpose. This is the sort of right weapon at just the right spot that we are talking about.

We didn’t plan on a replay of World War One. The no man’s land trench warfare that Military Leaders fear like the Devil. We study that war to learn what we should avoid. Don’t get bogged down. Don’t get sucked into a static fight like that. Maneuvering and precision is out way.

This is a recording of the last minute of the First World War. This is what we are trained to avoid.

That was going on constantly. Up and down the front. Constant fire from Artillery. Hundreds of rounds per hour at a minimum. Thousands was hardly uncommon. Millions of shells every day.

So we stockpiled our shells as everyone did. Enough for a few weeks. A couple months of combat. Our production facilities are designed to make a couple hundred shells every month. The war in Ukraine burns through those in a couple hours.

Back in my day, we were taught the maximum rate of fire for 155’s was three rounds a minute. We were taught to run diagonally from the source of the fire. If the cannon were firing from the East run north east or south east. Several hundred meters to get out of the kill zone, and diagonally to make re targeting you difficult. They had to adjust range and azimuth which takes time.

We believed that this sort of war was over. That Air Power and combined arms coupled with superior training would render it obsolete.

Ukraine doesn’t have air superiority. They don’t really have air parity. But they’ve managed to deny superiority to the Russians as well. Ukraine doesn’t have the numbers to break through. So they are stuck slogging it out World War One style. A lot of artillery to keep the enemy down, and preventing the enemy from fortifying his position. Trenches and skirmishes are the rule.

This consumes artillery like you wouldn’t believe. A days worth of shells is consumed in an hour. And it is unbelievable how fast that stuff goes in the wars we plan for. This nobody has planned for in a century.

We expected the tubes on the Cannon to last a decade or more. They’re getting worn out in a few months. That is how desperate the fighting is for Ukraine. Where if they stop firing the guns they risk national death.

We are working on producing more shells. We are reconsidering our own plans. And we are looking at the logistical weakness this exposed. We are learning. And that is how you get better.
Since Vietnam we have focused our training and equipment on Lighting war. We want it over in hours or days. We want to use overwhelming surgical strength at just the right point to destroy our enemy.

The Bunker Buster that ended the first Gulf War. A weapon we hastily built and developed over three weeks for a single purpose. This is the sort of right weapon at just the right spot that we are talking about.

We didn’t plan on a replay of World War One. The no man’s land trench warfare that Military Leaders fear like the Devil. We study that war to learn what we should avoid. Don’t get bogged down. Don’t get sucked into a static fight like that. Maneuvering and precision is out way.

This is a recording of the last minute of the First World War. This is what we are trained to avoid.

That was going on constantly. Up and down the front. Constant fire from Artillery. Hundreds of rounds per hour at a minimum. Thousands was hardly uncommon. Millions of shells every day.

So we stockpiled our shells as everyone did. Enough for a few weeks. A couple months of combat. Our production facilities are designed to make a couple hundred shells every month. The war in Ukraine burns through those in a couple hours.

Back in my day, we were taught the maximum rate of fire for 155’s was three rounds a minute. We were taught to run diagonally from the source of the fire. If the cannon were firing from the East run north east or south east. Several hundred meters to get out of the kill zone, and diagonally to make re targeting you difficult. They had to adjust range and azimuth which takes time.

We believed that this sort of war was over. That Air Power and combined arms coupled with superior training would render it obsolete.

Ukraine doesn’t have air superiority. They don’t really have air parity. But they’ve managed to deny superiority to the Russians as well. Ukraine doesn’t have the numbers to break through. So they are stuck slogging it out World War One style. A lot of artillery to keep the enemy down, and preventing the enemy from fortifying his position. Trenches and skirmishes are the rule.

This consumes artillery like you wouldn’t believe. A days worth of shells is consumed in an hour. And it is unbelievable how fast that stuff goes in the wars we plan for. This nobody has planned for in a century.

We expected the tubes on the Cannon to last a decade or more. They’re getting worn out in a few months. That is how desperate the fighting is for Ukraine. Where if they stop firing the guns they risk national death.

We are working on producing more shells. We are reconsidering our own plans. And we are looking at the logistical weakness this exposed. We are learning. And that is how you get better.

How did the bunker buster win the first Gulf War?
How did the bunker buster win the first Gulf War?

First you have to realize that Dictators don’t care about their subjects. Everyone is expendable, except him, and perhaps his family. Saddam had a series of bunkers built during the Iran-Iraq war. These bunkers were proofed against anything but Nuclear. They were twenty to thirty feet down, with walls of Reinforced concrete upwards of four feet thick. No bomb could reach them, or penetrate. The existing penetrator munitions could penetrate a couple feet of concrete, or a few feet of earth, but not both.

So first, and I mean within the first couple hours, his air defense was wiped out. Then his Air Force was eliminated as a factor. Then his units began getting bombed and demoralized. The big Bunker Buster was being rapidly manufactured. The ground war began as the big boy was coming over in a C-130. The Iraqi Army was defeated with ease. That was my part of the war by the way. I was in the 82nd, and honestly we had mopping up for the most part. A few minor firefights, but nothing like the Marines had.

I digress. However, Saddam was still safe in Baghdad and he knew the Americans would be reluctant to come there. He was safe in the bunkers, and he was waiting for the Americans, with plans for a Stalingrad type defense of the city. There he could reduce the effectiveness of the AirPower. There he could get close enough that the Americans would have to fight too close for air or artillery support. All the while he would be safe within his bunkers.

Then one of the bunkers was smashed by a big boy. It was literally destroyed with that one bomb. That told Saddam he wasn’t safe. The Americans could penetrate that deep and smash through the Concrete. It was seen as a message. Give up now, or we will destroy you. Not Iraq, not the city. Just Saddam.

He realized he would never get the chance for a Stalingrad defense. He would never get the chance to fight as he wanted, the Americans wouldn’t allow it. Literally the next day, Saddam signaled the surrender.

Everything had been taken from him. His Army, the fourth largest in the world, destroyed. His Air Force, wiped out. His gains and captured Kuwait, lost. Finally his secure redoubt was taken from him. He couldn’t run and hide without losing control of his Nation, so all that was left was surrender.
And the F16 planes are next to useless as they are low range and" blind over the horozon"


You are aware they were designed as an air-superiority fighter, right? As such, they do not need an extensive range. Their job is to loiter in an area to intercept inbound aircraft, or to go out and engage enemy aircraft in the FEBA.

Oh, and everything is "blind over the horizon". Sorry, that is one of the most idiotic statements I have heard. And that is why we have systems like AWACS, to operate at high altitude with powerful RADAR systems to extend the horizon. It does not matter if it is an aircraft, a ship, an air defense system, or the Mark 1 eyeball. Everything is blind past the horizon, everything. That is why it is called a "horizon".



  1. the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet. "the sun rose above the horizon"
  2. the limit of a person's mental perception, experience, or interest. "she wanted to leave home and broaden her horizons"

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